Chapter 1189: Chapter 1188: Free To Go..?
Chapter 1189: Chapter 1188: Free To Go..?
I slowly removed my fingers from the Caliph's skull, both of my thumbs coated in blood and gore that signified the defeat of this rather worthy - and also annoying - opponent, and while it seemed anticlimactic, the fact that I had managed to accumulate that much speed in such a short period of time was rather potent.
I don't really know if most people in this world could comprehend moving that fast, and even if they could... the body of us mortals wasn't meant to be traveling that fast even if we were upgraded with mana; there was only so much strength we could gain on the interior of our bodies without specifically enhancing it, and that wasn't something that most people thought of doing.
Even with the few potions and ideas Leone had for this in particular I was still sitting here, unable to get up since my lower spine was ravaged with various splinters while my legs were even worse, though since the tattoo on my left arm was active I couldn't actually feel what that pain was right now... but I knew it was going to be really bad when this spell was dropped.
Though the question became whether or not I could drop that enchantment at all since the Fiend was standing above me with that lazy expression, staring at me with few, if any emotions in their eyes as they studied the sight beneath them, looking at both me and the dead man I was sitting on.
"Not exactly what I was expecting from this, to which I am going to give you props. That is... quite the fascinating way to deal with an opponent like this one. All the magic I was hoping to see was never revealed... but the way you went about it..."
Crouching to bring themselves eye level with me, the Fiend tilted their head and nodded a few times before adding "It was fascinating. Using the explosion of that pendant to launch yourself into the air before utilizing the same spell to increase your velocity even more as you hurtled down to the ground. Clever thinking."
The Fiend continued to nod as they turned their gaze towards the Caliph once more, and with a wave of their hand all of the pendants, rings and earrings floated over towards them, hovering around their hand before crumpling in on themselves as the Fiend clenched their fist.
"Well... while I did expect and want more from that, the result is the result and unless I decide I feel like going through the process of resurrecting this bothersome male just to pit the two of you against one another. Which... is far too much trouble. No, I think I am happy with what I've learned and what I've seen. You're amusing enough, little dog."
Patting my head like I was legitimately just an animal resting here for their amusement, the Fiend then placed their finger on my lips as I tried to say something, showing off that immediate speed as it ensured I couldn't speak.
"No no no, dog. No barking allowed. You already saw what can happen if you do, hm? Be quiet, and you can live. Or... should I say I am doing a favor to you, Sla'Caligo? You can come out now; I know you're here."
"Mhm~? How is it a favor, little one~? You're fast, certainly, but do try and touch what's mine; go on~! Tell me if you can do harm~?"
Cali appeared beside me with a languid grin as she floated around lazily, matching the attitude of the Fiend before me and watching with a sparkle in her eyes as the Fiend frowned, their hand clasping my throat.
"Unless you were planning on having sexual relations with my little puppy here, you cannot harm her~! Isn't that nifty~?"
The Fiend tried to give my throat a squeeze only to blink a few times when their fingers didn't respond, and I swallowed hard as my eyes darted towards Cali, who was still grinning like this was just a fun little joke she was telling.
"So if I wanted... no, if I desired to have sexual relations with this mortal, I could, in theory, act on those desires and harm her? But if I don't have those desires, there is no way I can bring myself to harm her? Fascinating. I had heard about your particular perspective on Lust Mana, Sla'Caligo, and experiencing it first hand is rather... interesting."
All of the snakes atop Cali's head hissed at the Fiend, and a few of them shimmered with a pink glow as they made their own point to the Fiend, while others bared their fangs and revealed dozens of Ritual Circles that shone deep in their throats.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om
"Correct~! So if you have the desire to relieve yourself of your lust by raping my charge, please, be my guest~! I have to admit I am intrigued by the impact it would have on her and her private life~! Otherwise... perhaps it is time for you to leave? This city, I mean.
Unless you wish to take the risk of testing that magic of yours against the Sultana? She is no Empress, certainly, but the flavor of strength that she wields is rather oppressive in its own right. And even you cannot dodge dozens of juiced up warriors willing to lay down their lives for said Sultana."
Releasing me and stepping back, the Fiend nodded and sighed as they said "You would be correct; besides, the idea of changing an entire biome like this one is not my preferred kind of change. It doesn't benefit the world, not when so much we still do not know is lost because of it. I was just here to acquire the things I need."
"Good. Farewell then~! Have fun out there, and don't be stupid~!"
Waving to the Fiend, Cali smiled until the Fiend flickered away, allowing her to spin back towards me with a raised brow as she said "Breaking your back in the wrong way, Kat...", which made me roll my eyes as I reached for a potion and began to heal up.