Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 233: Entrance Test Part Four

Chapter 233: Entrance Test Part Four

Misaki looked at Qian Yan, confused about what she was freaking out about. Qian Yan saw Misaki's questioning look and quickly explained. "It is normal for a person to use this pill to open their meridians but to start off the meridians will normally be weak and are very narrow, but yours are strong and wide enough to let a river of spiritual qi rush through them. But what is even more surprising is the fact that you excreted no impurities. When I first opened my meridians when I was ten years old, my whole body was covered in a black sticky film. To be honest I am kind of jealous since you do not need to smell that stench. 

"Mitsu, if I may ask, how are you so strong? I mean you have only a small amount of spiritual qi in your dantian." Qian Yan had been suppressing her urge to ask and finally could not hold it in any longer.

"Hmmm Cause, I am?" Misaki said with a smile and did not elaborate more. She patted Qian Yan on the head and asked: "Can you teach me this cultivation thing now?" 

Qian Yan did not know whether to laugh or cry at Misaki's answer. Forcing a smile, Qian Yan nodded her head and began going over the cultivation method. "So basically you need to feel the spiritual qi in the air and direct it into your body, then circulate it by following the path within this cultivation method to start your path of cultivation."

Misaki nodded her head and began feeling the air around her. She had already felt the power in the air, she just had no idea what it was. Since now she knew, she closed her eyes and began to take the spiritual qi in. There was one thing that was an issue for Misaki. Cultivation was not something, someone who has the mindset of a gamer can deal with. She only made it past ten minutes before falling asleep. As for Qian Yan who was sitting next to her watching over her, she did her best not to laugh at the situation. But she wondered how far Misaki would get if she did not learn to cultivate properly.

The next day Misaki and the rest of the people taking the third test all gathered at a large space with many stages. In total there seemed to be around a thousand people here. On top of one of the stages the same Elder who handled Misaki's tests stood tall looking down at the promising new disciples of his sect. His eyes fell on both Misaki and Qian Yan which caused him to smile. " Today we will be doing battles. Now to be clear if you lose you fail. Meaning you can not join the sect. So make sure you try your best even if your opponent is very tough. Now, we will split you up into five groups of one hundred. Those who are seeded do not need to fight today. You may go back and cultivate if you wish. For the rest of you, come draw lots." 

Qian Yan turned to Misaki and asked: "What do you plan to do?"

"Mmm I will give this cultivation thing a try again." Misaki did not go anywhere, she immediately sat down where she stood and began circulating the qi in her body. She figured if she could cultivate in a noisy area she won't fall asleep. 

Half a day went by and the sounds of someone breaking through over and over could be heard since morning. So much so that even the battles were slow due to everyone looking off in a certain direction at two girls sitting side by side cultivating. 

"This girl is pretty crazy. She has already reached qi gathering stage five in a matter of a few hours. According to the number of times she has broken through, she really had not cultivated at all until now. She is a rare talent." The Elder said to a man standing next to him. 

"Mhm It seems the future of our Misty Cloud Sect will be a promising one. But in order to let her grow, she will stay in the outer sect for now. It seems her cultivation is also slowing down. Which is a good thing since she will need to build her foundation. Keep a close eye on her and give her a few extra resources, the girl next to her as well." The man speaking was the Sect Master of the Misty Cloud Sect. He looked thoughtfully at the two girls cultivating before turning to leave. He saw the two girls as the shining stars of his sect that will bring the sect into a new era.

The battles continued until nightfall, it was only then that Misaki opened her eyes and felt a second kind of strength flowing through her. After many breakthroughs, she had reached the peak of qi gathering before her quick progression slowed down. She opened and closed her fist a few times enjoying this new sensation. "Not bad Seems learning this cultivation thing was a good idea. It is too bad the progression began to slow down. Well, not that it matters, the system already told me it would take about a thousand years to leave this world. I hope my wives and kids will be okay." Misaki muttered to herself. 

Qian Yan who was sitting next to her heard every word Misaki said. She had no idea what any of it meant but she decided not to ask or say a word about it. Since she was Misaki's friend, she would keep her friend's secrets safe!


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