A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 51: be driven out

Chapter 51: be driven out

Chapter 51 Being driven away

The victims have traveled a long distance and finally arrived at Yuchang Mansion in Zhongzhou from the northwest. They are already exhausted. How can they be willing to leave?

After hearing what the government officials said, the victims were stunned for a while and asked one after another: "Brothers, are you mistaken? We didn't cause trouble, and we didn't do anything to harm the farmers nearby. Why did you drive us away? ?

"Yes, Brother Cha. We stayed in the ruined temple honestly. We didn't steal or rob anyone nearby. We also used our own money to buy things from nearby farmers. We didn't make any mistakes. Why are we being chased away? Walk?"

We fled the famine all the way, and many people died. We finally arrived at Yuchang Mansion. The weather has turned cold now. If we leave Yuchang Mansion again, we will freeze to death on the road!

Although Yuchang Mansion suffered a disaster, there was still water to drink and food to eat. They no longer had to fight for a mouthful of water and food. The past few days in Yuchang Mansion were the best time for them to escape the famine. Thought about leaving.

There are still many disaster victims who want to settle in Yuchang Mansion.

They had just begun to look forward to their lives, when these government servants came to drive them away.

The government officials didn't care whether they lived or died. Seeing that they kept asking questions, they immediately pulled out the sabers on their waists, pointed at the victims and said, "Shut up, everyone. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be killed by me!"

The leader of this group of government officials was named Gao. Seeing that the victims refused to leave, Class Leader Gao took out the handwritten letter given by the prefect, raised it and said to the victims: "Look clearly, this is the official seal of the prefect." The handwriting is clearly written on it, and I order you to leave the Yuchang Mansion before tonight. If you don't leave, it won't be us who will chase you, but the officers and soldiers stationed there."

The magistrate has been so anxious about the victims these days that he feels that he is very unlucky. These **** victims of the six prefectures of Zhongzhou are not going anywhere, so why do they come to his Yuchang Mansion?

With so many victims staying in Yuchang Mansion, they have to eat and drink every day. When the weather is cold, people will freeze to death. If too many people freeze to death under their own rule, it will affect political performance.

The master of the prefect even reminded the prefect that there were too many victims pouring into Yuchang Mansion. Even if the city gates were closed to prevent the victims from entering, the number of victims would be too large and they would rebel if they could not be protected.

This is a major matter of beheading. No matter what, they cannot have rebellious victims in Yuchang Mansion.

Whether these victims committed murder, set fire, or started an uprising, these things cannot happen in Yuchang Mansion, and the victims must be driven away as soon as possible.

If you want to rebel, go to another state capital and don't stay in their Yuchang Prefecture.

After hearing what the master said, the prefect was so frightened that he quickly ordered all three squads of government officials to dispatch people to the outskirts of Yuchang Mansion to drive people away.

Gao Ban took the dead order and had to drive these victims away. If there were victims who did not leave, then polite, find a cut to death from the head. After killing a few, other victims became afraid.

There were some literate people among the victims. When they saw the senior class leader taking out the handwriting, they stepped forward, cupped their hands in front of the senior class leader, and begged, "Sir, can you please let me read the contents of the handwriting?" "

Leader Gao looked at the victim who was speaking and saw that he was about 20 years old. Although the clothes on his body were in tatters, they were the robes of a scholar. He relaxed and said, "Okay, let's take a look, lest you think I'm lying to you."

The disaster victim took the handwritten letter and read it word by word. Tears welled up before he finished reading. He knelt down and cried bitterly: "The prefect is not giving us a way to survive."


When the senior class leader heard what he said, he snatched the calligraphy from his hand, kicked him over, and scolded: "You're looking for death. How can you, Lord Magistrate, arrange this randomly? Come on, drag him down." Move aside.

"Yes." Two government officials immediately grabbed the victim, dragged him out of the ruined temple, and threw him to the roadside.

The senior class leader raised his hand and said: "I heard it all. The handwriting is true. Don't wait any longer and get out of here. Don't blame me for not reminding you. The officers and soldiers stationed in the suburbs will come to search the suburbs early tomorrow morning. If you don't leave, , when the time comes, we will be involved in a military disaster."

When the victims heard this, they were so frightened that their legs weakened. They wanted to send out officers and soldiers to kill them.

Oh my god, how can we live like this?

The victims cried bitterly, but the government officials did not care whether they lived or died. After passing the order, the senior class leader led dozens of government officials to guard outside the ruined temple, waiting for them to leave.

The third grandma grabbed the third grandpa's arm and asked with a worried look: "Old man, are we really going to leave?"

Third Grandpa sighed: Its impossible if we dont walk.

The yamen officers have already come to drive them away, and the squad leader also said that if they dont leave tonight, officers and soldiers will be dispatched tomorrow morning. They had seen the officers and soldiers of Yongtai Mansion kill people, and now they were very afraid of the officers and soldiers.

Gu Jinli held Third Grandma's other hand and comforted her: "Third Grandma, let's go. This Yuchang Mansion has also been affected by the disaster. The river has stopped flowing, so there is still water in the deep well. After a while, if If it doesnt rain yet and the water from the deep well cannot be pumped out, the people here will have to flee.

Yuchang Mansion is not suitable for settling down, so they had better leave as soon as possible.

Mr. Qin also said: "Let's go. The prefect didn't let us enter the city in the first place, didn't register our household registration, and didn't find a place to settle. This means he won't keep us. If we leave as soon as possible, we may be able to get there before the middle of winter." Find a place to settle down.

After listening to the words of Third Grandpa and Elder Qin, the family members looked at the government servants holding knives and guarding outside the ruined temple. They knew that they had to leave. After feeling uncomfortable for a while, they began to pack their things.

Fortunately, they bought a lot of things from nearby farmers, including clothing to keep out the cold, whole grains, water, and salt, so they could feel better on the road.

The Third Grandma and Lao Yan have recovered from their illnesses, so there is no need to worry about them anymore and they can go on the road with all their strength.

After the Gu Jinli family packed their things, they did not leave immediately. Mr. Qin said: "It's too rude to be the first to leave. We have a lot of things. We are not afraid of ten thousand, but we are afraid of anything unexpected. We can't offend these government officials."

There are a few half-year-old girls here, all of whom are quite pretty. If those government officials take a fancy to them, it will be the end of the world.

After listening to Mr. Qin's words, several families nodded in agreement and hid in the hut holding their things. It wasn't until the victims started to leave that they carried their belongings, took the elderly and children with them, and left the ruined temple among the victims. .

During this period, Gu Jinxiu even touched his face with ashes from the fire, making himself sloppy and unable to see clearly. After being almost sold by Lao Gu's family, she now pays attention to these things and doesn't want to cause trouble to everyone because of herself.

Gu Jinli pulled Gu Jinxiu and followed Cui, walking with his head lowered.

Gu Jinan had a hatchet hidden in his clothes and followed the sisters to protect them.

This hatchet was bought by Gu Jinan after Gu Jinli cut off Wu Da's hand tendons and hamstrings. Gu Jinan asked Gu Dashan to buy it from a nearby farmer with money. Gu Jinan said: "If you encounter something like this that requires blood in the future, I will be the one in charge." Brothers coming.

Gu Dashan felt very guilty about this, so he took eight taels of silver and followed Gu Jinan to buy two hatchets and two kitchen knives. The hatchets were given to himself and Gu Jinan, and the kitchen knives were given to Cui and Gu Jinxiu so that they could keep them for self-defense.

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