1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 40

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 40

40. Entrance Examination (2)

For me, lighting five flames is a difficult task.

Especially if they’re all different colors.

However, I had learned the art of staff handling from Carmelo, and on my hands were the “Gloves of Mana’s Blessing” gifted by the landlady.

The precision of the spellcraft, compounded consecutively, meant it was entirely possible.


At the tips of my left fingers, flames of five colors blossomed.

Rockefeller’s eyes widened as if taken aback, and the onlookers remained silent and still.

Then, a burst of laughter erupted.


“Keuk, what, what is that?”

Well, perhaps it’s understandable.

The flames hanging from my fingertips were as tiny as ants.

But I didn’t care.

As I’ve said time and again, one must be shameless.

“I’ve met the conditions, so I’ve passed. Now, if you could just keep an eye on the other contestants.”

“Yes, a pass is a pass. You’ve done quite well, so here’s a reward.”

Rockefeller wore a feigned smile.

What he extended was a consent form with three clauses, only given to those who passed the second test.

The content was briefly as follows:

This academy does not expel students.

Nor does it recognize students’ withdrawals.

In case of death during enrollment, the academy bears no responsibility.

Clauses filled with ominous undertones.

One might think, ‘It’s just an academy, like a university, what could happen?’ But I knew why these clauses existed.

“I would appreciate it if you could refrain from laughing. Hershel has passed the test. I hope you all will follow his example and work hard.”

Rockefeller moved away, hiding his true feelings.

Just as he was about to exit through the school gates, he cast a meaningful glance over his shoulder at me.

I had a feeling he wasn’t going to give up just like that, which left me feeling uneasy.

* * *

Rockefeller walked down the corridor, irritably ruffling his hair.

‘What on earth happened?’

He had been certain that I would apply for the Knight Department exam and had let his guard down.

However, in the midst of it all, the professor in charge of the Magic Department’s paperwork came to express his concerns, reporting that he had arrived here.

“Could you have taken the wrong path, or are you perhaps a proxy test-taker?” he asked again, but the answer was always the same.

“I have indeed applied to the Magic Department, Professor Rockefeller. Moreover, my identity has been thoroughly verified. With no grounds left to question, I was allowed to take the written exam.”

The situation had become thoroughly tangled.

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Therefore, Rockefeller personally went to the written exam hall where Hershel was, to see if he was cheating, watching him like a hawk.

‘Up until that moment, I was certain. That he would fail.’

Just in case, I even directed the professor to give him the hardest problems for the calculation test.

That should have been enough under normal circumstances.

Yet, he didn’t get a single question wrong and even passed the second exam, which I thought impossible.

‘But him… This is inconceivable.’

From the moment the principal took an interest in him, I had been keeping track of everything from his evaluations to the smallest rumors.

He was known to be a troublemaker with a temper, the son of Aiol, and there were credible rumors that he had survived the breath of a monster.

There was not a single story about magic in that place.

Naturally, it was assumed that he would apply to the Knight Department without any need for intervention.

“Damn it, I was complacent. I should have sent the invitation to the Knight Department from the start.”

Occasionally, there were mistakes where only the Magic Department’s invitation was sent to a student of the Knight Department, so sending both notifications for administrative convenience had led to this blunder.

Rockefeller, having taken a shortcut, stood in front of the principal’s office in the main academy building, calming his tense heart with a deep breath.

“Principal Arkandric, I have come on an errand.”

“Oh, is that you, Rockefeller? Come in.”

As soon as I entered the principal’s office, I could faintly hear a dying sound from beyond the window.


Rockefeller, looking at the student crucified in the middle of the training ground, asked,

“Is he a deserter?”

An old man with muscles and a scar over one eye clicked his tongue.

“Tsk, calling a student who tried to leave the school grounds a deserter. You’ve been in the military too long and still haven’t adapted.”

“I apologize, Principal. It was a slip of the tongue.”

As Rockefeller bowed his head, Arkandric smiled contentedly, stroking his white beard.

“That’s right. This is a place of education where we teach with love. Other academies might give demerits and expel students when they accumulate, but we don’t end with simple punishment. Never giving up on a student is the spirit of a true educator. You must never forget that spirit. Now, what brings you here?”

Rockefeller cautiously began after gauging his reaction.

“Actually, Hershel Ben Tenest has enrolled in the Magic Department. He passed the baseline, so for now, he’s been accepted…”

Akandrik clenched his teeth and let out a menacing voice.

“Let me ask you something, just in case. Was the Grand Duke the type to permit that guy to learn magic?”

“The Grand Duke is a knight of deep and pure lineage. He would never allow it.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought. Just as the rumors say, he knows how to get under people’s skin.”

The decision to admit Hersel to the magic department would have infuriated him, regardless of any malice.

Especially since he went through all sorts of trouble to get the guy into the knight department.

“But you know, Rockefeller, don’t you? As soon as the news spread that he survived the monster’s breath, other academies were eyeing him greedily.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“So, what did I do?”

“…I dare not say it myself.”


Akandrik’s fist, as big as a pot lid, split the desk in two.

“I even bowed down to those unlucky principals. Was that all? I even touched the school’s operating funds to bribe them. But what’s the result? Huh? Answer me. You were in charge of admissions, weren’t you?”

With eyes bulging as if they might pop out, Rockefeller calmly brushed his face with one hand and said,

“I won’t make excuses. However, I will continue to try to get him into the knight department.”

“Hmm, right. People can make mistakes. What’s important is the attitude to correct them. But the method must be clean.”

“Yes, I understand. I will pressure him under the allowed regulations.”

“That’s right, that’s right. You know I trust you, don’t you?”


Under Akandrik’s pressure, Rockefeller felt like dying.

Of course, it’s not incomprehensible.

Talented guys all go to good academies, so the quality of students here has severely fallen behind.

The principal had become a laughingstock among other principals every time, so he must be furious.

In such a situation, he was desperate to recruit talent, and the promising guy he had his hopes on went astray.

Rockefeller sighed in relief at the principal’s display of extreme patience.

* * *

After finishing the second exam, he approached Cellie, who was waiting in the lounge.

“How did it go?”

“Well, of course, I passed.”


With a soft sigh from Selly, I squinted my eyes and asked,

“Do you wish you had failed and gone home?”

“No? Not at all. I was relieved that you passed.”

I can’t tell who she’s taking after with such brazenness.

“But don’t worry too much. Depending on the final third exam, you could lead a pretty decent life.”


Privileges do exist here, more clearly than in other academies.

To receive good privileges, one must score top marks in the third exam.

“Bring your luggage. It’s time to start moving.”

“What? Already? Others are still resting.”

Well, getting a head start is important.

“Stop dawdling and move. Don’t you want to live in a good dorm?”

“Of course, I do.”

I was moving places with Selly when a dashing young master blocked our path at the exam site.

“Mr. Hershel. I was truly surprised. When did you learn magic?”

“······Did you pass too?”

“Of course. I’ve been learning for a long time. But earlier, it was really cool. When those fools laughed at you, the moment you sparked a flame on your finger! I felt chills, you know?”

It’s a bit awkward, but he’s showing kindness.

Then I should respond with courtesy.

“Don’t make a fuss. We’ll be learning together at the Department of Magic, let’s get along.”

The guy once again showed an almost exaggeratedly touched expression.

“Are you serious? That you want to get along with me?”

“That’s right. I look forward to it.”

“I’m moved… Though I’m lacking, I hope to get along well with you too.”

There’s a busy place I need to be, so the conversation ends here.

I was about to tell Selly to move on, but something seemed off.

What is it?

She looks unusually tense.

“Wow, Celly. Long time no see? Still taking good care of the young master?”

“…Yes, that’s right. Master Rendel.”

“Come to think of it, our maid was quite indebted to us back then.”

“I’m sorry for that time.”

“No, no. Being a maid to Master Hersel, that’s the least you could do.”

Their conversation sounded strangely off.

One side seemed to be speaking warmly, but Celly appeared somewhat frightened.

“Hold on, did you say Rendel? Step aside for a moment. I have something to discuss with her alone.”

“Ah, sure. Have a good talk. I’ll wait here.”

Once he stepped away, I asked Celly.

“Who is that guy?”

“…You know who he is. Why ask all of a sudden?”

“I told you before. I’m not Hersel. I’m someone else who’s possessed this body. So explain it to me like you would to a madman, as usual.”


Celly hesitated before answering.

“He’s a member of the club the young master created.”


“You know, the one you made by calling your friends over.”

“What’s that about?”

“The Lethe of Oblivion.”

For a moment, time seemed to freeze.

I knew what the Lethe club was.

And realizing that Hersel was the founder was a shock that wouldn’t fade.

Rendel, oblivious to my feelings, thought the conversation was over and approached with a silly grin.

“So, Celly dragged out her answer again, huh? Well then, Master Hersel. How have you been? That creative game you made.”


“Yes, you know. The one where the maids fight and bet money. Nothing’s more entertaining than a catfight. That’s why I brought a girl who’s quite good at fighting this time.”

I flicked my index finger, gesturing for him to come closer.

“Ah, yes. Do you have something to say?”

“Did you say Rendel?”

“Indeed, it’s an honor to have you call my name.”

“You’re cut off.”

After saying that,

I expanded my muscles and drove my clenched fist into the guy’s face.


Without exaggeration, Rendel’s body spun a full circle in the air.

With a magician’s physique, he was no match for my muscular punch.

“Gah… My, my teeth. My teeth!”

As Rendel, who had fallen to the ground, picked up his white teeth like scattered corn kernels, I announced in a lowered voice,

“Make sure to tell the others. I’m done with such childish games.”

“Are, are you serious?”

“Don’t make me say it twice. But hey, if you want another punch, I’ll oblige.”

Rendel, with a bewildered expression, huffed and puffed, then his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Ignoring such a guy, I said to Selly,

“What are you doing? We need to hurry.”


Was it that surprising?

Even as Selly walked silently, she blinked and kept looking at my face.


“No, just wondering if it’s really okay. They’re your friends, after all, and connections are important for life at the academy.”

“Forget it. Associating with those losers is a loss.”


Selly snickered and walked ahead.

Whatever she was thinking, there was not a shred of falsehood in my words.

And for good reason, the origin of the name ‘Lethe of Oblivion’ was from drinking until memories flew away.

Those who join such a group are all rascals.

In the academy, their worth is this:

Indispensable third-rate villains, the spice of fun.

Walking plagues destined to be beaten by playable characters until graduation.

If you don’t want to become one, you cut ties from the start.

The place we arrived at was a plain covered in snow.

Thus, in the middle, a long marble table and a single professor stood out conspicuously.

The professor, seeing Selly, pointed to a building on the side and said,

“Servants should head that way.”

“Ah, yes.”

As Selly picked up her luggage and left, the professor, without further explanation, pointed to the marble table.

On it, wooden tags numbered from 1 to 70 were neatly laid out.

“Choose one of these.”

I chose number 7.

Because this would be the ticket to the best starting position for the third trial that was about to unfold.

What we had to do now was a joint examination with the knights’ division qualifiers.

It was to escape from the dungeon.

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