Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 108: Even My Fart Is More Primeval Than You

Chapter 108: Even My Fart Is More Primeval Than You

Nolan and Eva looked towards the place the shout had come. As they looked at the person who shouted, both of them left flabbergasted. They never thought they would be able to see something like this.

"Save me!" 

A tiny figure was flying towards the duo with a shocking speed, making both of them speechless. Behind it was a huge eagle with its beak wide opened while saliva was dripping continuously.

However, no matter what the eagle tried, it couldn't catch that tiny figure.


Eva shouted excitedly. She had never thought that she would be able to encounter a fairy. She had heard the stories about the fairies but she had never dreamed that one day she would be able to meet it herself.

Though Nolan was also surprised after looking at the tiny figure. He was shocked like Eva. 

However, if this fairy was here which means she was living here for a long time. That man's remains couldn't possibly produce another race out of nowhere after all. It could only evolve other species.

Nolan saw that the fairy had a golden crown over her head. She was wearing a beautiful dress made of leaves. Two pairs of wings could be seen behind her back.

"What are you doing staying there like a stupid!? Help me!" Nolan became flabbergasted when he heard the shout of the lady but he quickly recovered.

He looked at the tiny beautiful figure before speaking, "Why should I save you?"

That fairy became completely stunned when she heard Nolan, but then replied, "Are you blind? You can't see how beautiful I am. A true man should protect every beauty in this world. Aren't you a man?"

Nolan looked at the lady speechlessly. How narcissistic!

"Are you deaf? Kill that eagle fast!" the tiny figure said in a commanding tone.

"Umm.." Nolan couldn't find any word to answer the lady, he was utterly speechless by this tiny... err lady's speech.

Eventually, Nolan shook his head, what a troublesome woman. He took out his sabre and swung towards the eagle which was just a few feet away from the group.



Egle's agonised screamed echoed in the forest before falling on the ground lifelessly.


The small head of the eagle had been smashed into a mash, scattering the tiny particles of its brain matter. Drops of blood also landed on the group's body.

"Woah, you are so powerful!" the fairy shouted excitedly, looking at the Nolan with adoration. When Nolan saw her gaze he immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

However, at this moment, Ayaan who was immersed in this world heard shouts. There were helplessness, anger, regret, fear and many more emotions which Ayaan himself couldn't describe.

Eventually, the scene in front of him started to fade.


"Oh no!" Leafwhisk shouted inside the seventh floor of the pagoda, looking at the condition of Ayaan.

"What happened?" Noor asked nervously while everyone else turned towards Leafwhisk, looking at her worriedly.

"Ayaan isn't resisting at all!" Leafwhisk said anxiously. She herself didn't know why he wasn't resisting that demon. The demon was trying to possess Ayaan; there should be a strong struggle between the two but now, Ayaan was letting the demon do as he pleased inside his body. In the end, he completely lifted the restriction over his bloodline.

"Keke, now no one could stop me from possessing this body and the elementless pagoda would be mine!" the demon's thunderous voice resounding on the entire seventh floor, frightening all the girls present there.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Rebecca completely lost her composer at this moment after hearing that eerie voice. Her entire face turned white in horror, body trembling in fear for Ayaan.

Other two ladies weren't doing any better. Tears had drowned their beautiful cheeks. They had never felt such helplessness.

"Wake up, Ayaan!" Suddenly, Rebecca shouted, eyes filled with tears. She continued, "You can't die! If you were to die, don't expect me to remain in this world!"

Other ladies heard her shout was shaken by her conviction. Only now did they realise why Ayaan trusted her so much even more than Noor who was his first love. It was because, for Rebecca, Ayaan was everything. He was more important than even her own life.

When they looked in her eyes, they knew that if something happened to Ayaan she wouldn't even hesitate to follow behind him. Such conviction shocked them.

Both the sisters looked at each other and sighed on their own inferiority. Rebecca was really worthy of his care and love.

But then, their faces also turned grave and looked at Ayaan. Noor said with an unwavering determination, "If you die here today. I will accompany you."

A complicated look appeared on Isobel's face. She looked at Ayaan's handsome countenance and a painful look appeared on her perfect face, as she spoke her voice was full of regret, "Though I never told you before, I know you are smart enough to know my feelings. You are the first and last man I fell in love with, if you weren't in this world, there would be no meaning in living."

"What is the use of strength if I don't have anyone to share? You are such a scoundrel. You made me fall in love with you but I never had the chance to even confess, today I am really feeling pitiful. This anguish, this pain is unbearable"

Leafwhisk's body suddenly trembled when she heard Isobel's last sentence. A very painful expression appeared on her face. She looked at Isobel and saw her image in her.

She looked at the sky and a drop of tear fell from her eyes which were filled with anguish. The pain which was hidden all this time appeared again; she liked ending her life but then, a smiling figure surfaced in front of her eyes, who was fighting hundreds of people all alone.

"Hahaha, this soul is mine!" suddenly a burst of sinister laughter resounded. Everyone's body trembled with fear.

Only Leafwhisk was still looking in the sky, slowly a handsome appeared in her eyes, smiling at her.

She looked at that face and said with her trembling voice, "Nolan~"

But just as she said the name, the image disappeared. A painful expression emerged on her face and she closed her eyes.

The huge demon looked at the shining soul of Ayaan and burst into a peal of laughter, "After devouring this soul, I will become one of the strongest figures in this world. Who would dare to stand in front of me by then? Who would oppose me? I will slaughter anything and anyone who obstruct my path, kekekee!"

The demon opened his mouth to take Ayaan's entire consciousness. The demon thought it was such an easy kill this time, he thought it would be hard to control this person since the holy stone was suppressing him. But who knew that Ayaan won't even resist him. Though he was suspicious about such a development, he didn't stop. He wanted to control Ayaan's body and he will do that!


Just when he was about to devour Ayaan's soul, a whooshing sound resounded.



Suddenly, an attack landed on the Demon's head, pushing it back. While blood dripped from his head. After tumbling for more than fifty steps back, the demon was able to stabilize his body and turned to look at the source of the attack. He couldn't believe in his own eyes that something like this was happening.

"How-how is this possible!?" the demon shrieked in disbelief, "How could you materialise yourself inside your consciousness!? You aren't powerful enough to do that, so how?"

At this moment, Ayaan was standing in front of the demon without any expression, his expression was chilli. He was carrying a sabre at this moment. He was releasing a carefree aura.

Ayaan looked at the huge dog in front of him and said with a chilli voice, "You don't know many things in this world. Though you think you are smartest here; but you are nothing but a buffoon who doesn't know good from the bad."

"Primeval being? Existence made by heaven directly? You? Even my fart is more primeval than you. You are nothing but a lowly demon. You think you can devour my soul. Aren't you afraid of having constipation? Your appetite is really big."

"You don't even have your own body, you were living inside my body like a disgusting parasite but now, you are talking about killing and slaughtering thousands. What a moron you are?"

The more the demon heard the darker his face became. At last, he couldn't control his anger and attacked, "Die, you bastard!"

Ayaan didn't back down. He looked at the huge claw without any expression. When the attack was about to hit him only then, he used his sabre to block the attack.


The demon looked at Ayaan in disbelief. His attack was blocked by Ayaan without any effort. He was still as calm as ever, there wasn't any expression.

"How is this possible? Though you were able to materialise inside your consciousness, it shouldn't be this strong. Without prior experience, how are you controlling your soul body this perfectly! This is impossible!'' The demon shrieked in disbelief. The terror was written all over his dog face.

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