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2 months ago
“I don’t love you anymore.” It had been 10 years since I became an extra in a classic... Read more “I don’t love you anymore.”It had been 10 years since I became an extra in a classic romance novel. Having a very shy and quiet personality, I was suffering from a terrible unrequited love.Allan Leopold. He was the successor of the kingdom’s top businessman and the best lover candidate of all. The whole kingdom praised Allan’s beauty, and he didn’t even know I existed.Nevertheless, I couldn’t dare to approach the dazzling man, so I just looked at him. Shining black hair, jewel-like eyes, and a great family were things he had, and things that were too far away from me.That’s how I became an adult. One day, when I decided to pursue my dream instead of a feverish one-sided love, I fainted and woke up trapped in an unfamiliar basement of an old castle.“Don’t be angry, Melissa.”“…..”“Love me again.”It didn’t take much time to realize that this was reality.And that I’ve been kidnapped.That, too, by the man I had a crush on. Collapse Adopted Children, Aristocracy, Childhood Friends, Cute Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Emotionally Weak Protagonist, European Ambience, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Introverted Protagonist, Jealousy, Kidnappings, Loneliness, Love at First Sight, Love Triangles, Male Yandere, Nobles, Obsessive Love, Previous Life Talent, Secret Crush, Secrets, Shy Characters, Stalkers, Thriller, Timid Protagonist, Transmigration, Unrequited Love, Yandere Why most of the "woman" romance I've read when it comes to the "ideal" husband it's always one extremely possessive male, a cold son of a bitch or a violent cunt? And I don't know why but the gentle caring guy ( or simp sometimes) never win! What's going on??? I wonder about that also Wake up to reality my friend. You won't get pussy unless you have money and power. In other words, you have to be an alpha male, and that's the type of man women tend to get attracted to. That's how the world functions. Or the least you can be is a capable man, a man who can bring food to the table. to resume what I said more appropriately, so people don't misunderstand my words: women prefer capable men, someone who will put a roof above her head, bread on her table, and kids in her belly. You talked about simps. Well, sorry to break it out to you, but simps are no different than that friend women would speak to about their problems and daily lives and would never consider marriage material. You spoke about caring and gentle guys. Being kind is good, but I just don't think kindness can get you girls. If you're offended, know that I'm just spitting facts here.