A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3232: The end of the full text, the Northeast War, killing Rui Xiong

Chapter 3232: The end of the full text, the Northeast War, killing Rui Xiong

The end of Chapter 3232, the Northeast War, killing Rui Xiong

Not long after Fei Dagen left, Erping's letter arrived, telling him that they only killed a group of soldiers and cavalry, but failed to kill A Quan... The mission was considered a failure, and Erping felt very bad. Saburo apologized.

Qin Sanlang did not give him a certain death mission, so he did not criticize him too harshly. He said to You Ping: "Send him a letter so that he doesn't have to chase him. He can take people back to Yeyan Lake to guard him."

"Yes." You Ping quickly sent a letter to You Erping, asking him to return to Yeyan Lake... But the mission failed. You Ping couldn't help scolding him, asking him to do his best to complete the mission. After all, they Life is much better now than it was in the water bandits' village.

You Erping was already feeling guilty. After receiving the letter and seeing that Qin Sanlang did not blame him, he blamed himself even more. However, he quickly recovered his mood and led the dead brothers back to Yeyan Lake to find the source of the fierce fire oil pit.

They searched like moles for five days in the underground water flow channels, drilling into countless places, and finally found traces of the Menghuo Oil vein. However, they were not mine craftsmen, so they were not sure whether it was a vein, so they wrote to Qin Sanlang and asked him We need a few experienced mine craftsmen to go out and explore on the spot.

After Qin Sanlang received the letter, he immediately asked General Xiao Liu to be found and showed him the letter.

"This? We have really found a black oil vein. This is amazing!" General Xiao Liu was overjoyed: "With this black oil mine, we can get twice the result with half the effort, whether we are attacking or defending the city."

Qin Sanlang: "Uncle Liu, I'm not sure yet. I have to send a vein craftsman to take a look... Do you have anyone familiar with the veins in Dongqing and Northeast China? Give me a few."

"Yes." General Xiao Liu hurriedly sent someone to call four Northeastern craftsmen who were familiar with the mineral veins.

Qin Sanlang gave another two mine vein and earth vein craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry in the capital: "Go together, explore carefully, and give us a reliable result."

Yes. The craftsmen responded respectfully, already carrying their belongings and ready to set off at any time.


Qin Sanlang looked at General Xiao Liu: "If it is really a kerosene mine, Ruixiong will definitely come to rob it, and another group of troops will have to be sent there."

Menghuo oil is a newly discovered offensive and defensive weapon. Everyone wants to grab it, and there is a high possibility of a fight, so troops and horses must be sent to guard it.

General Xiao Liu thought for a while and said: "Send General An... Originally this opportunity should have been given to Liu Guangze, but this guy couldn't handle it well and almost became a traitor. He will have no chance in this life. General Bing is senior, but he can He is not good at fighting, so give it to General An. Although he is young, he will win because of his loyalty and bravery."

"You can make arrangements for the generals in the Northeast." Qin Sanlang thought for a while and then said: "Let Liu Chong go with him. If it is really a vein of kerosene, he can also get credit, and he is out on business, which is the best way to train people." .

As for General Da Lius eldest son Liu Dai, he stayed in the city to do resettlement and reconstruction tasks. In short, they will make arrangements for General Da Lius heirs.

General Xiao Liu was very happy when he heard this and said sincerely: "Sanlang, thank you."

Qin Sanlang smiled and said, "Uncle Liu is serious. Compared with the help you and Uncle Liu have given to the Wei and Qin families, what I have done is nothing."

But no matter what, General Xiao Liu accepted Qin Sanlang's sentiments. After discussing with Qin Sanlang, he went to General An and Liu Chong and told them about looking for ore veins.

Both of them were overjoyed and came to see Qin Sanlang. After receiving the token to go out, they quickly led their troops to Yeyan Lake to search for mineral veins.

Two days later, Mrs. Ye finally arrived at Yangji Mansion, and Qin Sanlang and General Xiao Liu went to pick her up in person.

When Madam Ye saw Qin Sanlang, she immediately said: "Thank you very much, Lord Qin, for saving the people of Yangji Mansion and avenging the blood of everyone!" "Old Madam, you are serious." Qin Sanlang asked someone to carry out several boxes and said to Ye The lady said: "The roster, land, house and shop deeds, official uniforms, and identity tokens are all here. Thank you, old man, for making a trip."

"It's not hard work. This is what they need to survive. It would cost the old woman her legs to run away!" Mrs. Ye opened the box and looked at the things inside. When she saw the official uniform, she burst into tears and asked worriedly. : "Duke Qin, is this really possible? Our David has no female generals."

Qin Sanlang: "This is your Majesty's permission, so of course it is possible. After the appointment documents from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel come out, Lu will be a legitimate military attach of the Hundred Households. However, there are no female soldiers in the court, so they can only be drawn from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment. Thirty female jailers. But if she has the ability to recruit female soldiers, the court will register them and pay the female soldiers under her command."

After Miss Lu and the others were rescued, Qin Sanlang gave her a hundred-household military position because of her meritorious service in the resistance and because of her relationship with Lieutenant General Xiao Lu.

But as soon as the news came out, there were mixed reactions in the city, simply because there had never been any precedent for an unmarried girl to become a military attache.

Ms. Lu didnt know what she was thinking, but she didnt accept or reject it.

Qin Sanlang didn't have time to guess what Miss Lu was thinking, so he simply left all the arrangements for the female family members in the city to Mrs. Ye.

He reminded: "This is the opportunity. Whether she can seize it or not depends on her. The court will not force her, nor will it keep waiting for her."

Its done, the old woman knows. This matter was of great concern, and Mrs. Ye did not dare to delay. She took her things and led the guards to the Ye family mansion.

Vice General Xiao Lus family was too small, and the government office and Wangs residence were nightmares for those girls. The Ye family was relatively clean, so General Xiao Liu took the decision and placed them in the Ye familys residence.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Ye finally arrived at Ye's house. Looking at the familiar house, she shed tears. She quickly wiped away her tears, entered the house, and asked Miss Lu and others to be called.

Although the war has passed, Miss Lu and the others seem to be in a nightmare and can't get out, and they are a little confused.

Seeing them like this, Mrs. Ye frowned, sighed, and hugged her: "Good child, you have suffered...you must wake up, otherwise your brother will not be able to rest in peace."

After hearing this, Miss Lu felt completely calm, but she asked about Concubine Ye: "Sister Ye..."

She wanted to ask, is Sister Ye really dead?

But just after saying three words, he stopped again and said instead: "Perhaps, all Northeastern girls of our generation have a bad fate."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It all depends on how you decide whether your life is good or bad. Besides, you are only teenagers and you still have decades to live. It's too early to say whether your life is bad or bad now." Mrs. Ye didn't know what to do. To comfort Miss Lu, he simply said directly: "Will you accept the position of Military Attache of Hundred Households? If you accept it, the girls from the Northeast may have some courage after seeing it. If you don't accept it, I'm afraid someone will commit suicide soon." .

Building a village for women in Zhuangzi can only provide them with food and clothing, but people who have suffered catastrophes will not be happy to live just for a meal or a roof.

"But if you take over the official position and become the first female military attache of the Wei Dynasty, you can become their courage and make them willing to try to live. Your official position can also become a shield to protect them and protect them from future threats. wind and rain."

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