A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 116: regret

Chapter 116: regret

Chapter 116 Regret

Yes, send them to the official mine and dont let them come back, lest they harm us again.

"The girls from the Yao family who sold liquor in the past two years were ruined by them and had to marry far away. These beggars not only extorted money, but also harmed girls from good families. You must sentence them severely and don't let them come out again. .

The people in the town have been resentful against this group of beggars for a long time. They used to be afraid that the beggars would come to bother them, but now when they saw them being caught, the crowd became excited and they all pointed at the beggars and cursed them.

While the crowd was in a commotion, there was a person in the crowd who was crouching and slowly retreating. It was Tao's grain shop's blessing.

Gu Jinli originally suspected that someone at Tao's grain store was hiding in the crowd. He kept staring at the crowd around him. When he saw Zhao Fu, he immediately jumped out and kicked Zhao Fu down.

Ah Zhao Fu was kicked to the ground, lying on the ground with his mouth bruised and one of his teeth knocked out.

Qin Sanlang heard the noise and immediately chased after him. He held Zhaofu's foot and twisted it. With a click, he directly sprained his ankle and prevented him from running away. He turned to Lao Kong and shouted: "Uncle Kong, Zhaofu is here." .

When Lao Kong heard this, he hurriedly asked Kangzi to tie up Zhaofu.

Zhaofu didn't expect that he would be arrested so quickly, so he quickly shouted: "You're wronged, our Tao family grain store is... uh uh!"

Before he could finish his words to bring good fortune, Kangzi stuffed a ball of miscellaneous cloth into his mouth: "Go to the county government office if you have anything to say."

Just after tying them up, two men rushed out of the crowd.

Ill beat you bunch of beasts to death! A middle-aged man held a piece of firewood as thick as his wrist, followed by a young man also holding firewood. The two of them hit Liu Sanzi and the beggars hard.

Bang, bang, bang!

beat the beggars until they screamed and begged for mercy: "Don't beat me, don't beat me, Uncle Yao, don't beat me anymore!"

"Bah, who is the uncle of you beasts?" The ones who beat the people were the Yao family father and son. They were beating and scolding: "You plagued beasts, a bunch of ungrateful eunuchs, just come to my house and blackmail you for a drink. You go around ruining my girl's reputation and harming my girl for the rest of her life. I'll beat you to death."

The Yao family lived in a small alley in the back street. The family sold wine for a living. Liu Sanzi and other beggars wanted to drink, so they went to the Yao family to blackmail her for a drink. They met the Yao family's daughter. They didn't take advantage of her at the time, but afterwards they Spread rumors in the town and ruin the reputation of the daughter of the Yao family.

Three people become tigers, and rumors kill people. Because of this incident, the Yao girl was divorced and sought death for a time. In the end, she was saved, but her reputation was ruined by these beggars.

There was no other choice but to marry far away to Linxian County. She never returned to her parents' home after she got married. The Yao family hated these beggars.

But the Yao family has a family and a job, but this group of beggars are homeless and have no job. They are very difficult to deal with. In order to live a peaceful life for their own family, they can only endure it for two years.

As soon as they heard that Liu Sanzi came to Gu's tofu stall to cause trouble but failed and was caught, the Yao family's father and son immediately came over and beat Liu Sanzi and the others severely.

Lao Kong knew that the Yao family and his son hated these beggars, so he did not stop them, but let them beat them to their heart's content. After beating several beggars like Liu Sanzi to death, Lao Kong stopped them: "Okay, okay. , dont hinder us from doing errands.

The father and son of the Yao family were beaten to exhaustion. They were panting, but they still couldn't forgive their hatred. While they still had the strength, they beat Liu Sanzi twice with firewood, and then they were exhausted and collapsed on the ground.

Lao Kong said to the third grandfather: "Mr. Gu, please come with us to Si Lifang and tell us the whole story."

Then he said to Dasheng: "You and Haizi go to the Tao family grain store and take the shopkeeper Tao to the official office."

Hello, Brother Kong. Dasheng and Haizi responded, and they took the rope to the Tao family grain store. Lao Kong and Kangzi escorted Zhaofu and Liu Sanzi's group of beggars, and took the third grandfather to Si Lifang.

Shopkeeper Tao was waiting in the grain store for news that the Gu's tofu stall had been smashed. He saw many people running towards the Gu's tofu stall. As they ran, they said, "Something happened to the Gu's tofu stall. Go and have a look."


Of course its true, no matter how late it is, you wont see the excitement.

When Shopkeeper Tao heard this, he was even more proud: "Humph, you are on the run. If you dare to go against me, your stall will not be able to open!"

Just as he was looking beautiful, Zhaogui, who was standing at the door of the shop and looking around, changed his expression. He hurriedly rushed into the shop and said to Shopkeeper Tao: "Shopkeeper, I saw two government servants coming towards us. Has the matter failed?"

"What a loser!" Shopkeeper Tao yelled at Zhaogui: "How can the government servants in Silifang care about such nosy things?"

If they were in charge, beggars like Liu Sanzi wouldn't be able to cause trouble for so long.

Shopkeeper Tao is not afraid. At most, he thinks that the government officials are on routine patrol.

Not long after, Dasheng and Haizi, dressed in official uniforms and with swords hanging on their waists, came to Tao's grain store. When they saw shopkeeper Tao, they grabbed him without saying a word and said, "shopkeeper Tao, you bribed beggars to cause trouble at Gu's tofu stall. , Now the Gu family reporter, please come with us."

Shopkeeper Tao originally greeted them with a smile and was about to say hello to Dasheng and Haizi. Unexpectedly, before he could say hello, his hands were twisted behind his back and **** with ropes.

Shopkeeper Tao was stunned for a while, then finally came to his senses and shouted: "You are wronged, Mr. Sheng Haiye, you all know what kind of person we, Old Tao, are. Then the Gu family comes to my shop every day to buy soybeans, which are our grain." The stores big patrons, how can I harm them?!

Da Sheng sneered: "I heard that when the Gu family came to buy soybeans yesterday, you raised their price to five cents per catty? Tsk, Tsk, Shopkeeper Tao, your price increase is really cruel. It was Shopkeeper Zeng who invited you to drink. The price went up because you were drunk, but you only wanted to curry favor with Zou County Cheng, why didnt you think about the relationship between the Gu family and Jiang County Lieutenant?"

"Don't complain about this matter. Those beggars have already been recruited, and Zhao Fu has also been arrested. If you don't want to go to jail, just wait until you lose your money."

Da Sheng made it very clear that they had always known about his and Shopkeeper Zeng's little moves and were watching them. Jiang County Lieutenant had already secured the Gu family. Shopkeeper Tao did not curry favor with Zou County Cheng this time, but also sent Jiang County to Jiang County. The county captain was offended.

"Hey!" Shopkeeper Tao was filled with regret. Before being escorted away by Da Sheng and the others, he said to the stunned Zhao Gui: "Quick, go find my wife and ask her to go back to her parents' house to find someone for help."

His wifes surname is Yu, and her family doesnt have much talent. However, the direct descendants of the Yu family in the county are big landowners in Tianfu County, with countless fertile fields. Shopkeeper Tao relied on the direct descendants of the Yu family to open a grain store in Qingfu Town. shop.

Now that he has offended Jiang County Lieutenant, Zou County Cheng, who has not yet cured his favor, will definitely not save him, so he can only ask the Yu family's direct descendants for help.

"Hey, little one, let's go right now." Zhaogui was also panicked. After Dasheng and Haizi took Shopkeeper Tao away, they immediately closed the door and went to Shopkeeper Tao's house, telling Mrs. Tao about Shopkeeper Tao being taken away.

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