A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 281: Exposed

281 Exposed

''Did you just come back from America?''

Liling asked again; when she felt dampness on her shoulders, her brows creased.

''Baby, are you crying? '' She lifted his head to stared at his features.

''I'm sorry, Liling, I didn't mean to cause you pain. I'm sorry. ''

Liu Wei apologized bitterly, his eyes clouded with tears,

''Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault. Stop apologizing, okay? It's my fault for being so careless.''

Liling said with a pout. Liu Wei knew she did not want him to feel guilty but that even made him feel worse. He pushed some strands of hair behind her ear;

''I've failed you, Liling. I'm really sorry…''

''Liu Wei, stop apologizing now. You're making me feel bad; I'm the one who killed our baby here. ''

Liu Wei pulled her into his arms again, hugging her tight.

''I'm sorry. ''

Liling sighed, no matter how many times she told him to stop apologizing, he wouldn't just stop.

After a long while of hugging; Liu Wei finally let her go.

''Have you eaten anything yet? ''

She shook her head. ''I haven't even taken my bath. '' She pouted again.

Liu Wei forced a smile. ''I'll bath you. You're sick, so you can't wash yourself. ''

''I'm not sick, and I can… hey! ''

When she slept, a nurse came by to take away the drip, so Liu Wei lifted her off the bed easily and strode towards the bathroom. Liling giggled when Liu Wei lifted her in his arms, she didn't even have the strength to protest.

When Liu Wei reached the bathroom, he dropped her gently inside the tub. Holding the sides of the hospital gown, he pulled it gently over her head.

She was just putting on panties, which had a pad fixed, since she would bleed for a while after the surgery.

When her gown came undone, Liling peeked at her belly;

''Wow, so professional! There isn't even the cut mark, thank goodness. I've been wondering how I'll do my bikini shoot with a large cut on my belly! ''

She said, trying to make everything sound okay, as though she hadn't just lost her baby. When Liu Wei heard her, he felt something tug on his heart.

If he had just been a little more careful, she wouldn't be in so much pain right now. He wanted to apologize again, but he stopped himself_ one thing he was sure at that moment was that she didn't want anybody feeling sorry for her.

''Stay here and don't move, okay? ''

He said and walked back into the room. Xin Yong had showed him the bag containing her necessaries, so he opened it and took out her sponge, soap and towel closing the window blinds; he locked the door before going back into the bathroom.

After washing her body, Liu Wei carried her like a baby back to the ward. He wiped her body gently, after which he helped her apply her body lotion,

''Did you eat pineapples and Aloe Vera? ''

She said that the pineapple alone wouldn't have caused the miscarriage because she hadn't consumed a large quantity but because she added Aloe Vera which had the same effect; it became fatal to the baby.

He had not known Liling to be a fan of such mixture, so he wanted to know why she took it all of a sudden.

''Yes, Yan Ran gave me a cup of pineapple and Aloe Vera juice, yesterday. ''

Liu Wei's hands paused and he looked at her face, his brows creased.

''Yan Ran? The one you had a feud with before? ''

''Yeah '' Liling nodded, not thinking much of it.

''Did she know about your pregnancy? ''

Liling shook her head.? ''No, she didn't…''

After a few seconds, her eyes widened, ''Wait, that morning, I threw up in front of her and she asked me if I was okay. After which she gave me a cup of that juice! That means she knew I was pregnant… no, Yan Ran wouldn't harm my baby, why would she? ''

Liling's hand flew to her mouth,? as she slowly fixed the points.

Liu Wei stood up from the ground. His head was banging terribly. He couldn't believe that someone who was working under him killed his own child! Their child!

''She killed our child? She harmed you... ''

Liu Wei still couldn't believe his ears. That woman could have easily killed Liling under his very nose!!

He clutched his hair as he imagined himself living without her, he felt bile rise up to his mouth.

''Liu Wei, it is okay. Don't be mad/ ''

''I should not be mad? She could have killed you! She could have taken you away from me! ''

Liu Wei sat on the bed as he spoke.

''She's going to pay. She's going to pay dearly!! ''

''Liu Wei, I'm here, she didn't kill me, okay? ''

She cupped his face and stared at his features, trying to calm him down. Liu Wei pulled her into his arms;

''What would I have done without you? ''

''I'm here, nothing is happening to me, okay? ''

Liu Wei kissed her neck and they hugged for a while. After dressing her up, Liu Wei brought food for her. He fed her till she could eat no more; when she lay back down to sleep, he went out to make a call, after a few minutes, two men and a lady, dressed in suit walked into the room.

After talking to Liu Wei, the two men positioned outside the room while the lady stood inside.

Liu Wei kissed Liling's cheeks before leaving the ward.

He drove straight to the police station and drove to his home with three police men following behind.

''When they arrived, Liu Wei walked in and sat on his couch. ''

Qianru came out just in time. ''Summon all the workers in this house, ''

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