A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 239: System's First Battle.

Chapter 239: System's First Battle.

Somewhere inside the thick forest, six people were gathered together. Their faces were pale, as if observed closely their bodies were shivering. These people were none other than the six participants of the Battle fest. 

Klaus, Jack, Issac, Mace, Emerald, and Zen. Their expressions were that of a timid rabbit who just escaped a fierce predator. Klaus spoke, "Did any of you know what was that thing?"

The other five shook their heads. Zen spoke, "Whatever it was, it is frighteningly strong. Killing a Grade 8 beast with just a stare it is fortunate that Mace called back his companion beast, things would have been ugly if not for his quick reaction."

Mace who was the burliest of them all was now shivering more than anyone else. He spoke, "That thing, it had blood-red eyes with no blacks or whites as if a ball of blood Jade is placed in the socket. It had four arms and two legs. Did you see the height of that thing?"

Issac spoke, "15 to 17 feet tall. Despite the size, the speed was quick. In a blink, it covered 300 meters. What should we do now?"

Emerald was a girl among them she spoke, "First hide our traces, find You Xi Wang and the others, and then we leave this place."

Jack snorted, "How do we find that pretentious prick?"

Suddenly a cold voice came over, "Are you talking bad about me, behind my back? Not very gentlemanly of you." three figures materialized out of nothing in the void. 

He glanced at everyone and nodded, "Now can someone tell me what exactly happened?"

Emerald replied, "While searching for the weapons we stumbled upon a black box. This box was unlike the stage vault. Jack opened the box and a gray array appeared in the void. The whole scene suddenly changed. The illuminated cave was filled with black smoke. We all retreated without thinking. Later a creature came out. It was as dark as the night, looked like a beast but what kind, it was not sure. The speed..."

You Xi Wang nodded and held his chin in his palm. He asked, "This thing is far stronger than a grade 7 or 8 beast. Yet the features do not match with a grade 9 beast either. We will need to recon." his words scared others, but he continued, "I am a cultivator, it is my nature to defy the heaven. So if you are scared for your life, I suggest you all go back. But I am staying. My Dao doesn't allow me to leave like this."

Then he turned and walked away. This was a display of his bravery and courage. He was ready to go against something unknown for his Dao. Chen Yuping shook his head and ran after You Xi Wang. He left with a sentence, "Well, I will join my cousin. See you."

Gena Langford glance at Klaus, then she left as well. Emerald also rushed after them. She did not know why, but she felt more secure with You Xi Wang and the rest rather than this group of worrywarts. The other reason for her siding with You Xi Wang was because of his abilities. She had taken a note of how this boy guided his team during the dive and safely hid from them with no traces. 

The remaining five people fell into a dilemma, before making the final decision they retired to their hide-out cave for a night. 


Gena Langford patted You Xi Wang's shoulder, made some obscure signs to ask him something. You Xi Wang smiled and shook his head. Ever since she met You Xi Wang, the girl has been learning a little sign language to communicate with him but it was still awkward.

You Xi Wang spoke in a calm voice, "Why do we need to go around looking for that beast? Leave him be for the time being. First, we retrieve our weapons. The battle is going to be hard." then he spoke again, "Maya, lead us to the weapons girl."

His words surprised everyone, Emerald asked, "How can she lead us?" her tone was filled with curiosity.

You Xi Wang chuckled as he replied, "We have been scouting all of you since this morning. So we know the places you have been to. If my estimate is correct, you guys have skimmed through the outer region completely, right?"

Emerald nodded with a surprised expression. You Xi Wang asked again, "If you were an elder who knew that something fishy was about to happen and you wanted the contenders to unite. Where would you put the weapons?"

Chen Yuping replied, "In the center where everyone can meet up and take a collective fro.." he realized what he just said. He asked in surprise, "Do you mean the council is aware of this?"

You Xi Wang nodded and spoke, "We are the baits, to lurk out the rats in the council."

Emerald was even more surprised. She could not help but ask, "Is your brain working like a normal human?"

The system wanted to reply NO, but since he was controlling You Xi Wang and was not too different from him. So he nodded with a smile. The group immediately rushed to the central region of the forest. Indeed, as expected, a big pile of boxes was stacked neatly, lined in front of them.

You Xi Wang and the others did not waste time and took out the weapons. He spoke when everyone was done, "Let's go scouting."

The others nodded and Emerald asked, "How to find him?"

You Xi Wang said, "You will know." a smirk appeared on his lips which annoyed the girl, but what could she do?

Soon they came to the edge of a clearing, Chen Yuping asked, "Are we going to the clearing?"

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "Not we. I am going out alone. I will attract that beast and you all will record it clearly. Use these." he handed them a bag filled with 50 micro cameras. He said, "Place them around the edge. I will go now."

With that said, he walked toward the center of the clearing in a leisurely manner. I guess only he would do so. Emerald wanted to say something, but Chen Yuping said, "You cannot stop him. He will not change his mind. Also, believe in him a little, he isn't as reckless as he seems to be."

The girl nodded, and then the three people set the cameras on the tree trunks. When they were done, Chen Yuping gave You Xi Wang a long whistle. It was a signal they both would use when doing pranks. You Xi Wang whistled back. 

Chen Yuping spoke to the two girls beside him, "Converge your aura and movements. Also, sync your breathing with me. That way the beasts won't find out how many of us are here." the girls nodded, and they synced their breaths. 


In the clearing, You Xi Wang controlled his holy spirit and took out his bow. Then he aimed the bow to the sky. His back was bent with his legs supporting him to balance out his weight. A golden arrow formed on the bow. Then, with a TWANG, the boy released the arrow as it flew up in the sky with a golden trail behind. 

Ten seconds later a roar was heard. The whole island felt silent after it. Gena was observing the scene from her hiding spot and wanted to yell at You Xi Wang to run. Because of her eyes, she could see that this thing is not a beast.

You Xi Wang suddenly bent down and dashed. A black figure appeared behind him. Before the boy saw what it looked like, the figure attacked again. You Xi Wang dodged by rolling. The two people moved back and forth, but because of the speed of the figure, You Xi Wang could not see its appearance. 

He thought, 'Damn what is a demon from the netherworld doing here?'  {he is the system so he knows all this.}

You Xi Wang did not have the luxury to be shocked. Suddenly lightning flashed in the sky. You Xi Wang muttered, "Counter Flash."

The next moment a lot of lightning gathered around him. You Xi Wang was just running and dodging the demon. Then he suddenly took out his bow, his speed doubled, now it was slightly faster than the demon in front of him. The lightning around his body converged into an arrow.

You Xi Wang aimed and shoot the arrow at the beast. His feet never stopped moving. Did not shoot where the beast was but where the beast would appear to attack him. His actions were all calculated. You Xi Wang right now was way better at fighting than he usually was. His threat perception and battle instinct were way too high. 

Emerald opened her eyes wide when she saw the scene in front of her. The other two were also surprised. The violet arrow landed right in the middle of the demon's chest. The blurry figure came to an abrupt halt. 


A painful wail echoed on the island, producing a slight tremor. You Xi Wang did not waste time. He took out his sword and his figure flashed. When he appeared he was standing behind the demon, sheathing his sword back into its cover. 

The demon's roar was cut off. A sparkling orangish line appeared around its neck. You Xi Wang spoke, "Leave the head, the rest is yours." his words were aimed at his sword. The dark phoenix grew stronger as it killed more. A demon from the netherworld was way too precious nutrition for it. The demon's head slid off its neck and fell to the ground with a dull thud.

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