A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 199: Providing Intelligence

Chapter 199: Providing Intelligence

Fulin, the witch, mentioned that the document detailed the steps for summoning devils and signing contracts with them.

According to her, this document not only contained information but was also an indispensable item during the contract signing.

So, it needed to be retrieved.

Otherwise, the consequences of its misuse could be dire.


Upon hearing "devil summoning ritual," memories of death flooded Hua Mi's mind.

Summoning devils... signing contracts with them...

Inside his meditation sphere, he happened to possess a contract signed with a devil.

It was seized from a mage in a gray robe last year.

At that time, as he delved into his mental sphere, merely glancing at the contract sparked a strong sense of discomfort. The devil's words seemed to carry inherent power.

"Could it be that the person the witch is seeking is the one in the gray robe?" Hua Mi pondered without revealing his thoughts.

It might not just be a coincidence.

Perhaps she obtained a clue, learning that the target had ventured toward the Black Forest.

Thus, Fulin arrived in the vicinity and coincidentally encountered Hua Mi.

In the context of the entire western continent, McKang Village and the Black Forest were essentially one focal point.

Considering this, if Fulin truly had a lead, their meeting wouldn't be entirely coincidental.

Cautiously, Hua Mi inquired, "When was it stolen?"

Fulin replied, "The theft happened quite a while ago, about two years back. However, that person was well-prepared. Exploiting our trust and adept concealment skills, they managed to deceive us for a long time. We only discovered the missing item recently."

Hua Mi knew that the gray-robed figure had settled outside a tower in a village in the Sulfur Card Principality for a substantial period three years ago, nearly staying for two years, remaining reclusive and enigmatic throughout.

Such prolonged seclusion couldn't have been without purpose; there must have been clandestine activities.

Previously, Hua Mi speculated that the gray robe figure had conducted devil-contract rituals and perhaps the creation of resurrection corpses there.

If indeed it was the gray-robed figure who stole it, considering Fulin's mentioned timeframe, they were residing in that tower when the theft occurred at the Witch Academy, acquiring that document.

Similarly, the creation of resurrection corpses was a forbidden practice not sanctioned by society.

Perhaps the gray-robed figure learned it from the Witch Academy.

However, creating resurrection corpses didn't require the document itself as material; only memorizing the steps was necessary, not taking away the record.

Thus, only the document detailing devil contracts was stolen.

Initially, Hua Mi found it peculiar where the gray-robed figure had learned such taboo rituals.

If it was from the witch's side, it seemed somewhat plausible.

In his impression, taboos and witches were inherently linked.

He further inquired, "Who was the person who stole it? Can you describe them? I might have seen them."

After contemplating for a moment, Fulin said, "They were a human mage who liked wearing a gray robe. We referred to them as 'Gray-Robed Uno'..."

It was indeed him!

Hua Mi pondered how to explain this to the witch and where to start.

Before he could speak, the witch blinked at him and continued, "You must be curious why we trusted him so much, right? But I'm sorry, this is not something we can discuss with outsiders, even if you saved my life. As they say, some family secrets are best kept hidden. I can only tell you that he has a long-standing relationship with our headmaster, grew up together since childhood, and has some unspeakable ties, understand?"


Fulin gestured and winked at him.

Hua Mi was speechless, thinking, "You're saying it's not something to discuss, yet you've basically spilled everything."

Observing her expression, he couldn't help but wonder how she managed to be both beautiful and lewd at the same time.

Curiously, Hua Mi asked, "What potential harm could arise if that document gets out?"

"What kind of harm can it cause?" Fulin raised an eyebrow, her expression exaggerated. "What do you think? It's a document about summoning demons. Devils! What consequences do you think it might bring?"

Huami replied thoughtlessly, "Could it lead to a demonic army invading the mortal realm?"

Fulin shook her head, "The Ninth Abyss is different from the Abyss. They have no interest in this plane and won't invade. But demons can thoroughly mess up the mortal realm. In the worst case, it could turn this plane as harsh as the Ninth Abyss. Imagine people losing all their positive qualities, becoming living demons... You have to understand, demons are only interested in the souls of living beings. They make deals, and what they take is far more than you can imagine. Often, they take away your most precious things without you realizing."

After listening to her description, Huami felt the meditation ball in his hand getting hotter.

Moreover, the meditation ball only contained information, not physical items.

The document wasn't on the person with the gray robe.

It might have been evaporated by the unicorn's lightning.

Or the gray-robed figure could have hidden it somewhere else.

If it was the former, that would be for the best, ending it all.

If it was the latter, it would be troublesome.

After thinking for a moment, Huami asked cautiously, "May I inquire about the current stance of your dean towards that gray-robed Onute?"

"He must die!" Fulin said succinctly. "The dean's stance is clear. Once we find him, either bring him back for the dean to personally execute, or if he resists, deal with him on the spot! No mercy!"

Good, very good.

It seemed the dean wouldn't show mercy to the gray-robed figure because of past connections.

Not having a love-struck mind was better.

With this, Huami felt relieved.

He coughed and half-jokingly said, "You're lucky to have run into me. The person you're looking for, I happen to have encountered."


Huami intended to lay everything out to her.

Originally, he wanted nothing to do with matters related to demons, fearing endless troubles. Now that someone was willing to take responsibility, he would cooperate fully to pass the buck.

Fulin looked at him with surprise, "You've seen the gray-robed Onute?"

Huami nodded and told her everything that had happened back then.

In the quiet night, they had plenty of time to discuss.

So, Huami explained everything in detail this time.

After hearing his words, Fulin pondered for a while and said, "The contract document wouldn't be easily destroyed. The possibility of him hiding it somewhere is more likely."


Murphy's Law, things always tend to develop in the direction of trouble.

Fulin wasn't interested in the death of the gray-robed figure; she cared only about where the item was.

Upon hearing that there was another meditation ball, she requested to take a look inside.

Huami didn't refuse, taking out the meditation ball and holding it in his palm.

Both of them released their mental power, probing into it.

In the blink of an eye, they found themselves in a vast, white space.

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