A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 306: Silence Screams.

Chapter 306: Silence Screams.

You Xi Wang and the four people walked forward in the tunnels. They were putting up markers from on the floor, walls, and the ceiling as well. The people behind were confused, Gena took the initiative and used the com channels to tell other people the reason. 

"The dark creatures only dwell inside the dark fog, it is a substance necessary for their existence. However, this fog only moves in touch with the surface. For example, if it is located somewhere outside then the food can be contained by planting array flags on the ground only. Inside this tunnel, the floor, walls, and the ceiling, all are surfaces so be careful when you plant the array flags and do not miss a spot." 

The people got the reason and they nodded. Not like they would not do what they were told to but knowing the reason behind your actions can make one realize the importance of their job. This way the output of the people increases by a hundredfold. You Xi Wang, who was busy fighting in the front had a smile on his lips as he heard the explanation given by Gena in the team comms. 

He suddenly said, "We have a diversion up ahead." 

Fenny nodded as she took a shot from her sniper rifle and said, "First group prepare to embark, we have a diversion coming up. Half of the people will be led by Captain You Zhichi and they will split here. Keep your spirit equipment on all the time. If you sense that your energy is low, then communicate with your team leader and everyone will retreat instantly. If I found that any single one of you tried to play hero, then you can kiss off your sexual lives. 

I am not kidding this time, because you will die in here and the bugs will eat you and followed by yoru team. I will have to do nothing. Except condemning you back when I go home and make you responsible for all those, who died." 

The people were scared by this threat because they were aware that this lady might blow up her mind and do what she said. You Xi Wang said, "Go and have fun. learn to be strong and always hold on to the light inside your hearts. Understood." 

The people replied, "Hoo-ah, Commander." 

That said after the Phantoms moved another twenty meters they spotted a tunnel opening on their right-hand side. You Zhichi was not slow and she moved up with her team to suppress the dark beasts there. The phantoms nodded to them and kept moving forward. You Xi Wang caught a glance of his sister's back as she entered the tunnel hole but did not say much. 

This was a battlefield and not home. I loved her and cared for her more than he did for himself. However, he did not say anything to her as she already knew it. He wanted her to be focused and not to pay attention to anything else but her safety. But if he said anything then even a second of delay would make things emotional. This was not what they needed.

As You Zhichi was taking her group inside the right-hand side tunnel the phantoms came five meters ahead and after planting the array flags they took a breather. Fenny said, "The beasts are different in here. The size is small and the quantity is big. What do you suggest we should do?" 

You Xi Wang said, "We cannot do much other than playing it out the way it is right now. Wait until either the ceiling height increases. Until then be patient and move slowly." 

The people nodded, after all, they had no other options for this operation. After half the troops followed You Zhichi, the rest followed You Xi Wang. The boy still did not go any further and he said, "Take charge, you are leading, we will follow and provide support. Enough spoon-feeding." 

The people were nervous obviously, they all had experience in battles and gore but they had never faced something like this. The silence in the tunnels was deafening. The team in the front was led by You Tong, she was on her nerves when suddenly a thing jumped at her. 

She did not hesitate and squeezed the trigger to kill the beast. Following her action, the whole team found that these beasts were unpredictable, just when they were about to relax the injured beast came back at them with double ferocity. The team had no time to react when Fenny took a shot and blew off the head of the beast. 

You Xi Wang said, "Tong, do you want to die? Did you not hear when I told you not to let the guard down? Idiots. How many teams did I debrief you to take aim of the head and that you can take a step back if you need to make the room? Always hit them twice to make sure that they are down for good." 

You Tong flinched, she knew that this guy was a demon when it came to military affairs. She was aware that he was so hard on her for her own good. She apologized for her relaxed attitude and so did her team. The people behind them also took mental notes, they did not wish for You Xi Wang to beat the shit out of them after they walk out of the tunnels. 

The group began to make progress, and You Xi Wang and Fenny shot a few times to relieve them and told them what mistakes they made. After half an hour they had moved only five meters. After sealing the area, You Xi Wang said, "You guys swap time. Go back and discuss what you should do and what you should not be doing from the comprehension in the past half an hour." 

You Tong nodded and then she moved to the back of the pack. The other team came to take their place and they were supported by Yuki, Allan, and Neo.

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