A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 60: reject

Chapter 60: reject

Chapter 60 Rejection

"Grandma Gu, Cuilan knows that she shouldn't come to beg you, but Cuilan really has no choice. If you can, just do it and adopt Cuilan."

My family members have all run away and we will never meet them again in this life. You dont have to worry about them coming to bother you.

I know how to work, I am not afraid of hardship, I eat very little, and I can last a whole day by chewing a handful of grass roots.

When you and Grandpa Gu grow old, I will serve you and take care of you until the end of your life! Ma Cuilan knelt on the ground and said in a choked voice. In addition to the tear stains on her face, there was a clear mark of a slap with five fingers on her face.

The third grandma did not expect that Ma Cuilan would come to ask her to adopt her. She was stunned on the spot. It took her a while to realize what she was doing. She stepped forward to support Ma Cuilan and said, "Good girl, get up first."

Ma Cuilan shook her head, her tearful eyes full of admiration and pleading: "Grandma Gu, I am young, I will be fine if I kneel down for a while, please accept me."

After speaking, he gave the third grandma a hard knock, and everyone could hear the sound of her forehead touching the ground.

As soon as Ma Cuilan knelt down in front of the third grandma, the victims gathered around and completely surrounded the resting place of Qin Guluotian's family.

Gu Jinli was worried that the third grandma would suffer a loss. Although he did not say anything, he held the dagger tightly and stayed by the third grandma's side.

Ms. Chen ran over with excitement on her face. When she saw Ma Cuilan kneeling down and begging her third grandma to adopt her, she just shook her head and clicked her tongue twice, without saying anything to fan the flames.

Gu Yumei was almost dragged away by Sister Liu and her gang of kidnappers. After hearing about Ma Cuilan a few days ago, she sympathized with Ma Cuilan and said to Third Grandma: "Third Grandma, if you don't have a junior in your family, just adopt Sister Cuilan." .

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Chen slapped her **** the back. Mrs. Chen glared at her and said, "Are you stupid? San Auntie is not related to her, so why would you adopt her? If you don't understand, just Shut up and dont cause trouble.

Generally, when extinct families adopt children, they usually adopt boys from families with the same surname, and they almost never adopt boys from families with other surnames.

Whats more, Ma Cuilan is a married girl, so whats the use of adopting her? She couldn't continue the family line, and she had to spend money to prepare a dowry for her.

Besides, their family is fleeing famine together. If the third grandmother adopts Ma Cuilan, they will have to share their food with her. They themselves cant eat enough, so how can they have food to feed outsiders?

Gu Yumei didn't like Chen and thought she was selfish. Seeing Chen scolding her, she immediately retorted: "Third Grandma's family has no sons, and Aunt Fu's family has disappeared. If Third Grandma and Third Grandpa adopt Sister Cuilan, not only will they be able to help Sister Cuilan, its such a good thing that someone can take care of you in old age, why cant it be done?

He pointed at Ma Cuilan's face and said, "Look at Sister Cuilan's face. With such big five-fingerprints, she must have been bullied. We can't just ignore her."

When Mrs. Chen heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and she bowed to the sky with a sigh: "Sister-in-law, if you have a soul in heaven, you can give Sister Mei a brain. You are so stupid."

Because she is the granddaughter of the village chief, Gu Yumei has been praised by the girls in the village since she was a child. She thinks she is very smart. When Chen said this, she immediately became angry: "Ms. Chen, shut up."

"Sister Mei, shut up!" Gu Dafu had just returned from looking for food. When he heard Gu Yumei's words, he immediately shouted angrily: "Why are you talking to your second aunt? This is your biological aunt and your elder. Are you still a little older?" Young and humble?"

Gu Dafu is usually reluctant to scold Gu Yumei and Gu Dexing, but his wife is gone and Sister Mei is older. After settling down, he will rely on Mrs. Chen to look after her. She is so disrespectful to Mrs. Chen. In the future, Mrs. Chen How could he help her with all his heart?

Gu Yumei was scolded by Gu Dafu and did not dare to contradict Chen again, but she felt that she was right and turned her head away angrily, ignoring Gu Dafu.

Third Grandpa and the men from several families came back from searching for food. They pushed through the victims who surrounded their resting place. When they saw Ma Cuilan kneeling on the ground, he frowned and asked Third Grandma: "Old lady, what's going on?"

The third grandma was in trouble. When she saw the backbone of the third grandfather, she hurriedly waved to him: "Old man, come here quickly. This child may have been bullied by someone. He couldn't help it anymore and came to us to beg us to adopt him."

Ma Cuilan had a slap mark on her face, and anyone who saw it would think she was being bullied. When the third grandpa heard what the third grandma said, his face darkened and looked very ugly. After he came over, he pulled the third grandma's hand out of Ma Cuilan's hand and pulled the third grandma back a few steps to keep a distance from Ma Cuilan.

Ma Cuilan's heart pounded. She knew that the old man named Gu was not easy to fool, and she was afraid that if she said anything more, she would make mistakes, so she could only lower her head and cry softly.

Old man. The third grandma felt sorry for Ma Cuilan and wanted to adopt her. She looked at the third grandpa with a pleading look on her face.

The third grandfather shook his head at her, looked at Ma Cuilan, and said, "Girl, the two of us have been fleeing famine with the villagers. We have to rely on the care of our nephews in the village. Who can afford to adopt you?"

He looked at the slap marks on Ma Cuilan's face and said, "If you are wronged, go to the village chief Miao, the village chief Ren, and Zhong Xiucai to make the decision for you. They are kind-hearted and more capable than the old man, so they will definitely be able to make the decision for you. , arrange your affairs."

Previously, ten girls were not taken back by their families, and it was Chief Miao and others who took them to solve the problem. After this incident, the victims were very convinced by Chief Miao and others, and they would always go to them to make decisions when they had anything to do.

When Ma Cuilan heard this, she suddenly looked up at Third Grandpa and said, "But the nephew of the Miao Village Chief..."

He only said half a sentence, then suddenly stopped talking, stopped talking, just covered his face and cried bitterly.

The surrounding victims were all shocked when they heard her hint. One of the victims asked: "Miss Ma, but the nephew of the head of Miao Village bullied you?"

The slap mark on Ma Cuilan's face, as well as the half of the sentence she just said, almost told everyone clearly that she was bullied, and the person who bullied her was the nephew of the head of Miao Village.

Miao Village Chief's two nephews' wives died on the way to escape the desert, and now they are single. Ma Cuilan is good-looking, and Miao Village Chief's nephews are very likely to be interested in her.

Ma Cuilan didnt speak and just cried. The victims were even more convinced that she was bullied by the nephew of the Miao village chief.

Some victims of the disaster said angrily: "The nephew of the Miao village chief has gone too far. This matter cannot be left alone. Let's go to the Miao village chief to ask for justice for Miss Ma!"

"Miao Village Chief, Ren Lichang, and Zhong Xiucai are here, everyone, give way." The person who spoke was Gu Jinan. As soon as he knew that Ma Cuilan came to ask the third grandmother to adopt him, he, Luo Wu, and Qin Sanlang went to Miao Village Chief and the others. They had already brought three people over.

Miao Village Chief turned green when he heard what the victims said, and he hated Ma Cuilan in his heart. He knew that this girl who said she would not marry a widower was restless.

But now it was about his nephew, so he couldn't get angry. He could only say to the villagers in Miaojiagou: "Go and kidnap Liushun and Siwang!"

Miao Liushun and Miao Siwang are his only nephews who are single. If any of his nephews really bullied Ma Cuilan, it was only the two of them.

Hey. The villagers in Miaojiagou responded, and a dozen of them ran away to find Miao Liushun and Miao Siwang.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Miao Liushun and Miao Siwang were found.

The two of them were not tied up. They ran here following the villagers from Miaojiagou.

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