After Transmigration, She Sold Herself to a Man as a Wife

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

It was said that the Old Master also came from Yiyang Town, and after leaving the capital, he returned to this place.

It was said that Gu Family Village was planning to open a school, so he came here.

Originally, the Yiyang Academy in the town had invited him to teach there, but the Old Master declined.

All in all, for this small village to be able to invite such an Old Master to teach was extremely fortunate.

"That is my young grandson who just took an afternoon nap. What are your names, and have you learned any characters before?" the Old Master asked the two children.

The backyard was also quiet, which was currently the Old Master's residence. Only a young boy around the same age as Older Baby Gu and Second Baby Gu was sleeping soundly on the kang bed.

Seeing the people notice the child on the kang bed, the Old Master gave a simple explanation, then turned and asked the two children another question.

"In response, Old Master, I am called Older Baby Gu," said one.

"I am Second Baby Gu," said the other.

"We have learned some. Our uncle and aunt taught us at home," the two children obediently nodded in response.

Hearing this, the Old Master couldn't help but glance at Luo Ge and the others, as at that time, most rural families were illiterate, and the young couple being literate was quite rare.

"Our parents' generations both attended school for two years and taught us some basics, so we know some simple characters," Gu Jinchen explained softly after seeing the Old Master's glance.

Upon hearing this, the Old Master nodded and retrieved paper and a brush from a nearby desk.

"Write something and let me see."

At the Old Master's words, the two children turned to look at Luo Ge and the others. After receiving their encouragement, they gripped the brushes and started writing characters with their small hands.

Although they usually practiced writing in sand trays at home and rarely used brushes, when they began writing, the two straightened their backs and looked focused and serious, which the Old Master silently nodded at.

After watching the two children diligently write out the characters, the Old Master asked them a few simple questions.

Seeing that the two children answered fluently, he turned to Gu Jinchen and the others.

"Tuition fees are six hundred wen per quarter, or sixty jin of coarse grain."

"The school only teaches books and does not provide meals. You will need to prepare meals for the children yourselves."

Upon hearing the Old Master's words and realizing they had been accepted to study, the children were delighted.

However, the two children calculated with their fingers and still frowned a little.

For each of them to attend school for a year would require two and four qian of silver, nearly five liang for both of them, not counting the costs of brushes, ink, paper, and ink stones. Studying was truly expensive!

Thinking this, they immediately stood up and tugged at Gu Jinchen's clothes, intending to say something, but then saw their uncle had already handed over his purse.

"Should we bring them on the day after tomorrow?"

They had inquired about the tuition fees before coming.

Two hundred wen per month was already much less compared to other academies.

Seeing Gu Jinchen and the others agree so readily, the Old Master was slightly taken aback.

He then nodded, "Yes, bring them to the school at the chen hour on the day after tomorrow."


After settling the tuition fees and other details, Gu Jinchen and the others did not linger any longer, each leading one of the children away from the school.

"Auntie... let's go home," the two children said as soon as they were outside, unable to hold back any longer.

They called out to Luo Ge, intending to make her take the silver back.

"What's wrong? Didn't you agree earlier that you wanted to learn and study hard to earn good titles in the future?" Luo Ge stopped walking and gently tapped their little heads.

"But it's too expensive," Older Baby Gu frowned deeply.

Five liang of silver for a year! That much silver could last their family a long time.

The village aunties often said that with so much silver, one could marry a very beautiful wife.

Seeing the children's expressions, Luo Ge couldn't help but laugh and rubbed their heads.

"Isn't our family doing business now? Don't worry, we're earning silver from the business. Since your uncle and I promised you, we will definitely be able to do it."

"All you need to do is study hard, okay?"

"Let's go home. Tomorrow, I'll take you to the town to get supplies."

Without waiting for the children to say anything else, she pulled them and walked home.

Gu Jinchen, walking beside them, received the children's glances and also rudely rubbed their heads.

"Listen to your aunt."

"......" The two children looked at each other, alright.

They silently made up their minds to study diligently and not let down their aunt and uncle.

...After sending Luo Ge and the children back home, Gu Jinchen took the silver and went to buy land from the village head.

"Wouldn't the plot of land at the village entrance be better?" the village head couldn't help but suggest after hearing Gu Jinchen's intentions.

Compared to the one he wanted, the plot at the village entrance was indeed better.

"I'm used to living there, and our old residence is also there," replied Gu Jinchen.

Hearing this, the village head said no more. "The time is still early now, so I'll take you to measure the land first. Tomorrow morning, I'll go to the town and get the land deed for you."


After measuring the land and confirming it was three mu and eight fen, just two fen short of four mu, Gu Jinchen gave twenty-eight liang of silver, making it an even number.

The village head tried to return the extra, "Young folks these days don't know how to manage money. Your wife is pregnant, Older Baby Gu and Second Baby Gu need to study—you have to be careful with your spending."

Gu Jinchen did not accept it. "I know you need to ask someone in town to help process this, and that will incur expenses. I cannot let you suffer a loss while doing us this favor."

"Moreover, we will still need your assistance living in this village in the future."

"Please keep it, and we will be at ease."

What Gu Jinchen said was true. To handle this matter in town, even with someone's help, would cost at least a few hundred wen.

The last time he went to register their marriage, it cost him quite a bit.

Part of it went to the officials, and part went to maintaining connections.

Similarly, as the head of the village, the village head also needed to maintain connections, which was unavoidable.

Hearing Gu Jinchen's words, the village head paused for a moment, then laughed and patted his shoulder.

"You little rascal, then I won't stand on ceremony with you."

Gu Jinchen also laughed, "As it should be. And for finding people to help build our residence, I will still need to trouble you to keep an eye out."

"Yes, I've got that covered. Just rest assured, I'll find people who are skilled and hardworking for you," said the village head.

His older son, Xiu Niang's husband, was a foreman in charge of construction, so this matter would be handled by them.


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