A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3211: The end of the full text, the Northeast War, a quick victory [2]

Chapter 3211: The end of the full text, the Northeast War, a quick victory [2]

The end of the full text of Chapter 3211, the Northeast War, a quick victory2

Lin Tongzhi turned his eyes and looked at the people present: "Tell them, we are taking lives, not capturing them alive. Anyone who dares to miss the official business for personal gain will bear the consequences."

The people in the room nodded and quickly left to carry out the order.

Not long after, there were sounds of eagle and owl sounds in the forest, hoo-oh, hoo-oh, hoo-oh, which was very noisy.

The soldiers were so angry that they cursed: "It's coming again, it's coming again, the ghost is screaming every night, and when I have some free time, I will destroy all the owl nests in the forest!"

People in the tent next door, dont scold us, they woke us up. Its such a hot day and the owls are making noise, so we finally fell asleep!

This roar also woke up the soldiers in several nearby camps. For a while, the sound of cursing mothers, scolding birds, and chirping owls rang out, waking up a group of soldiers.

In the end, the noise was so loud that even the reinforcements camp was heard.

Meng Hong personally took people to see the situation.

Two quarters of an hour later, he came with General Sun to see Qin Sanlang and told Qin Sanlang what happened.

General Sun apologized to Qin Sanlang and explained: "Now is the season when owls are hatching eggs, so they like to scream... I will send people to beat up the nearby owl nests tonight, and I will not let them disturb them." The Duke of Qin is resting."

We only kill the eggs after they have started to hatch. Why did you go there so early?

Qin Sanlang asked him: "Do you know about the rogues using birds to release poisonous insects in the northwest?"

General Sun was stunned, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "The last general deserves to die, we will gather the soldiers tonight to kill these ghosts, and we will not let the Qing thieves use them to poison!"

Meng Hong wanted to laugh when he heard this, but he held it back and said to General Sun: "Brother Sun, the method of killing is very inappropriate. There is too much noise and the birds will fly around. If they are really poisonous, the entire Linfang will be destroyed." The whole camp must be destroyed...use bird-repelling medicine, pour the medicine into the camp, and after a while, the birds will fly away and won't come back here again."

"There are such good things, thank you Brother Meng for your advice!" General Sun was very surprised and immediately asked Qin Sanlang for medicine: "Please Qin Guogong give medicine to drive away birds."

Qin Sanlang: "Meng Hong, take him to the library camp to get medicine."

Yes. Meng Hong personally took General Sun to the reinforcement warehouse camp to get bird repellent medicine.

After General Sun got the medicine, he was very grateful and said apologetically: "I'm afraid these owls have already been poisoned, so I have to arrange for people to spray medicine overnight to drive away the birds. This noise will not be small. I would like to ask Brother Meng to tell me on my behalf." The State of Qin declares a crime."

Meng Hong said with a smile: "Brother Sun, don't worry, driving away birds and preventing poisons is a serious matter. Qin Guogong will not blame you, so don't worry about it."

Since you want to cause trouble, then we have to help you.

General Sun was happy but guilty after hearing this. After thanking him again, he summoned several groups of soldiers to spray medicine to drive away the birds overnight.

After General Xiao Liu learned about the bird drive, he cursed the generals in the Northeast: "I have told you before about the bandits using birds to poison insects, but you were not prepared and allowed the owl to cause trouble." This is really embarrassing!

While I was cursing, something happened.

Lu Baihu, who was protecting Liu Dai, came to report: "General Liu is not well. The wound scratched by Prince Liu by the owl has become encrusted and rotted. It is estimated that he was infected with Qing's canker virus, and he has fainted now." Its over.

"What!" General Xiao Liu was so anxious that he grabbed Lu Baihu and asked, "Where is Brother Dai? Take me there quickly!"

He also cursed the Northeast generals: "Did you see that the owl in the forest is really poisonous? If Duke Qin hadn't reminded him, the entire Linfang camp would have been destroyed!"

Lu Baihu replied: "Virus disease is contagious, and the prince has been sent to the hospital camp."

"Go to the sick camp!" When something happened to his nephew, General Liu ignored the obstruction and immediately led his people to the sick camp. Shi Yongzheng hurriedly came to report to Qin Sanlang.

Meng Hong was speechless... He was suffering from viral disease, sick camps, and high-ranking people were poisoned and sent to sick camps... You are copying the experiences of soldiers and thieves. Can't you spend more time thinking of new tricks? You are so lazy and you still want to kill Saburo? !

Shi Yongzheng said: "General Meng, please go and inform the Duke of Qin to call General Xiao Liu out. The sick camp is very poisonous. If General Xiao Liu stays there for a long time, he may be infected... Liu Hou has already No more, the prince has been poisoned and fainted again, if something happens to General Liu again, how will the military generals in the entire Northeast be embarrassed?!"

"Stop yelling, I'll go in and report." With a dark face, Meng Hong entered the tent, performed a show, and then came out to gather troops.

Not long after, Qin Sanlang appeared and said to Shi Yongzheng: "Lead the way."

Yes! Shi Yongzheng was overjoyed and took Qin Sanlang and others to the sick camp.

By the time they arrived at the gate of the sick camp, Lin Tongzhi, Zhou Tongpan, General Sun and others had already arrived. After seeing Qin Sanlang, they hurried over to apologize.

When he learned that Qin Sanlang was going to enter the sick camp, General Sun stopped him with all his strength: "The sick camp is dangerous, Duke Guo of Qin, you can't go in!"

Lin Tongzhi also came to persuade: "Mr. Qin, General Sun is right. You are the commander-in-chief. If something unexpected happens when entering the camp and there is no one to give orders to the army, the Qing thieves will have the opportunity to take advantage."

He added: "General Bing has already entered the camp to invite General Xiao Liu. Please wait. They may come out soon."

Zhou Tongpang nodded: "Lin Tongzhi is right."

Qin Sanlang also wanted to make a quick decision, but he refused: "Something happened to Uncle Liu's son. I have to go in and have a look no matter what. Besides, I don't take him seriously even though he's suffering from canker... Come in!"

He took Meng Hong, You An and the others into the hospital camp.

"Mr. Qin, at least put on your leather clothes for protection... Hey, please slow down and wait for the general!" Seeing that he couldn't persuade Qin Sanlang, General Sun followed him in with a group of soldiers.

Lin Tongzhi said to Zhou Tong: "The Duke of Qin is your majesty's cousin. If something happens, it will be difficult for our government to explain it."

Zhou Tongpan: "What should we do? We can't..." Go to the sick camp with Qin Guogong? There might be canker there, but he wouldn't go!

Lin Tongzhi sighed and said, "I'll take the people in, and I'll leave all the outside matters to Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Tong was overjoyed. After a few words of false persuasion, Lin Tongzhi led the people into the hospital camp.

But Lin Tong knew that not long after they entered the camp, something happened at Linfang Camp.

Bang, bang, bang!

pieces of large firestones suddenly flew over and landed near the Linfang Camp.

"The enemy is attacking. If there is an enemy attack, beat the drum quickly and gather troops to defend against the enemy!"

Zhou Tongpian was shocked and hurriedly said to Qian Hu who was guarding the camp gate: "Send someone quickly to call the Duke of Qin out. The Qing bandits are coming. He must come out to lead the troops to defend against the enemy!"

But something happened in the sick camp.

Boom, boom, boom!

Several fire dragons suddenly jumped up, and the hospital camp was on fire.

Zhou Tongpan's face turned pale, and his legs were so weak that he slumped on the ground... This, this is a traitor who wants to kill the Duke of Qin by cooperating inside and outside. He, how dare they? !

However, what is there to be afraid of?

Xu Qianhu had already led people to surround Zhou Tongpan and smiled at him: "Master Zhou, from now on this area will be the territory of Dongqing. Don't resist. If you surrender now, you will be a hero, and at least you can be a prefect."

Zhou Tongpuan was horrified and angry: "You, you have surrendered to the enemy!"

Xu Qianhu smiled: "What do you mean by surrendering to the enemy? Who is not a Qianhu? Mr. Zhou should be more open-minded. After all, after the matter is completed, you will still be an official, but you will have a different master."

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