A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 201: Witch's Calculation

Chapter 201: Witch's Calculation

His expression—definitely suspicious.

"I hope there won't be any pitfalls."

Hua Mi became cautious, more determined not to easily agree with her ideas.

After all, the other person was a witch.

Though it couldn't be generalized, people in the Western Continent indeed held certain stereotypes about witches.

For instance, they were powerful.

And disregarded others.

These two traits might have some causal connection—

Maybe it was due to their individual talents and strength, not requiring the trials and hardships normal people went through to reach a considerably high level.

This led to their weak empathy towards ordinary people, tending to overlook others' feelings.

This was an analysis from a psychological perspective.

There's also a theory that after a witch awakens, some physiological changes occur, causing emotional differences from normal people—specifically, a more indifferent demeanor.

While there were variations among individuals, not all witches fit this description, there were always exceptions.

But, it's wise to consider the worst-case scenario.

Hua Mi remained silent, patiently waiting for her response.

Seeing her avoiding eye contact, hesitating for a moment, she nervously said, "Um, how about this? I'll help you sort out things here first, and then... we can discuss finding the demon's contract documents. This way, you won't lose out, right? Even if you still disagree, I won't say anything more. After all, you saved my life; consider it my repayment."


Honestly, that was quite a significant compromise.

Of course, as she said.

It was only right for her to help.

After all, it was a life-saving grace.

But the more she avoided mentioning the reason, the more curious Hua Mi became.

Unable to resist, he asked, "What's the difficult truth you can't reveal now? Can't you tell me?"

Fulin made an affectedly coy expression—obviously feigned—saying, "It's really inconvenient to say now, but I'll tell you sooner or later. I won't let you get involved without understanding."


More suspicious now.

If she was aiming to gradually manipulate him by fostering a connection during their time together, hoping he'd feel obliged to agree later out of social courtesy—

This witch had miscalculated.

Hua Mi never fell for that.

"Well then, let's discuss finding the flowers first."

"No problem!"

Fulin smiled squinting her eyes, readily agreeing.

Hua Mi then stood up, accompanying the witch to the backyard.

The scene here was the same as before.

The hot spring water emitted a faint mist under the moonlight, adding a touch of ethereal charm compared to the daytime.

There was a pool of water in front, seeping into the pebbles.

Other than that, it wasn't much different from dusk.

"How did you feel at that time? Did you notice the presence of flower spirits?"

"No, not at all."

The witch raised a finger to her lips, tilting her head slightly towards the sky, as if this gesture aided her thinking and memory. She continued, "After taking your sleeping potion, I completely lost consciousness, slept soundly, didn't notice anything happening outside."

What kind of sleeping potion was that...

It sounded so unconventional.

"And when you woke up, had the paralysis already disappeared?"

"Yeah, mostly gone. Just felt a bit tingly in my hands and feet, but it didn't affect walking. Now everything's back to normal!"

She said, bending her arm to demonstrate a "strong" fitness move.

Always feels like this person is intentionally playing the fool...

"But it's strange, why wouldn't the flower spirits show themselves in front of people?"

The witch slightly furrowed her brow, expressing her confusion, "True, some magic can't be observed; once observed, it fails. But the flower spirits' magic clearly doesn't belong to that category."

"Maybe it's their nature, each flower spirit has its own traits and personalities."

Hua Mi hadn't dwelled too much on this issue.

Perhaps that particular flower spirit was simply socially anxious.

Having nurtured a flower spirit himself, Hua Mi was already quite familiar with this special category of spiritual beings. He knew well that, like humans, they possessed diverse personalities.

However, he was more curious about another matter.

Why did the flower spirit choose to stay here and provide healing for the villagers?

Was it innate kindness, or was there a deeper underlying reason?

Hua Mi glanced at the time.

It took roughly three hours from the moment Fulian fell asleep to when she emerged from the hot spring.

The exact time of the flower spirit's appearance remained unknown.

After activating his "Flame Eye," Hua Mi meticulously surveyed the area.

No distinctive traces were found.

It seemed impossible to trace the flower spirit's whereabouts from the scene.

According to the testimony of the traveling merchant, the flower spirit appeared out of thin air above the hot spring, much like an elusive ghost, appearing without any warning.

Upon completing the magical healing, just as when it appeared, the flower spirit vanished into the swirling mist.

Due to the cover of the hot spring's steam and the merchant being in a spiritual state at the time, the observation was not entirely clear.

  Nevertheless, the manner of appearance and disappearance undoubtedly involved some form of magic.

In other words, besides healing and dispelling anomalies, the flower spirit likely possessed spells akin to illusions, invisibility, or spatial manipulation.

That was quite impressive.

In comparison, Xiao Bai's traits...

Xiao Bai's transformation wasn't a genuine change in size; the magical energy within didn't undergo any alteration. It simply utilized the magical power more "extravagantly," appearing as a female fire deity, giving an intimidating look, but it couldn't be sustained for too long.

"That's really weak…"

Suddenly, his finger stung.

Looking down, Xiao Bai flew out from under the black robe, floating in mid-air while holding its arm, its typically expressionless face now slightly sulky.


Oh no, he forgot he'd been maintaining telepathic contact with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai had picked up on his thoughts and, feeling indignant, bit him.

"What I meant was, each of you has your strengths. While you might lack healing abilities, you excel in combat, unlike the flower spirit, which is weak in that aspect."


Xiao Bai turned away.

"Ah! It's the flower spirit!"

The witch covered her mouth in astonishment, staring at Xiao Bai.

Was she naturally overly expressive?

Or was it an act?

"It's here!"

"No... This isn't the flower spirit we were seeking."

"How so?"

"She's the one I brought here... um, the flower spirit I artificially cultivated."

Internally, Hua Mi apologized again to the sulking Xiao Bai.

Although Xiao Bai still appeared sulky, it flew to his shoulder and sat there, arms crossed, giving the witch a defiant expression to show that it wasn't a wild flower spirit from this place.

The witch gazed thoughtfully at Xiao Bai, muttering to herself, "In that case, your techniques for cultivating flowers might be more advanced than our academy's... Maybe in the future, it'll be you teaching and sharing experiences with us."

That was genuinely spoken.

Sincerity was always a trump card.

Hua Mi's impression of her improved a bit.

Initially, when Fulian offered to teach him the secrets of cultivating flowers as payment, now seeing Hua Mi independently nurturing a flower spirit, it raised some suspicions in her mind.

Actually, Hua Mi wasn't really after cultivating secrets.

In contrast, he wanted a more specific reward from the Witch Academy—information on mass-producing flower seeds.

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