Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 63 The Chase

"click, clomp".

"click, clomp".

"click, clomp".

The sound of the Goblin hoards marching in a straight line of four reverberated through the forest.

All cladded in Iron and heavily armed with all sorts of weapons, an axe, cutlass, swords, spears, bows and many more.

Leading the hordes of goblin is the king at the front seated on his mount having the structure close to that of a rhino with horns at the top of his mouth.

Walking alongside the king, is the Goblin who had held unto his great sword when he was addressing the Goblin hoards.

The king's mount stopped and with that, all the warriors at his back halted.

The Goblin king got down from his mount and walked further.

He turned his head several times surveying the surroundings.

"what is going on here".

He turned and asked the Goblin that had been walking beside him.

"did you not say this is where they were all gathered?",

"well, why is it empty".

"forgive me my king, the Orcs must have been informed about our coming here and quickly disperse themselves".


"this is why I said to make sure no news gets out about our departure, yet the news got to the enemy ears in time".

"now I can see the incompetence that allowed you to not have eradicated them all this while".

"forgive us for our incompetence my king!!".

Says the Goblin hoards at the front in unison as they took to bowing their heads.

while those at the back who with no knowledge of what was happening at the front still bowed their heads in accordance with the Goblins in front of them.


he raises his hand up signifying for them to stop. And as ordered, they all immediately stopped their cries for forgiveness.

"begging does nothing to the situation, you will redeem yourselves when you are faced against the Orcs".

"as for the Orcs, they are only delaying the inevitable".

The Goblin king crouched down and touched the soil on the ground with his hand.

He withdrew the hand and placed it on his nose then inhaled it deeply.

"the scent is still fresh?, it hasn't been that long since they evacuated".

He gets back on his mount and leads the Goblin hordes heading north east.

The Goblin hordes marched on and on until they got to a point where fallen trees were laid down before them.


The scene looked more like fallen trees piling up on each other and blocking the way of the Goblins and this made the Goblin king even more suspicious at what he is beholded with.

On a normal scenario, this would be a normal thing, but when it is a matter of the trees being there when the Goblins are chasing after the Orcs?....

It's a coincidence that does not add up at all.

"my king, I will order the Goblins to swiftly clear the path".

"do not bother".

The Goblin king while still mounted on his ride, lifted his great sword with one hand, and swung it down fiercely.

The gust of wind caused from the sword swinging down blew away the trees layered atop each other, thus freeing up the way.

"they think trees stacked together is enough to stop us?, how pathetic".

With the trees cleared out of the way, they once again continued their march.

They had moved a little farther from the tree problem when their king stopped his mount once again.

As to be expected, the Goblin hordes also stopped with their king.

The Goblin king raised his chin up and sniffed the air around him multiple times.


"what is it my king".

"they are near".

"skill, voice of the Goblin king".

With his skill activated, the Goblin king began to dish out orders to the Goblin horde.

"Goblin shielders, round defense formation".

The Goblins having a shield as their choice of weapon separated themselves from the rest of the Goblins.

Like a ring, they started rounding the rest of the Goblins putting them at the center.

When they were done with the rounding, they all knelt down and raised their shield up.

A barricade formation that requires the opponent having to break through the shields in other to see a single Goblin in sight.

"It is no use hiding yourselves from me, especially with your stench filling up the air".

"Goblin archer's, forward".

Just like the Goblin shielders, the Goblin archers also moved in unison, each stationing himself right at the back of a goblin shielder.

The Goblin shielders at the front with their shields, and the Goblin archers standing right behind them with their bows drawn and ready to unleash at the king's orders.

Their standing strategic with precise obedience showing that truly, they are trained warriors and not just ordinary mobs.

The reason for their movement efficiency and in accordance with each other is due to the influence of their king's skill.

"come on out or I will have to come force you out myself".

The Goblin king waited for a reply to his words and truly it was met with.

The Orcs coming out from their hiding places, mostly behind the trees, some buried underneath the ground, and some jumping down from the tree branches.

Beings with structure no different from the Orc that appeared in the arena.

All bearing the same resemblance with only the heights and weight setting them apart.

Armed with clubs, tree branches and some with more weight on them carrying a whole tree on their shoulders.

In no time, the Orcs that came out had managed to surround the Goblins on all sides.

"well well. If it isn't the savages".

"savages you say?".

an Orc with a bigger body than the rest came out to stand as a representative of his specie, a being also referred to as the Orc lord by his followers.

"you bastards barbarians, today is the day you all die".

"hahaha. Running from us several times, yet you still dare to make claims and threats".

changing his expression in a split second,

He covered one eye with his hand and grinned with his left fang.

"just who the hell do you think you are to dare threaten me".

"rejoice savages for I have come to bestow unto you all total annihilation".

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