500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 242 Pain

When I woke up, there was someone holding me while I lay in one of the softest and most comfortable beds that I had ever been in. I slowly opened my eyes to look into Tallia's rainbow-colored ones. She still was still the prettiest woman that I had ever seen.

"You are finally awake. I was starting to get worried, and the others were starting to think that I had you tied up in my house," Tallia said as she brushed a hand across my cheek.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked, thinking of when I lost control, and I closed my eyes again.

"Everyone is more than fine; they are all just worried about you. You gave me quite the scare, but you were able to bring yourself back under control. If you have to do that again, you will know what to do this time," Tallia said, but I looked away from her.

"I don't want to have to use this power again. If you hadn't been there, I really don't know what would have happened. I might have destroyed this world and all the people in it," I said, feeling the weight of what could have been pressing down on my chest, but Tallia took my face into her hands, and I opened my eyes.

"Galio, no one would have survived if you didn't do what you did. No one got hurt because you did all the fighting on your own, and you protected everyone," Tallia told me, but it was hard to see things like this, even if she had a point.

"What happens next time? What if I lose control again? This time things were fine only because I was ten miles from everyone else. What happens if they attack a city or there is something in a heavily populated area?" I asked, knowing that if that happened, many people would die.

"You will have me, Galio, and I promise to always be here. I will always be just a single call away from you, but you are going to have to learn how to control this power. It is a part of you now, and it is not going away," Tallia said, and I looked at her.

"I wish that was enough to make me feel better," I muttered, and she leaned in to kiss me on the forehead before she stared into my eyes again.

"Do you trust me?" Tallia asked, catching me off guard.

"With every fiber of my being," I said, and then Tallia kissed me briefly, and I pushed some blonde hair out of her face as she slightly pulled back.

"Then that should be all that you need. You have my love, but you have more than just me. Everyone loves you and cares about you, Galio. We will always be there for you, just like we are for all of us. You are our defense, and we are your family," Tallia explained, and I sighed with a smile.

"I love you," I said, and Tallia grinned as she kissed me again.

"I love you too, Galio. Now let's get you some food so that you can get your strength back up," Tallia said as she pulled away from me and then helped me to my feet.

I was still a little unsteady, but Tallia wrapped an arm around me to help support me. We walked slowly to Tallia's kitchen, but then she motioned for a portal, and I saw everyone looking at me with smiles on their faces. They all wanted to come rushing over to me, but they held back and gave me space as Tallia helped guide me over to a seat.

My body felt like I had been hit by a bus and a train and then finished off by a plane. I didn't have memories of ever being in so much pain before, but even trying to pull in magic did nothing for it. I tried to cast a healing spell, but it did nothing for what I was feeling.

"Galio?! Are you feeling okay?" Eliza asked as she came over and hugged me in my chair, and I returned it softly, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"I am okay, just really sore. How is everyone from the wall doing?" I asked as women started to take chairs around the dining table, but Tallia was on one side, taking one of my hands in her. Just holding her hand seemed to make my body feel better, and I gently squeezed her hand back in appreciation.

"Everyone else? They are all good, but they have been coming to the house almost five times a day for the last three days, wondering when you would be coming back," Eliza sighed, and I chuckled.

"Well, I am glad that everyone is okay," I said, and then yawned as my body started to relax. It was like the pain was just draining out of me.

Food was brought out to me by Breya, of all people, who was wearing an apron. The Angel looked cute in the outfit, and I gave her a kiss after she set my food down, which was pancakes covered in fruit and syrup.

"This is something that we like to eat for breakfast, and Tallia, let us know as soon as you started to get up. I wanted to make sure that this was ready for you," Breya said with a smile, and I kissed her again before digging in.

It didn't take me long to finish all the food, but it was definitely something that I needed. The pancakes were done to perfection, and everything went together perfectly, but now I was starting to feel drowsy again.

"You should get some rest, Galio. You need it," Tallia said as she stood up and then helped me to my feet again, but this time I could stand on my own power.

"Yeah. My body is starting to feel better, but using that power seemed to take a lot more out of me than I expected. It's strange," I said as I slowly stretched, then rubbed my shoulder that was bothering me. "I can't heal myself like normal."

"That power isn't normal, so that makes sense. Now, say goodbye to everyone so we can go back home. I would have just made food for you there, but the Angel demanded that I let her make you the meal since I was taking care of you," Tallia said, and Breya came over with a knowing smile to hug and kiss me, which I returned.

"I will see you all soon, and thank you for everything," I said as I looked at everyone. They all nodded in return, and then Eliza came over to give me a big hug as well.

"Get some rest, Galio; we need you at full strength," Eliza said before she kissed my cheek and then let me go before I was guided out by Tallia.

We both stepped through the portal that took us back to the kitchen of her home, and I saw the table that was set for two. A fire was going in the fireplace, and candles were lit around the room, but there was something else that caught my eye.

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