A Chaotic World

Chapter 203: Little Hunt

Chapter 203: Little Hunt

Violent clashes were accompanied by valiant battlecries, as numerous martial artists unceasingly tested their weapons and strength against each other.

This was the unmistakable scene of a battlefield.

"We are doing good, keep up the momentum!" Lu Tianzi yelled out in encouragement.

The battle had already continued for a while, and he could see that many of his squad members were starting to tire.

Despite that, there was no doubt that they were doing well.

Just a while ago, they had managed to punch a hole through the enemy's front line, allowing their allies to stream in and open up the enemy's battle ranks from the inside.

They might not be able to influence the battle in the sky, but at this rate, the ground battle was theirs for the taking!


In the skies, a shadow broke out from the ranks of the Dragon Cauldron Army, shooting forward like a meteorite as it headed straight towards the ground.


Concerned about this sudden movement, the many Origin Core realm martial artists in the sky immediately directed their attention over.

With a simple scan of their perception, they could instantly tell that it was an Origin Core realm expert from the Dragon Cauldron Army.

But where exactly was this guy trying to go?

Just like the ground battle, the battle in the sky had some sort of order to it as well, with a clear divide that no one was willing to cross.

By rushing out in this manner, was he not afraid that he would end up behind enemy lines and surrounded by the Origin Core realm experts of the Scarlet Moon Army?

Those of the Scarlet Moon Army were naturally confused by this illogical move.

Even though he was not making a frontal breakthrough, at the rate he was going, there was no doubt that he would eventually end up in a dangerous spot. Once he reached that point, his allies would never be able to save him in time should those of the Scarlet Moon Army act together!

Or could this be a trap?

Most of them were inclined to believe that was the case.

Otherwise, this action simply would not make any sense.

In that case, as long as they did not react to it, surely he would give up soon enough?

Because of that train of thought, even though everyone was secretly keeping an eye on Chiren, no one actually moved to stop him.

However, things did not turn out as they had expected.

As though oblivious to the fact that they had already seen through the supposed trap, Chiren continued flying downwards, creating more and more of a gap between him and the rest of his allies.

At this moment, Chiren suddenly changed directions, erupting forth with a speed far greater than before as he charged towards a particular spot.


Elder Mingxin was especially startled by this sudden change in direction.

The direction that this Origin Core realm enemy was headed towards now that was where her battalion was stationed!

One breath of time passed

Two breaths of time passed

"Damn it!" Elder Mingxin's expression changed as she realised that the enemy was not slowing down one bit. He was indeed heading straight for her battalion.

She felt a chill run down her spine as a terrifying thought entered her mind.

Nanlu Tianzi!

The enemy must be targeting Nanlu Tianzi!

Not good!

Against a Third Cycle Origin Core realm enemy, even Nanlu Tianzi would be crushed in an instant!

Elder Mingxin immediately pulled away from her current opponent, intending to go after Chiren.

However, Chiren's change in direction was like a trigger that ignited a fire within the Origin Core realm experts of the Dragon Cauldron Army. All of them suddenly erupted with fierce and powerful attacks that were completely incomparable to before.

It was obvious that they had discussed this beforehand.

Faced with such powerful attacks, even Elder Mingxin dared not let her guard down, and had to full concentrate on defending herself.

In such a state, there was simply no way for her to go block Chiren!

Of course, just like how Chiren had been able to break free of his ranks, the Scarlet Moon Army naturally had members who were not currently tangled in battle as well.

"Hmm?" Beiqian Zuo frowned as he turned his attention downwards. There was actually an Origin Core realm enemy who was intending to join the battle on the ground?

Even though it had never been spelt out explicitly, it was a rule for Origin Core realm experts to not involve themselves with battles below the Origin Core realm.

By doing this, was the Dragon Cauldron Army not afraid that the Scarlet Moon Army would respond in kind, treating their juniors with a bloodbath?

But at this moment, he finally noticed the direction that Chiren was rushing towards.

Right there, on the ground, was none other than Nanlu Tianzi and the rest of Elder Mingxin's battalion.

So that's what it is

Beiqian Zuo mused in his heart.

Though separated into the sky and ground battles, battalion commanders usually fought in close proximity to their battalions.

His battalion had been positioned right next to Elder Mingxin's, which contributed to the reason why he had been making snide remarks at them before the battle started.

And due to that same reason, Beiqian Zuo was currently the Origin Core realm martial artist who was positioned nearest to Elder Mingxin, which also meant that he was in the ideal position to cut off Chiren.

As a Fourth Cycle Origin Core realm martial artist himself, Beiqian Zuo had a cultivation level even higher than that of Chiren.

Simply stopping Chiren should not be a problem to him.

Elder Mingxin turned her attention to Beiqian Zuo, staring at him without saying a single word.

It was not because Elder Mingxin was too prideful to ask for help, but because there was simply no need to say anything at this point.

Even a fool would have noticed Chiren's intentions by now.

Whether to act or not, it was all up to what Beiqian Zuo set as his priorities.

Would he put down their past grievances to stop Chiren, or would he just stand by and watch?

Beiqian Zuo came to an instantaneous decision.

"Don't worry, I will lend you my aid!" Beiqian Zuo shouted out as he charged forth, summoning forth his Essence energy without regard.

But as expected, he did not move to intercept Chiren.

Instead, he rushed forward to help a weaker Origin Core realm martial artist withstand the fearsome attacks from the enemy.

This way, he could no longer be faulted as having stood by without rendering his aid!


A huge explosion occurred in the sky as both sides pit their strength against each other in one combined collision. The sheer magnitude of this explosion drew the attention of even those who were fighting for their lives down on the ground.

This group of people naturally included Lu Tianzi.

He looked up into the sky, and immediately narrowed his eyes in focus.

His eyes were far better compared to those of others.

Despite the intense illumination from the explosion as backdrop, Lu Tianzi could still make out a figure soaring through the sky, as though the Origin Core realm battle had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

This figure was much nearer to them than the explosion itself.

There was no doubt about it, there was an Origin Core realm martial artist headed straight for them!

Lu Tianzi furrowed his brows.

Had they been too impactful during the battle?

"Retreat!" Lu Tianzi called out without hesitation. "Everyone pull back right now! I will bring up the rear!"

"What?" Juncheng turned to look at him in shock. "But why? We have the absolute adv-"

"Shut up and retreat!" Lu Tianzi cut him off immediately. "No questions asked!"

He had zero interest in entertaining Juncheng's doubts right now. If not for his sense of camaraderie towards his companions after the battles that they had gone through together, he would have abandoned them long ago!

From the side, Nanlan Qianxue, Nanqing Haowen, and the other squad leaders of the battalion heard Lu Tianzi's abrupt command as well.

"We are retreating as well!" Nanlan Qianxue was the first to react.

"Follow their lead!" Nanqing Haowen called out right after.

Not just them, but even the other squad leaders of the battalion followed suit. They still had no idea what was coming for them, but what they had was absolute trust in Nanlu Tianzi's judgement.

Nanlu Tianzi told them to retreat, so they would retreat.

Even as the neighbouring battalions shouted at them for leaving their position, none of them wavered.

"Wait, something is wrong," Lu Tianzi's frown only deepened as his squad continued to move back.

Even though the bulk of the battalion had already pulled back, the direction of the Origin Core realm martial artist did not change.

No, he had gotten it wrong from the start.

The enemy was neither aiming for their battalion, nor was he aiming for their squad.

The enemy was aiming for him!

Origin Core realm battles spanned a huge distance, especially considering the number of Origin Core realm martial artists involved in this battle. Thus, Chiren had to travel a long way from behind his own allies, all the way to where Lu Tianzi was.

It took him a while even with his cultivation at the Third Cycle Origin Core realm.

But by now, Chiren had almost descended upon Lu Tianzi.

In just five breaths of time no, in just four breaths of time, he would finally be able to get rid of this so-called future threat that General Longming and that old man had been so worried about!

When that happened, surely they would realise just how paranoid they had been, to the point of even deciding to send him on this childish errand!

At this moment, Chiren saw his target look up towards him, their eyes making direct contact.

In those eyes, Chiren did not see the fear that he had expected from a prey.

Instead, what he saw was a sense of resoluteness, as though they were the eyes of someone who had just come to a huge decision.

Chiren was taken aback for a moment, but quickly shrugged off that feeling.

No matter what, a prey was a prey.

So what if it was a slightly more courageous prey?

The end result would still be the same!

"Everyone, stop retreating." Lu Tianzi conveyed his voice to the squad leaders in his battalion, as well as to Juncheng. "The enemy's sole target is me. Juncheng, take over my position. Continue pushing forward with our previous momentum."

Earlier during that moment of eye contact, Lu Tianzi could sense the pure malice in the other party's eyes.

Those were not the eyes of someone who was aiming to win the battle.

Those were the eyes of a hunter, locked solely onto its target and nothing else.

"Eh-?" Juncheng was completely caught by surprise.

"What do you mean?" Nanlan Qianxue asked in confusion as well.

The enemy's sole target was him?

But before she could get her answer, Lu Tianzi had already erupted with his top speed, weaving through the countless soldiers on the ground as he left his previous position.

Lu Tianzi had absolutely no intentions of clashing directly against a Third Cycle Origin Core realm opponent, especially not here in the thick of battle!

Such a decisive retreat left even his allies dumbfounded.

However, Chiren merely let out a confident smirk.

What a joke!

Did this youngster really think that he could outrun an Origin Core realm martial artist?

Even if their speed had been the same, the fact that his prey had to weave in and out of the numerous surrounding soldiers meant that Chiren had the absolute advantage.

After all, he was able to fly unimpeded in pursuit!

But right after thinking this way, Chiren was immediately surprised by the scene before him.

This Nanlu Tianzi moved in an unorthodox manner that actually did not require him to slow down when changing directions, allowing him to easily pass through the surrounding soldiers.

The way he moved was just like how water would flow through the gaps of sand, completely unimpeded by the countless obstancles.

"Heh, interesting!" Chiren could not help but praise in his heart.

From the looks of it, this little hunt might actually be slightly more enjoyable than he had originally expected!

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