Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 226: Spirit Inn Part One

Chapter 226: Spirit Inn Part One

"It is getting dark so we should head to the closest town for the night. There is an inn there and you can get something to eat as well." The girl said after looking at the darkening sky.

"Sounds good. By the way, what is your name? Mines Misaki Mitsu. You can call me Misaki or Mitsu it doesn't matter." Misaki felt this girl was very nice. Although she did leave her senior brother to die, Misaki still found her to be a good girl.

"Su Fan. It's nice to meet you Mitsu. You can just call me Fan. Your name is very unique." Su fan introduced herself. She found Misaki's name to be a little strange.

"The world I come from, I am from a country called Japan. There are many different languages. Each unique to their own country, for the most part. There is a country, well was a country by the name of China that had people with names like yours. Unfortunately, my country and every country on my world was destroyed." Misaki explained.

"Oh? What destroyed your country?" Su Fan asked with great interest.

"Me!" Misaki said smiling rightly and letting out a laugh. Su Fan on the other hand felt a little scared. She did not think Misaki was lying since she was easily able to slap her senior brother to 'death' (even though he was still alive...)

The two girls made their way to town landing just outside of it since flying over the town was prohibited. The town was surrounded by high walls made of logs with a giant gate that was raised halfway. After entering the town Misaki saw many stone and wood buildings. Much more advanced looking than she had thought. She was actually expecting to see thatch wood houses. But surprisingly they had ancient style tiles on the roof. The people in the streets did not seem to find Misaki's current looks to be out of the ordinary for the most part. Some did take a few glances but did not say anything.

As if knowing Misaki's thoughts Su Fan said: "If you're worried about your appearance. don't be. My world is filled with many demons such as yourself who travel around. We worry more about the devil cultivators than those demonic beasts who were able to become saint beasts and take human form. Demonic beasts in human form usually keep to themselves. As for my senior brother attacking you earlier. I think he had a few screws loose now that I think about it. I mean you were flying in the air without any issues." 

"I see So my appearance will not be an issue when I try to join your sect?" Misaki asked.

"Nope we got a few demonic beasts in human form and one is even an elder. I am not sure about the smaller continents but even here on the outer edges of the mainland we still see a fair amount of demonic beasts who have broken through to where they can take on human form. The thing about those demonic beasts in human form is that they give birth to human looking babies as well. So many come out to this area where it is safer and competition is not as high. " Su Fan explained.

"That is good to know. Hopefully, I pass the assessment then." Misak said with a smile.

"Okay, this is the place." The two had arrived in front of a tall stone and wood building that had a large sign that read Spirit Inn on it.

They walked in through the doors and just as they entered Misaki grabbed Su Fan by the waist and dodged to the side. A loud bang was heard and then the sound of a young man's laughter could be heard after. "Haha! Looks like the Chang Xue can't even take a single punch." 

"Wen Li, you bastard!" Chang Xue who was lying in front of the door yelled out in rage as he slowly climbed back on his feet.

"Yell all you want! What can your Misty Cloud Sect do? In two years' time, the Main Land sect battle will be held. Should I cripple you now so you can't even participate?" Wen Li sneered as he spoke with arrogance. The two large men in front of him cracked their knuckles and began walking towards the man on the floor. 

Seeing this scene Misaki found it quite entertaining. But Su Fan did not. "Senior Brother Wen?"

"Junior Sister why are you here? Where is Brother Qiao?" Chang Xue looked around and asked.

"He, he, brought me into the deepest part of the forest and ended up dying to a demonic beast. If it was not for Mitsu here I would have been dead as well." Su Fan lied without a shred of guilt.

"Oh, another one from that trashy sect?" Wen Li looked at Misaki and Su Fan his lips curled up into a smile. "Not bad, not bad. I tell you what, Chang Xue, give these two girls to me and I will not cripple you today. "

"You! You expect me to just sell out my junior sister!? Fuck off!" Change's Xue's face turned red with anger as he drew his sword.

Seeing how things were going Misaki looked on excitedly. She even leaned over and whispered to Su Fan: "Can we get some food while we watch the show?" 

Her question confused Su Fan at first but she quickly recovered her senses and nodded her head. "Sure, I will order something now." 

Misaki nodded and looked at the two men who were looking back in her direction. She smiled and said: "Come on, don't stop on my account. Let the blood flow already."


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