A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 297: Taming.

Chapter 297: Taming.

You Xi Wang gave the command and the people started to march out. Celestia and Lily waved their hands to them as they moved the rest of the rookies stood behind them in silence. Their resolve to get stronger evolved to another level after they were left behind. 

It was not that they were weak but they were not able to advance during that test. Before leaving You Xi Wang had told them to persist and endure this moment. They shall move forward and not lose sight of what they are. Only in hard times can they temper their will and move forward. 

The squad all believed the words of their commander. You Xi Wang was a weak person but then he became what he is today in front of them. The elders in their families are not even able to touch his hair because he tempered himself in such situations. They admired him and he became their hope. They all chased after him in their path of cultivation. 


The team walked in a standard formation. A quadrant of forty-five people was evenly distributed. Djal wanted his men to be helpful so Fenny had them form a secondary circle of protection behind the first line of human soldiers. In the center of the formation, Alcalde and his dwarf companions rode pygmy horses. 

Neo was in the front of the formation with Allan, while Yuki and You Zhichi were beside You Xi Wang in the center. Fenny and the sniper squad walked in the back with their stealth suits on, they were emergency support and cannot have them be affected by the squad moment if something broke out just in case. 

The terrain they were walking was said to be the safest by the Dwarves. It did have monsters but was relatively safe. You Xi Wang had no problems, his idea was to grind the troops. He had already prepared to be the aid and so were the experienced people. They had one aim for the journey, which was to reach the dwarven territory with the least casualties. 

The troublesome thing was that You Xi Wang did not allow them to stop walking. They can control the pace but they must not stop moving for more than a minute. If they did, he will have a duel with them right there. They did not wish to be mutilated by this demon without the aid of the healing pond they had back in the camp. 

Some even regretted being the best among the rest. However, they did not dare to withdraw from this expedition or You Xi Wang might send them all back home directly and they will have to bear the shame of being a deserter. This commander of theirs was such a tyrant that he had already stated the end of those who back out after joining the training.

So they all walked with synchronized footsteps. However, they did not produce any noise. The reason being they were taught to walk silent stepped when on expeditions to not attract the monsters and people to them. After half a day, the quadrant stopped. 

A boy in the front spoke in the team comm, "Commander, there is a movement. Multiple targets, heading toward us from the north." 

You Xi Wang said, "Survaillance up." 

The gunners in the quadrant all had drone cams. The cams were deployed and they received data immediately. The drones all used sonar and thermal detection. Allan said, "Wolves. Grade seven." 

Yuki said, "Our hounds are staying back for the girls. Do we hunt them ourselves?" 

You Zhichi said, "Can we not tame them? After all our insignia is also wolves." 

You Xi Wang asked, "Neo, What do you think?" 

"They have seventy wolves, one alpha at the back of the pack, he is grade eight. Still low in comparison to Maya. I can hold it back. The rest are to be given to the rookies. They will duel and tame these guys. Tiem to expand forces. Also, this is not an ordinary wolf clan." replied Neo. 

He was half a beast so his knowledge of beasts and monsters was higher than the rest. You Xi Wang trusted his words and said, "Big Momma, spread out and have the snipers support the quadrant in taming these beasts." 

Fenny replied, "Affirmative." With just that she and her sniper squad moved and dispersed in the surrounding forest. 

Djal asked, "Sir, can we also try and tame these guys?" 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "You can try. My people will support those who need it. Try not to use too much strength. Capturing and taming them is much more difficult than killing." 

Djal nodded in agreement. The soldier in front said, "Commander, the targets are one click away. Your orders, please." 

You Xi wang chuckled. His peal of laughter sent chills to their spines. The rookies did not head the conversation between these monsters but they were aware that it was not something they would enjoy. Just as they all feared, the demon commander said, "Your task is to tame these wolves. I do not care how you do it but you will do it. They must stay alive and the damage must not be serious. Make them acknowledge your strength and also gain their trust."

His words made the people cry in their hearts, some even cursed him for being too hard. They had no option though. Neo had jumped forward and said, "I will be holding down the Alpha." 

Just then You Zhichi spoke, "Neo, I am taking down that Alpha. You can support the others." 

Her words shocked the people. The celestial maiden was known to be soft and easy going but she took initiative to take down the Alpha, which means she was serious about progress and her action raised the morale of the whole quadrant. 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Let her go. The phantoms provide support." He asked his sister in the private channel if she has suitable weapons and after her affirmation and assurance of safety did he let her go. 

A loud howl sounded followed a lot of howls. You Xi Wang yelled loudly, "WHO ARE WE?"

The quadrant replied, "THE PHANTOM SQUAD." 

You Xi Wang commanded, "GO." 

The quadrant dispersed and moved to meet the charging family of wolves. 

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