A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 253: Arrival.

Chapter 253: Arrival.

You Xi Wang and the rest landed in the imperial sector. They were greeted by a lever 7  council official who led them to the office of the warring force. Elder Victoria was addressing the other teams who were going to the Lost sector. The top people greeted You Xi Wang as they saw him coming. 

Victoria soft in an aloof voice, "You guys are going to a place where trust and discipline are the keys to saving your life. You will all be equipped with an all-time body cam. This camera will telecast your activities directly here. I am telling you this because, if you tried to backstab your companions, I will annihilate your families from the roots. If you face death and cannot overcome it, then die. The council will reward your bravery." her words were actually true.

The juniors were dismissed, allowed to do what they wanted. You Xi Wang did not waste any time and gathered all 45 people in the arena of gods. There he set up the virtual reality cabins. The virtual reality helmets were incapable of supporting them for five days. During the dive, the brain would need nutrition. 

Tianlong group not only prepared the cabins but also the nutrition supplements. On the side of the cabin, a crystal container was filled with nutrition fluid. This container can support a person to dive for 30 days with no problems. The whole cabin was as big as a single bed, but the vibe it gave off was that of a coffin. 

You Xi Wang and the others laid down in the cabin and practiced. They fought against each other, then demon minions, then demon commanders. The process gradually became smooth and flawless. You Xi Wang's capability was kept hidden. The boy last time successfully scared the other 8 people in the name of Animus. 

During the night on the fifth day, You Xi Wang asked them all to have a banquet with them. When they were all eating You Xi Wang met a friend. 

This friend was Richard Blake. He came to his side and asked with a smile, "Brother Richard, tell me what is the kingpin of Sahasa, doing her in the imperial sector?"

Richard was also surprised to see You Xi Wang here. He smiled as he spoke, "I am enrolling in Warring forces, I need something that can only be found there." his eyes flashed with helplessness.

You Xi Wang was surprised. He asked, "What happened? Tell me, I am also going to the warring states."

Richard was surprised, but in the end, he still told You Xi Wang, "A few days ago my son, he contracted a weird sickness. His meridians have shrunk. The doctors gave him 2 years to live. I checked with other old doctors. Then one of them told me that my son has a special physique called, 'Reverting Immortal Physique.' Before my child is 11 years old. He needs a special herb to awaken his physique or the body will age in reverse until one day he just vanishes."

You Xi Wang had heard of something like this for the first time. He felt bad and suddenly Richard started laughing. He said, "I am sorry for making such a joke brother You, but I could not help myself. It has been so long since I could crack a joke with people. The men in the forces are all stone-faced. Also, your brother is single. The reason I enrolled was that I needed discipline in my life. So done being the Kingpin."

You Xi Wang sighed and with a smile chuckled along with the dark man. He did not expect the underground world Kingpin to be so humorous. The two chatted a lot and then they parted. The other people were all there. Richard was warmly received by the squad. The next morning they will meet their Squad leader and then together these people will take off to the lost sector. 


The night passed away in a blink. Yuki and You Xi Wang stayed together, but they did not cross the last step because of the excitement and tension on their minds. The door was knocked on by Fenny in the morning. 

The group arrived at the Warring Force Office. They were all given an emblem and ID tag. It signified their identity as a warring force soldier. You were given the rank of a Captain. The other seven people from the sector toppers were lieutenants, then privates. They were to be led by a commander. The commander was waiting for them on the launchpad. 

The airships were capable of space flight. The squad fell in four queues of ten people each, as they marched to the launch pad. They were led by an on-ground commander. When they all reached the launch pad. 

You Xi Wang saw a woman with her back facing them. The commander was a dainty-looking woman. She was at this moment guiding the troops who were loading the supplies. The on-ground commander approached her and saluted her with a palm on his heart. He spoke a few words, and the commander turned to face the group. 

You Xi Wang and his friends were surprised. The commander turned out to be Maddison. You Xi Wang took a step forward and saluted her just like the on-ground commander did. He spoke in a loud voice, "SQUAD SALUTE."

His words dropped and the whole squad saluted the lady. She had a Red Beret on her head, which was complimenting her golden hair. The lady returned the salute and said, "At ease."

The squad followed her command. The commander carried on speaking, "I am Maddison Midnight, you will address me as Commander Midnight, when on duty. Starting now, I want all of you people to follow my commands down to the word. Even if you die following the commands, you must follow them. Understood?"

"SIR, YES, SIR" the squad replied in unison. Maddison's eyes stayed on You Xi Wang's face for a bit and then she said, "All aboard."


The whole squad was sitting in their chairs, feeling the g-force enveloping them. Then they all sensed the force loosening up. A computerized voice echoed, "Artificial gravity, starting in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

The gravity returned to normal. You Xi Wang undid his seat belt and stood up. He said, "You all stay here." his words were to be obeyed or military punishment. The boy walked over to the control bay. This airship differed slightly from the civilian aircraft. The control bay had a big chair for the Commanding officer to sit and observe. 

A corporal saluted You Xi Wang when he arrived at the bay door. You Xi Wang returned the salute, and he walked in. He came and stood beside Maddison with silence. After a few minutes, Maddison asked, "What is it, Xi Wang?"

You Xi Wang replied, "Teacher, I thought you don't remember me anymore."

Maddison shook her head and said, "This uniform changes your teacher a bit. That doesn't mean I will forget the brat who is now catching up to me. Oh, the see of crisis, I feel from you."

You Xi Wang smiled, "It is good to be with you, teacher."

Maddison nodded at him. The two people talked about her boyfriend's tragedy and how she ended up here. Then Maddison told him that Victoria called her over, as she had ventured in the lost sector in the past and was You Xi Wang's teacher. This way she could keep You Xi Wang under control and not let him rush ahead of himself. 

The two people were talking when the pilot said, "Commander, we will land at Epoch Port in 10 minutes."

Maddison nodded and said to You Xi Wang, "Go, get seated. We have arrived."

You Xi Wang nodded and after a salute, the boy returned to his seat. He blinked to Yuki and the others, meaning that the teacher was now fine and they don't have to worry. When they were all on the launchpad earlier, they thought Maddison forgot them. 

Soon the airship landed, and the squad undid the seat belts. Some stretched while some yawned. They heard a crisp set of footsteps behind them and immediately they all became alert. Maddison walked out of the control bay and said, "When you step outside this ship, be ready, for what you are about to see is something you absolutely want to forget when you go back home alive."

With those words, the squad was led outside. They were all immediately hit by a gloomy air. Filled with dark energy. Some even cast Spirit Energy shield to prevent the energy from corroding them. You Xi Wang shouted in a low voice, "Don't cast shields, just circulate the energy inside. You will be fine. Don't panic."

The world was dark. This place was supported by a world-level array dome, it created a breathable place for humans with no spacesuit. The sky was littered with twinkling stars and a ball of light was also visible. The world was browning green. As if fungi, but the soil was harmful, it was filled nano bugs, once you pick it up in your hand. The nano bug will dispose of your DICK. 

Lmao Just kidding. 

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