A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 288: War.

Chapter 288: War.

You Xi Wang took his family members to the back garden of the mansion. Soon, Yuki, Fenny, Neo, and Allan also came over with a few of their family members. They all came over with the excuse of training for the ancestral exam. They were all people of the same age and circle. They all knew each other.

You Xi Wang said when he looked up at their cherry faces, "Are you all gathered here for a party?" his tone was cold enough to make everyone freeze. 

Fenny stepped forward and said, "Kids, it is time you play with the pros. Get your game face on. If I found anyone out of military discipline, my whip will greet your asses. For now, get into squad formation." the last half was almost barked. 

The people all quickly fell into formation. They stood in columns of five. Allan nodded and said, "Now be on your best behavior. If you smeared our names out there, you will all be dealt with under family laws."

You have to know that these five were the best among them. Even You Zhichi was not an exception. She did call her team over but the aura radiated by the Phantoms was too much for them to handle. Celestia and Lily stood behind You Xi Wang. They were the only two kids to follow them to a different dimension.

Neo said, "Xiao Wang, open the portal."

You Xi Wang nodded and took out an amulet he channeled his spirit energy inside it and a wormhole appeared behind them. The suction force was too strong. Yuki said in a loud voice. Hold onto each other or you will scatter in the space crack and might pop out in fragments.

Her words scared the shit out of these people. You Xi Wang held onto Lily and Celestia, while Yuki held onto his shirt, Fenny in the center and then followed by Allan and Neo. The last person in the chain held out his hand for others to hold on and the people quickly formed a human chain. 

Soon they all vanished inside the wormhole and the void returned to its normal appearance. Emily, Petra, Susan stood at a distance and Susan said, "What do you think? Will he do Yuki and Gena on his trip?"

Emily shook his head while Petra said, "He should be able to do it."

Susan chuckled and said, "See, you two have started to like it in just one week." Well one thing left out of the routine You Xi Wang followed in his three days here was indulging himself with his harem. 

Gena was a part of the group Yuki took over. Maddison was still in a dilemma about Yuki's proposal of becoming You Xi Wang's girlfriend. Yeah, I know right? What else do you need if you have a fiancee like her?

Gena agreed to it long ago and thus was taken to Elfheim by Yuki.



A wormhole opened all of a sudden under the warm blue skies. You Xi Wang appeared holding onto two girls as the others followed him. The faint smile on his face vanished. He said, "Things don't seem to be as good as I expected."

If someone looked down from the skies, You Xi Wang and company would look like a line between two huge armies. yup, they popped out on a battlefield. 

Neo looked around and said, "This place is Elfhiem, right? Xiao Wang?"

Before You Xi Wang could answer a loud a crude voice sounded from their left, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU STAND IN FRONT OF MY DESDEMONIAN CAVALRY? DO YOU NOT FEAR DEATH PUNY INSECT?"

This loud tone attracted everyone. They turned their heads and saw Few creatures, wearing beast skin, holding axes and hammers standing a few miles away. You Xi Wang muttered, "ORCS?" in surprise and shock.

Except for the phantoms, Gena, and You Zhichi's team. Almost all the people were scared. An ethereal voice sounded behind them, "Ilex greets Ambassador You, and the rest. I thank you for bringing aid to help us."

The owner of this voice was, Ilex, the queen of elves. You Xi Wang sighed in relief and asked, "Your Majesty, accept my greeting as well. Please tell me. What is the situation? I did not come to aid you, my visit is coincidental."

Ilex immediately understood that You Xi Wang came here on his own accord and was not aware of the situation. She hurriedly said, "I apologize for my prudence. Sir, Elves are not the only civilization of this dimension. Orcs, Dwarves, and many more creatures live here, but they are all located very far away so do not maintain a connection. The orc army has been charging at everyone. They want to unite this place under their banner. Please help us, sir. Our weapons are almost finished but these people are just too many. They have pillaged a lot of small settlements of elves and other races. They took women for slaves and men were killed." 

The queen's ethereal voice was shaking, her eyes were filled with tears. The army behind her had rage in their eyes yet their physiques were filled with wounds. Seems like the elves gave up on technology and came back to nature but they were not used to it anymore. 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, 'I will help you. Please do not worry." he paused and turned to his team. He said, "We don't have much time. Have these guys dealt with Heavenly Tribulation?" 

The phantoms glanced at the orcs and Fenny said, 'Take the gamble?" 

You Xi Wang nodded. The plan was simple. The boy will fire six shots and deter the Goblins if it worked then fine, if not then, let there be war. The phantoms nodded and fenny started commanding the rest of the people. You Xi Wang in the meantime had Celestia and Lily stay under Ilex's protection. 

But who knew that the girls would not agree and even proposed, "We can make support arrays."

Well, looking at their expectant and confident gaze You Xi Wang nodded and let them stay beside him. Fenny arranged the formations leaving enough space for You Xi Wang. Maya and the other hounds were posted to guard the two little fairies.

You Xi Wang suddenly took out the Gatling canon. Nobody was NOT surprised at the appearance of this weapon. The boy glanced at the orc side and asked, "Are you sure about being at war with me? You can still go back you know."

The orc leader was enraged at this. he said, "You think this ugly thing can stop usYou puny hum..." his words did not stop when he heard an explosion.

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