500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 274 Slave Crest

"What are you going to do with that vile creature?" Breya nearly growled but softened when I gave her a look.

"I am going to bond her to me like Xieus, so I am sure that you all can get things cleaned up here, and then we can meet back at the inn for lunch. There are still a lot of days left, and I want to see if we can find any other cult members. They are going to be a lot harder to find now since I have captured Grimora now," I explained, but Titania marched up to me.

"Are you really going to go spend time with that... creature rather than with me first?!" Titania asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

I then leaned forward with Grimora still in my arms, almost pushing my lips to Titania. Then I whispered all the things that I wanted and was going to do with the demoness, and the Fae Goddess looked a bit pale when I pulled back slowly, but Grimora looked excited since I had made sure to be loud enough for just us to hear.

"I, umm... see," Titania said slowly and then looked down at the excited demoness in my arms. "Will let you take your frustration out on this one first then, but I want you after. Being around you is making me feel things and see flashes of another place with you in it."

"Don't worry about it. The more you spend time with me, the more that it will come to you, but we can talk about this later," I explained as I started walking for the inn with Grimora still in my arms.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on this crazy demoness. She was into some freaky shit, and I am sure that there would be a lot of fun to be had!

I decided that the carriage was probably better than the inn since it was sealed off from the outside world, and there were bedrooms. I didn't want the village to hear this demoness's screams of pleasure because I was going to make sure they came.

"So, you are going to be my master, then? Do I have to call you lord of everything, or can I just call your Galio?" Grimora asked after we had gotten into the carriage and made our way up to what seemed like a master bedroom on the third floor.

"Oh, you can call me Galio," I said, placing her down on the bed before crawling into it myself. "I won't make you my slave; we will work something out."

,m Grimora pouted for a moment at that before she started taking her clothes off.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion as she crawled over to me with a look of hunger in her eyes!

"You need to mark this body so no one else can have it but you," Grimora replied while leaning forward to kiss just below my neck. She added more pressure quickly after laying gentle kisses along my collarbone until reaching up toward the top of my head, where our lips met briefly before parting again.

"Are you sure that you want me to make you a slave? I can think of another way that I can bond you to me if you want?" I suggested, but Grimora shook her head, undoing my pants.

"I want you to mark me, and I want to be on a leash. I am going to be your sex slave, so do all the freaky things you can think of to me. I am ready for you; I just need you to make me your slave so I never have to go back to Bellazibub," Grimora said as she started to pull my pants and underwear down.

"Okay, but let me do the rites then," I said as I pushed the naked pink demoness back on the bed, taking my pants the rest of the way off and pulling my shirt off. Then I activated my spell that set up the bed with chains and pulled them out of the mattress.

I then started chanting in an ancient language as I crawled on top of Grimora while she looked at me curiously. Her eyes were almost mesmerized by mine, so I knew that she was entranced enough to start the Slave Crest spell.

Grimora's body was completely limp when I activated the spell, and it started drawing symbols all over her body in black ink as it appeared from nowhere around us!

Her body looked like it was being possessed, but the spell wasn't that kind of spell. It was just enslaving her will to mine while also blocking off any other influences, which meant I could erase Bellazibub's influence as well since she had enslaved Grimora, to begin with!

The symbols appeared on every inch of her skin until there seemed almost no blank space left on Grimora at all!

"Grimora," I said finally after the tattooing had stopped and started drawing mixed colors in between some of the symbols. These tattoos would be permanent unless removed by magic. They pretty much would never disappear completely from this point forward, even if someway terminated from my end. "You are now mine forever."

I then sealed the markings with a kiss on her forehead and finally pulled the spell into myself. It was like drawing in a deep breath of fresh air after holding it for so long! I then got up off of Grimora's motionless body, pulling down my pants and crawling into bed beside her.

"Please wake up now," I said after lightly slapping both cheeks softly as if that would actually work. Magical spells didn't generally respond well to physical contact, but sometimes there were odd instances when they did, or special conditions had to be met.

"Are we done?" Grimora asked quietly sometime later as she slowly lifted herself from lying flat on the bed until she was leaning against me, looking at me confusedly for several minutes before slowly relaxing again while still staring deeply into my eyes!

"Done? That part, but now for the fun part, " I said, pulling her closer to me as our lips met in a passionate kiss!

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