A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 53: beware

Chapter 53: beware

Chapter 53 Beware

"It's bitter herbs." Gu Jinli and the other four were very happy, and Luo Huiniang was even more protective of the bundle of bitter herbs.

Bitter greens are one of the most common wild vegetables and grow all year round. However, it is already mid-October and it is a famine year. They can still find wild vegetables, which proves that the famine situation is getting better.

They continued to wander around the mountains and saw a few scattered wild vegetables, but these wild vegetables had been killed by the frost, leaving only rotten leaves and dead stems, which were inedible.

Tian Xiaohua felt very regretful. She looked at the rotten wild vegetables and said, "If we had come half a month earlier, we would have been able to dig up a lot of wild vegetables, and we wouldn't have to spend money to buy food."

Her family is very poor, and her parents dont have much money. Spending a copper coin makes the whole family feel distressed.

Luo Huiniang is naturally optimistic. After hearing what Tian Xiaohua said, she said: "We are very lucky today. If we look further, we should be able to find other food."

Tian Xiaohua nodded heavily, keeping her head lowered, looking for wild vegetables. Her serious look almost made a hole in the ground.

Gu Jinan raised his head and looked around, watching out for the victims who came into the mountains in search of food, and at the same time looking to see if there were any wild fruits or the like on the dead trees.

Gu Jinli was lucky enough to find a dozen Rehmannia glutinosa plants with rotten leaves but intact roots. Rehmannia glutinosa is not a medicinal material for treating colds, but it can be sold for money.

They will eventually settle down one day, and settling down requires money. If she is saving these medicinal materials now, it is equivalent to saving money, which will be needed in the future.

Luo Huiniang saw that Gu Jinli was digging some weird things again, and she could no longer say anything. She had long been used to it.

The group of four people stayed in the mountain for more than half an hour. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, they stopped looking for food and started to leave the mountain and trot towards the resting place at the foot of the mountain.

On the road, we met many victims returning from the disaster looking for food. Everyone had something edible in their hands. It seemed that this mountain had a lot of food.

When she was about to return to the resting place at the foot of the mountain, Luo Huiniang ran too fast and almost hit a woman. Fortunately, she was good at her feet and stopped in time, so she didn't hit anyone.

But the woman suddenly fell to the ground, hugged her left foot and shouted: "Ah, my foot! Why don't you look at people when you walk and hurt my foot? You have to pay for it..." After seeing Gu Jinli, the woman's throat As if someone was choking him, he immediately lost his voice.

She got up from the ground neatly and complained dissatisfiedly to Luo Huiniang: "Be careful when you walk in the future. It's okay if you bump into me. If you bump into a bad person, you will have to walk around without food."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Gu Jinli stared at the woman's back with unkind eyes. It was the disfigured woman, and she was also here.

Gu Jinan also recognized the woman, clenched the hatchet in his hand, and said, "It's her, the disfigured woman who came to seek medicine with a man holding her child when the temple was ruined."

Luo Huiniang was stunned by the woman's series of actions. When she heard Gu Jinan's words, she reacted and hurriedly looked at the woman who had walked away. She had good eyesight. After a while, she pointed forward and shouted: "There is still that child!"

Perhaps her voice was too loud, and the child immediately looked towards her, glaring at Luo Huiniang with a pair of gloomy eyes.

Luo Huiniang was frightened. After a brief fright, she became angry. When she was ruining the temple a few days ago, she had sympathized with this woman and felt that their family was very pitiful. But now it seems that this family is just bad people and no one is a good person.

Gu Jinli frowned. The child was only five or six years old. He was very quiet and sickly when he was in the ruined temple. But now he can look at people with such a sinister look. He is obviously not a good person.

The woman knew they were looking at her, so she didn't look back and pulled the child away.

Gu Jinli and the others didn't catch up, they would have done so if they were stupid. When this woman and child appear here, her men and Wu Da's accomplices must also be there. If they catch up, something will happen.

Lets go. Gu Jinli took the herbs he found and walked first to their resting place. Not long after the four of them came back, Luo Fu, Gu Dashan, and Gu Dafu also came back looking for food.

Everyone was lucky today. Father Luo and his team found more than 30 wild sweet potatoes.

The three people of the Qin family found a nest of hibernating snakes. There were eight snakes in total, some big and some small. The big ones were as wide as two fingers, and the small ones were as thick as the little finger. Afraid of scaring the women and children of several families, they had already decapitated and skinned the snake, leaving only strips of white snake meat with bloodshot eyes.

Several families were very happy when they saw these things.

Mrs. Chu took the half bag of sweet potatoes from Father Luo and smiled happily: "There are quite a lot of sweet potatoes here."

Ask the third grandma again: "San Auntie, let's eat roasted sweet potatoes tonight."

The third grandma nodded: "Okay, let's eat roasted sweet potatoes. Let's bake all these sweet potatoes and have a hearty meal."

Mrs. Chen had already snatched the pieces of snake meat from Qin Sanlang's hands. After hearing the third grandmother's words, she hurriedly gave the snake meat to Gu Dewang, ran to Mrs. Chu, grabbed the sack with sweet potatoes, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Luo, you go and light the fire, and I'll shake the mud off the sweet potatoes."

Before Mrs. Chu could say anything, she had already dragged the sack, called her two sons and left. As soon as he turned his back, he reached out and took four sweet potatoes from the sack and gave them to his two sons.

The third grandmas face was very ugly. This Mrs. Chen was really greedy for everything. But when she saw Gu Dewang and Gu Defa who were so hungry and thin, the third grandma did not scold Mrs. Chen after all.

She pulled Mrs. Chu over, took the wild vegetables handed over by Luo Huiniang, and said, "Let's make wild vegetable soup."

That night, a family of more than thirty people each received a roasted sweet potato and a small bowl of wild vegetable and snake meat soup. It was the most sumptuous meal they had since fleeing the famine, except for the meal they had at the Qifu camp. pause.

After dinner, Gu Jinli told everyone about the disfigured woman he met on the road: "That woman is not simple. She is in the same group as Mr. Wu. Several of Mr. Wu's accomplices must be at the foot of this mountain. We have to be careful."

Several families were startled when they heard her words, and the women even turned pale with fright.

Mrs. Chen hurriedly looked around. When she didn't see the woman, she patted her heart and said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, you shouldn't have offended them. It's okay now. They will definitely find an opportunity to retaliate against us."

Gu Jinli chuckled, shook the dagger in his hand, and said: "Auntie, they have seen how cruel I am and they don't dare to trouble me, but it's hard for you to say that. They saw that you don't have a knife in your hand and you are thin. I guess. I will attack you."

So you'd better be nice to me, otherwise I won't save you when you are robbed.

Ms. Chen saw the knife in Gu Jinli's hand and thought of Gu Jinli breaking Wu Da's tendons and hamstrings. She was so frightened that she shrank back and stopped talking.

Gu Dagui was so angry that Mrs. Chen lost his temper. This woman was always like this and had to suffer a loss to be honest.

Dont worry, everyone, that group of people wont dare to touch us. Mr. Qin said, However, that group of people is not easy to deal with, so wed better be careful.

Mr. Qin looked at Qin Sanlang and said to him: "Sanlang, go around and see where they stay."

Qin Sanlang nodded and plunged into the night.

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