A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 286: Two Mentalists.

Chapter 286: Two Mentalists.

After coaxing the kids, You Xi Wang called over Celestia and Lily. The two girls had slight sweat on their foreheads. He wiped them off clean and told them about the trip to Array Hall. Celestia scrunched her little nose and said, "Why are we going back?"

You Zhichi on the side said, "Because your big brother never paid his respects to the grandmaster. Plus I also have a lot of things to do."

Lily asked, "Xixi, can I stay with mum and others a bit longer?" her voice was low. Despite the high IQ and talent, it can not be denied that the two were just children. The boy understood this fact and pulled her closer. He said, "Of course, my sweetheart. You have met the grandmaster already. So you can stay. While you are at it, teach your brothers and sisters about tempering the body before they start cultivation. Help, Xixi look after the family. Okay?"

Lily smiled beautifully and nodded. She hugged You Xi Wang tightly and said, "You are the best Xixi." and pecked his cheek sweetly. The boy smiled and kissed her forehead as he said, "You are the best too Lily."

He asked Celestia and the girl said that she would come along with him. Celestia had a different background, when she lost everything and was about to die as well, she met You Xi Wang. This boy did not only give her food, but hope, and strength to move forward. Her heart was closely linked to this big brother who adopted her as his little sister and loved her so much. So, when You Xi Wang asked, she agreed. 

They dropped Lilyback to her mother's room and after a few minutes they left. When they arrived at the pier of the mansion, a blue ship was already docked to the place. After greeting the captain and the crew. The three [people boarded the airship. 


Inside the airship, Celestia was practising Yoga in front of You Xi Wang, apparently since she was too young, Animus prescribed the two girls yoga. The poses and standces in Yoga had a tempering effect on the body. It was not only on the outside of the body but also on the inside. 

During the journey You Xi Wang would advise Celestia regarding her mistakes and help her correct them. You Zhichi was busy in cultivating. After doing Yoga Celestia went out of the cabin to take some rest. You Xi Wang took this time to inspect LUCY, the artificial intelligence he had developed. 

The network was now almost omnipotent. The boy said, "Lucy are you there?"

Instantly a voice sounded in his, ears, "Yes, Master."

You Xi Wang asked, "What do you think of the current world?"

Lucy replied, "This question needs to be divided intoseveral sections to be answered, Master. The world can not be summed up in one sentence. It is a mixture of lot of elements working together in tandem."

Her answer satisfied You Xi Wang. He nodded and started to talk to her about the progress of the company in his absence. Lucy replied all the queries. She also gave him a news about the recently business trend and projects undertaken by the company. 

As the two were immersed in discussion, the ship reached the array hall. Array hall had no piers to dock so the siblings had already decided to fly down with Celestia. You Zhichi had the ship stop five kilometers away from the location. Any vehicle would fall into an illusion array, later they will be space wrapped outside. 

You Xi Wang held the little fairy in his arms and they descended the ship from the hatch door. The three then flew in the sky. They were both array masters so they could vaguely see through the array. Celestia would point out the spots she explored with Lily over their time here.

She was not afraid that You Zhichi would scold her for sneaking out, but You Xi Wang still taught her gently that curiosity should only be looked through when you have enough strength to defend yourself in danger. The little girl nodded and promised You Xi Wang to be careful. 

The three people soon came to a scenic landscape. The tall and sturdy mountain was shrouded by clouds, it gave off a serene vibe. You Zhichi led her brother to the summit where the Array Palace was located. She introduced various places inside the place to You Xi Wang on the way. The disciples saw the three people and bowed in respect. 

They were not aware of You Xi Wang's identity but You Zhichi's status was known to them and the bow was directed to her as well. The boy smiled contently and felt happy for his sister. He still teased her when there was no one around. 

He said, "Say, big sis, how does it feel when everyone calls you Hall master and bow in respect?"

Thew celestial maiden smiled and said, "Not gonna lie, it feels very sauve and classy." she only used slangs in front of her brother or family members. 

Before she picked up her cultivation technique, the maiden heart sutra. She was quite a tom boy. The siblings laughed. Celestia also joined, she started mimicking You Zhichi's actions. Amidst the laughter the three reached the high tower. 

You Zhichi spoke, "Grandmaster, Disciple is here to see you."

Soon an ethereal voice sounded, "Come up, Chi'er."

The three people started to climb the stairs, before long they stood in front of an oldman who sat with his back facing them. Celestia first bowed and spoke in her sparrow voice, "Great grandmaster, disciple has seen you." She kowtowed to him. 

The old man laughed without turning and said, "Good girl." his laughter revealed a tone of triumph. He was happy too see this little devil to be knocking to her, but the happiness was strangled before it could mature. 

Celestia said, "How did you grow so making hair? According to the bet you were forbidden to use arrays and elixirs. I will shave you off again." her words shocked You Xi Wang to the core. He did not expect this tiny little bird to have no fear in her heart. 

Animus who was still laughing suddenly coughed. he hurriedly said, "This is a wig."

You Xi Wang and You Zhichi stifled a laughter. The latter said, "Grandmaster, I have brought him here. I will retreat as there are lot of things to do." She left so quickly because she could not stop her laughter.

The boy shook her head and said, "Celes..." he stretched the call a little and the girl bowed her head and said, "Sorry big brother."

Animus could not help but turn over with an surprised expression. He asked Celestia, "Little Dev... Fairy, what did you say?"

Celestia pursed her lips and turned her face sideways. You Xi Wang shook his head and kneelt on the ground he said, "Grand disciple You Xi Wang, pays respect to Grandmaster."

He knocked his forehead thrice on the ground hard enough to make it swell a bit. He did not use the spirit energy. The impact from the knock was strong, it conveyed his sincerity. Animus smiled and said, "Raise your head, wang'er."

The old man was gratified to see his grand disciple in front of him. he said, "You have worked hard in thepast few months."

You Xi Wang smiled and shook his head. He replied, "You boost me too much, Grandmaster. Everyone works hard." he turned his head to Celestia.

He said, "Celes, go down, play yourself. I want to talk with Grandmaster."

The little girl nodded and walked to the entrance, but suddenly she came back and hugged You Xi Wang. Her little fingers moved a bit and then she walked downstairs. Animus smiled and shook his head. he said, "These two girls are very lively. Chi'er told me about their origins, but to think they can still be like this. Even after facing such turmoils."

You Xi wang also smiled and said, "Hope is a wonderful thing, grandmaster."

the two people chatting on chatting but they were not using words neither was it the soul communication. They were reading each othre's mind. Animo Albus, Alester Book, You Zhichi and Celestia stood in the sky. Celestia was being held by You Zhichi. 

The little girl asked, "Say, granny Animo, who do you think is winning?"

Animo Albus smiled as she said, "They are matched evenly, at this moment."

Celestia sighed, as she said, "Big brother still has lot to learn. But it is okay. Great Grandmaster is hundreds of years old while my big brother is just 17. He can beat him in future."

Alester Book shivered and said, "Say, senior sister, did I invite a demon in my house?"

Animo glanced at him in confusion, the former said, "This kid, is beating master in mind reading, while I have not even achieved the minor success. Shameful."

The lady said, "It's okay. Not everyone is talented enough." her words were a slash on Alester Book rather then consolation. 

You Zhichi smiled at the side, she said, "Gougou wants to reach immortal ascension within fifty years. But If he had no one to accompany him. he will hold back. We have to do something about that. his resolve to keep everyone together will be a big obstacle in his path of greatness."

Animo added, "Just like master." 

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