A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 83: Making a living【2】

Chapter 83: Making a living【2】

Chapter 83 Making a living2

Their family is now unable to make ends meet. Although they have money from the Qi government to support them, after buying out the people who live their lives, there are only 20 taels left of the thirty-two taels of silver.

His family has no land. With that little money, he still needs to buy land, build a house, and go to school. All of these things cost a lot of money. He must find a way to make money, otherwise the twenty taels of silver will not be worth it at all. not enough.

After hearing this, the Third Grandpa pondered for a while and said: "We are new here, and we are doing a new business. If the business is good, we will definitely attract people's attention. Don't worry, wait until the 30th of the year and several families have been calculated together. "

They are outsiders, and the whole family must stay together to survive, but they cannot be separated by one business, so the third grandfather planned to make a tofu business with the whole family, and specifically told Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli agreed. After experiencing the famine, she knew the importance of staying together in ancient times.

The family has put the matter on hold for the time being and will wait until New Year's Eve to talk about it.

Early the next morning, Luo's father and Qin Sanlang took Gu Jinli, Gu Jin'an, Luo Wu, Luo Huiniang, Tian Erqiang, and Tian Xiaohua into the mountains together.

They dont have much meat for the New Year, so they want to go to Dafeng Mountain to see if they can hunt some game.

I went into the mountains early in the morning and came back after dark. I found a lot of things, including five hares, three pheasants, a roe deer, and a sack of wild sweet potatoes. It was a rich harvest.

"We have enough meat for the New Year. This roe deer weighs thirty or forty pounds. Let's kill the roe deer tomorrow and kill a few chickens to worship our ancestors and have New Year's Eve dinner together." The third grandfather held up the torch and watched. Looking at Shan Zang lying all over the floor, there is a smile on his serious face. These days are getting better and better.

Several families also came to see the prey, and the roe deer was the most popular. They were surrounded and pointed at while watching a cup of tea.

After watching the prey, several adults asked Gu Jinli about the tofu. Third Grandpa told them not to worry, he would tell them about this after the New Year's Eve dinner tomorrow.

Although the several families were anxious to know about the tofu, tomorrow was the New Year's Eve, so it was not far away. After hearing this, everyone stopped asking questions in a hurry.

Mrs. Chu said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, let's make some tofu to celebrate the New Year tomorrow. The bean dregs cake and tofu are delicious." They didn't buy anything for the New Year this year. In addition to whole grains, they ate the prey they found, and the radishes they bought from the villagers. Cabbage and nothing else.

Gu Jinli said: "Okay, let's make tofu tomorrow. Whoever wants to make tofu in the uncle's and aunt's family will soak the soybeans when they go home tonight. Just five kilograms of them for the family will be enough. Tomorrow, take the soaked soybeans to Luo's mother. Lets grind the beans together in our yard, and then you can take them back when theyre ready.

"Hey, okay, okay, let's go back and soak the soybeans." Aunt Tian was the most happy. The soybeans produced a lot of tofu and bean dregs. She calculated last night that half a pound of soybeans would produce enough tofu and bean dregs for their family. Until full. Her family was short of food and money, and she wished Gu Jinli could make tofu every day.

Several families stood in the yard to discuss the matter of worshiping their ancestors tomorrow, and then went home.

At dawn the next day, several families got busy. The men were responsible for slaughtering the prey; the women were responsible for offering sacrifices to ancestors and preparing the New Year's Eve dinner; the half-grown children like Gu Jinli were busy grinding beans to make tofu.

There was a lot of tofu to be made today. It took three hours to grind the beans alone. From dawn to noon, all the beans were ground. Everyone took buckets of soy milk to Gu Jinli's house for her to make it. Tofu.

Everyone stayed curiously to watch her make tofu, but they didn't understand how the tofu was made?

All he knew was to put the soy milk into a pot and boil it. After it was cooked, Gu Jinli poured a bowl of water into it. After a while, the soy milk turned into beancurds. He picked up the beancurds and put them in a wooden box. He pressed them with stones for half an hour. Douhua becomes tofu.

Its amazing. Gu Qingliang looked at the boxes of tofu and was shocked.

Gu Yumei snorted coldly: "What's so magical about it, isn't it just a cheap thing made of beans..."

Gu Dexing hurriedly tugged on Gu Yumei's sleeve and interrupted her.

When they came here, the second aunt had warned them that this tofu was a good thing and now only Gu Jinli could make it. She asked them not to offend her. If they offended her, they would not be able to get the tofu in the future. Only their brothers and sisters would ask!

Gu Jinli chuckled, looked at Gu Yumei and said, "Bitch? Since it's a bitch, then spit out the tofu you ate." She really couldn't stand Gu Yumei, so she even fled her hometown, and she still pretended to be the granddaughter of the village chief. It was simply ill. When Gu Yumei heard this, her eyes were red with anger, she pointed at Gu Jinli and said: "You, don't be proud, I will definitely be able to make something better than tofu!"

Isn't it just a tofu? Everyone is supporting her, but she doesn't accept it.

There was something else that made her even more angry. Her father is obviously the village chief's son, so why didn't he go to her house to eat and worship his ancestors on New Year's Eve instead of going to Gu Jinli's house? Just because the third grandfather and the third grandmother lived with them? But the third grandfather and the third grandmother are just senior, not the village chief!

Gu Jinli saw through her thoughts and said rudely: "Are you very unconvinced? Hold it in until you really make something better than tofu."

She took out the dagger she carried with her, shook it at Gu Yumei, and said: "Take your finger back, or I will chop it off for you, do you believe it?"

Gu Yumei's face turned pale when she thought about Gu Jinli breaking Wu Da's tendons and hamstrings. She quickly retracted her hand, not daring to point at Gu Jinli again.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "That's right."

Gu Yumei was so angry with Gu Jinli that she wanted to leave but didn't dare to leave. They had to take the tofu back, otherwise they would be scolded by the second aunt, so they could only continue to stay at Gu Jinli's house.

After the tofu was ready, Gu Jinli asked them to take the tofu back: "It's cold today, just put the wooden box in the yard and freeze it. It can last for six or seven days."

Zhongzhou is the dividing line between the north and the south of Dachu. The Jianghuai River borders Zhongzhou to the north and Jiangnan to the south. Strictly speaking, it is neither north nor south. The winter here is still very cold.

Hey, we got it. Children from several families moved their tofu back.

Because everyone will gather together for New Year's Eve dinner tonight, several women are already preparing things in the kitchen of Gu Jinli's house. Seeing that she has finished her work, Ms. Cui calls her: "Xiaoyu, come here and teach your aunts how to make bean dregs cakes." , tofu dishes.

"Here we come." Gu Jinli went to the kitchen and made a pot of bean dregs pancakes, bean dregs meatballs, pan-fried five-spice tofu, braised meat tofu, and hot and sour tofu: "There are also some tofu dishes. I will teach a few aunts in the future. "

"There are other ways to make it. This tofu is really a treasure." The women from the family were very happy and asked Gu Jinli to rest while they tried to make a few more pots themselves.

In the evening, before the New Years Eve dinner, except for the Qin family, several families from Gujia Village crowded into the yard of Gu Jinlis house to worship their ancestors and pay homage to the dead villagers.

Thinking of those villagers who died tragically, several families burst into tears. It wasnt until the third grandpa tried to persuade them that everyone stopped crying.

The Qin family also worshiped their ancestors in their own yard, but they did not have a tablet for the god. They only set up an incense table and used a whole chicken to worship their ancestors.

After their family worship was over, Third Grandpa personally invited them over for the New Year's Eve dinner. This was agreed upon early in the morning. The Qin family did not refuse. All three of them came, but their eyes were red and swollen, and they were obviously crying. One game.

The New Year's Eve dinner was very sumptuous, including two large pots of roe deer meat, two pots of stewed chicken, four large bowls of braised rabbit meat, two large pottery bowls of stir-fried bamboo rat, two large pots of bean dregs cakes, bean dregs meatballs, and several tofu dishes. There are two large pots of dumplings stuffed with cabbage and meat, and a large pot of sweet potato and old rice porridge.

Although there are not many varieties, the portions are quite large, and over thirty people were all filled to their stomachs.

The younger children Gu Defa, Gu Dewang, Cheng Geer, and Gu Qingxi, Jin Niu, and Gui Niu from Gu Damu's brother's family were even more happy to eat, and their little bellies became round.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Third Grandpa talked about the tofu business: "Xiaoyu made tofu. This tofu is a fresh food. One pound of soybeans can produce more than three pounds of tofu, which is very cost-effective. If the tofu is cooked , the taste is very good, I thought, our family is poor, we have no money and no land, we have to find a way to make money, and selling tofu is a good way to make a living."

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