500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 296 Bird Cage

We continued to stand there for several minutes, just staring at the darkness beyond the light of the candle, but nothing happened; There was no sound or movement at all... It was like this room was completely empty except for us two. Finally, started walking into the darkness, and Kelly grabbed me again.

"What are you doing?!" She exclaimed as she tried to pull me back, but I just shrugged her off and kept walking. "You are going to get us killed!"

"No, I am not," I muttered before coming to a stop just where the light of the candle seemed to end. "See? We are fine."

Kelly just sighed heavily but didn't say anything else as she reluctantly followed after me. We continued walking like this for several minutes until we finally came across something; A door! This one was made entirely out of wood with carvings all over it that looked like animals; There was a lion, a snake, an eagle, and a bunch of other animals that I couldn't quite identify.

"Do you think this is it?" Kelly asked as she reached out to touch the door hesitantly, but I just shrugged.

"I have no idea," I admitted as I looked over the door carefully; It was pretty dark here, but with my eyes, I could see it clearly. I felt around it, and each one of the animal heads clicked in as I pressed on them until the door swung open, making me step back. "After you," I said, gesturing for Kelly to go first, and she just glared at me before stepping through the door.

I followed after her, and we found ourselves in what looked like a giant birdcage; The floors and walls were all made of metal bars that were close enough together that even a small child wouldn't be able to fit through; There also didn't seem to be a ceiling, and turned back the door had disappeared... which probably wasn't a good sign.

"What is this place?" Kelly asked as she looked around with wide eyes, but I just shrugged.

"No idea," I muttered as I started walking forward carefully; There was something about this place that made my hackles rise... It felt like we were being watched again! Sure enough, when we reached the center of the room, four pairs of red eyes suddenly opened up in the darkness above us!

"What are those things?" Kelly exclaimed as she stumbled backward in fear as the creatures started to descend towards us slowly. They looked like some sort of nightmare snakes with black fur and red eyes; Some of them had wings, while others had legs, but they were all hissing menacingly at us. "Please tell me you have a plan!"

"Sure, I am going to hit them really hard!" I laughed as I charged forward and leaped into the air to bring my tail down on the head of one of the creatures. It let out a painful screech as it was knocked to the ground, but its partners quickly came to its aid; Three of them lunged at me with their mouths open wide, trying to bite me!

I quickly dodged out of harm's way and then ran towards one of them before leaping up into the air and kicking it in midair. It flew backward and hit one of its partners hard enough that both of them tumbled to the ground; The other creature hissed angrily before flying at me again, but I was already moving.

I leaped over its head and then turned around in midair before bringing my fist down onto the top of it as hard as I could; There was a sickening crunching sound as its skull caved inward, and then it fell from the sky like a stone.

The remaining two creatures were not happy about this turn of events, though, so they both lunged at me again; I dodged out of harm's way quickly enough, but they were both much faster than me... And there were too many for me to fight both at the same time.

I quickly ran towards one of them and leaped up into the air to avoid its mouth, but it turned around in midair and snapped at me with its teeth. I barely managed to avoid being bitten, but it did snag my shirt; I winced as its teeth scraped against my skin painfully before finally letting go.

I hit the ground hard but quickly got back onto my feet just in time to see the creature lunging at me again; I tried to dodge out of harm's way, but it was too fast; It slammed into me hard enough that all of the air was knocked out of lungs and then started wrapping itself around me tightly!

The other creature hissed menacingly as it watched its partner start squeezing the life out of me; Kelly was shouting something from behind me, but I couldn't hear her over the roaring in my ears. My vision started to fade as I felt myself losing consciousness... So I got mad.

"No more of this bullshit!" I roared, and my teeth and nails became sharper, and I bit and tore into the creature that was trying to kill me. It hissed and screeched in pain as I shredded its body until it finally let me go; Then I quickly leaped out of harm's way just in time to avoid being hit by the other creature.

I hit the ground hard but quickly rolled back onto my feet before charging at the creature and leaping into the air. I grabbed onto its tail with one hand and then started slashing my claws into its side over and over again until it let out a final screech and then plummeted to the ground dead. The remaining creature hissed angrily before flying away into the darkness... But not before leaving a few parting words.

'You have passed... The sixth trial.'

As soon as it was gone, Kelly ran up to me with wide eyes; "What was that?! What happened to you?!" She exclaimed as she looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and fear, but I just brushed her off as the final door appeared.

"Let's go," I said as I wiped the blood from my mouth on my forearm.

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