500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 224 Do My Best

I sighed as I watched her go, knowing that it was going to be a long road to get her back on my side. But it was a road that I was willing to take, for her sake as well as my own. Now it was time to see how the daughter was doing, but I had a feeling she would be in a better mood than her mother.

One thing, Listenia didn't know that her mother and I were a thing, but she probably put enough clues together. I was sure that she would have heard about me and Nya's reunion.

I sighed, but I really didn't think that Listenia would care. I headed up the stairs and found her smiling and leaning back against her shop counter on the armor side. I knew that look; it was a satisfying one.

"What have you been up to?" I asked, and she smirked.

"Oh, nothing much," she said, and I raised an eyebrow. "I was just listening to you and Elfinia, and I assumed as much, but it gives me so much satisfaction that she can't accept you, even if she wants to!"

"I heard that!" Elfinia yelled from the Weapons side of the shop, where I could see her dusting the weapons.

"Get back to work!" Listenia shouted, and Elfinia scowled as Listenia focused on me again. "So, today is a big day for you, right? You have to fight that giant monster?" Listenia asked, and I nodded with a sign as I walked over and shared a long kiss that became very passionate before we both pulled apart.

"Yes, I was just coming to check on you two, and then I headed to the barrack. I need to get people moving out to the South Wall and get everyone set up. I want to make sure that everyone knows what they are doing. Once the battle starts, there isn't going to be time for me to hold anyone's hand," I said, and Listenia nodded.

"I know, but be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you," she said as she hugged me tightly.

"I will do my best," I said as I hugged her back before breaking the embrace and heading for the door.

"Oh! One more thing!" Listenia called out, and I turned back to look at her. "If you manage to kill that thing, can you bring me back one of its teeth or some bones? I was curious if I could make something out of it!" She said with a grin, and I couldn't help but laugh as I shook my head.

"We will see what we can do," I said before heading out the door and making my way toward the barrack.

The moment that I got outside, a group of women surrounded me.

"We finally found you!"

"Look at that tail!"

"Can I touch it?"

The ladies were surrounding me and slowly tightening the circle. There was no place to escape without hurting someone now, but I had something cooking in the tank.

"Ladies, I have things to do right now, but some find me some other time," I said as my stomach started to growl.

"But we can show you a good time! It won't take that long!" One blonde-haired elf said, but that was when it happened.

I lifted my leg slightly, and my ass cried out so loud that everyone in the area on the street stopped what they were doing to whip their heads around. Another series of farts blasted out of my ass, and the woman who had just spoken was the closest.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" The woman screamed as she covered her face and dropped to the ground. "It's horrible!"

The other women quickly backed up, some gagging as they tried to get away from me. I quickly slipped away before anyone could say anything, but I knew that this wouldn't be the last time that happened.

I made it to the barrack, and people were already starting to gather. It seemed that word had gotten around about what was happening, and people were eager to help.

I walked up to the front of the room and waited for everyone to quiet down before speaking.

"Thank you all for coming! As you know, we are under attack by a giant creature known as a Riftwalker. This creature is mighty and is going to take everything we have to take it down. We need to stop it before it destroys anything," I explained, and people nodded their heads in understanding.

"I have asked for volunteers to help me fight this creature, and I am happy to say that we have enough people! Thank you all for your willingness to put your lives on the line for your home!" I said, and people cheered.

"Now, I need everyone who volunteered to step forward so we can get organized," I said as people started moving forward. I was glad to see so many people willing to step up, because I would need them in the wall.

Soon there was a large group of people standing in front of me, ready to fight with me against the Riftwalker. This was going to be an intense battle, but things were starting to fall into place.

I instructed everyone to start heading out in wagons, but before I left, Kali asked to speak with me in private. I was confused about what the giantess wanted, but it turned out that she only wanted to apologize, again, but it was more than just an apology she wanted.

"Yes?" I asked after Kali had closed the door behind us.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day. I was out of line, and I know that you are only trying to help," Kali said, and I nodded.

"I appreciate the apology, but it's not necessary. I understand that you are under a lot of stress, and things have been tough for you," I said, and Kali nodded.

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