After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 509: Ridiculous

  Chapter 509 Extremely Absurd

Xiao Junji smiled shyly, and secretly stretched out his finger to hook Pei Yi's little finger, sticky and said: "What's mine is yours anyway. Sanlang, if you think I've done a good job , take it all away."

  Pei Yi's heart trembled, and she wanted to pull out her fingers subconsciously, but Xiao Junji hooked her tightly, and his eyes became more and more sticky. Pei Yi couldn't help but said helplessly, "Let go."

  Xiao Junji shook his head at her with an aggrieved face.

  Pei Yi was depressed, and said in her heart: You are holding on to me, and you are wronged?

  Xiao Junji stood in front of her, looked at her eagerly, and said in a low voice, "Sanlang is much more tolerant of Mr. Xun Lang. If he wants to touch your hand, you won't even hide."

  Pei Yi was greatly wronged, she stared slightly and said, "Where do I have it?"

  Xiao Junji snorted softly, and said without a trace of sourness: "You just specially asked Xun Huan to come down to talk. You didn't specifically ask me to talk."

  Pei Yi thought about it carefully, but unfortunately her memory is still a little fuzzy.

  She could only say uncertainly: "I seem to have reserved it for you, right?"

   Of course there is.

  Does Xiao Junji remember clearly that after the incident of the prince forcing the palace, Saburo specifically asked him to stay and asked him what his future plans were.

   Saburo cares about him~

  It's a pity—Saburo's concern is like sunshine, shining everywhere on the earth.

   Today it shines on him, tomorrow it will shine on Qisha, tomorrow it will shine on Huo Yuan, when you are in a good mood, it will shine on Helian Linyu, and in a few days, the sun will shine on Xun Huan again.

  Hmph, anyway, the sunshine of Saburo shines everywhere!

Xiao Junji's heart was sour, and he said nonsense in a serious manner: "No way. Sanlang, you have never cared about me, so how could you specially ask me to talk? You spoke."

   This jealousy is really too great.

  Pei Yi faintly felt that the room was filled with the smell of vinegar.


  Pei Yi sighed inwardly.

  She couldn't figure it out, how could these two men, Xiao Junji and Xun Huan, be so jealous?

  Two men are more narrow-minded than the other, and more jealous than the other.

  The point is that people who are jealous are almost unreasonable, and they can distort anything and make a lot of fallacies.

  If you try to reason with a jealous person, you will lose no matter how much you argue.

  Pei Yi decisively decided to go straight to the hair.

She coaxed in a good-tempered way; "Just now, I specially asked A Huan to stay here, but I actually had something to arrange for him to do. You each have your own strengths, and what you do has its own concealment. Some words are not suitable for everyone to be present. It’s time to say it. Just like today, the things we said are not suitable to say when there are many people.”

  Xiao Junji inexplicably heard something special about him in Saburo's heart from these words.

  He pursed his lips and suppressed a smile, finally feeling at ease.

He simply sat down on the soft fur spout covered on the ground, gently clasped Pei Yi's knees with his hands, looked up at her, and asked softly and coquettishly: "Sanlang, if one day, you will skyrocket to ninety thousand miles. How are you going to arrange for me?"

  Pei Yi felt embarrassed.

  She hasn't sat on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Lord yet, have these bigwigs already remembered the position of her harem?

  Pei Yi lowered her head to meet the other party's gaze with enthusiasm, and asked awkwardly, "How do you want me to arrange you?"

   This is kicking the ball back.

  Xiao Junji looked at her with a smile on his face, and asked, "Will you do what I think?"

  Pei Yi thinks that the problem is not that she can't continue to fool around.

  However, such a topic is really not suitable for continuing to chat about it.

"Aheng, I'll tell you the truth, I've never thought about marriage." Pei Yi said sincerely, "I never make promises to others. If I say it, I will definitely do it. So, I I can't give you a definite answer until I make a decision."

  Xiao Junji couldn't help being disappointed after hearing this.

  He asked unwillingly: "Sanlang is fooling me, right? Did you say that to Xun Huan, Qisha, and Huo Yuan?"

  Pei Yi suddenly felt embarrassed.

  She had said a phone call with sincerity, but Xiao Junji's analysis made it seem like she was a big scum who was always flirtatious and resolutely refused to promise.

  Seeing her sudden silence, Xiao Junji said angrily, "I knew it! Sanlang, you are not honest!"

  After speaking, he got up and walked away.

  Pei Yi looked at the back of the man walking away, and raised her hand to her forehead very depressed.


   It's really hard to coax people.

   If you don't pay attention, it will directly turn into fried hair.

   A few days later.

  A big event suddenly happened in Kyoto.

  At the dawn of the day, the old emperor sat majestically on the gilded throne as usual.

  The **** standing beside him flicked his fly whisk, and announced an imperial decree in a shrill voice: "The Fourth Imperial Daughter 'Huo Chenyu' grew up among the people since she was a child, and now she has re-entered the ancestral hall, recorded the genealogy, and named her the Princess of Zhenguo."

   There was an uproar.

   Not to mention who the "Huo Chenyu" princess who is living among the people is, it is very inappropriate to just say the title "Zhen Guo Princess".

   Princesses have always had no real power, and the titles of princesses are also false.

  For example, the title of Princess Leping is "Leping", which means "An Le Ping An" - it only has a beautiful meaning in it, but actually has no real power meaning in it.

   But the title "Zhen Guo Princess" is different.

  There are not many princesses who have been awarded the title of "Zhen Guo" in all dynasties. If you arrange all the past dynasties, you can count them on one hand.

  The reason why there are so few "Zhen Guo Princesses" is because "Zhen Guo Princesses" are the ones who really hold the real power among all the princesses—even if they don't hold the real power, they are the ones who have made great contributions to the country.

   But this "Huo Chenyu" princess has been living among the people for many years, so how can she talk about making great contributions to the country? What is the qualification to be named "Zhen Guo Princess"?

Among the ministers, such as Doctor Yu Shi, directly stood up and objected: "Your Majesty, according to the usual practice, the 'Zhen Guo Princess' can only be held by a princess who has made great contributions to the world. I think that Princess 'Shen Yu' was granted the title of 'Zhen Guo Princess'." Country' title, very inappropriate."

  The old emperor listened to others against him with a gloomy old face, in a terrible mood.

  With the leadership of the imperial historian, other officials became more courageous and followed suit to oppose it.

   "I also think it's inappropriate..."

   "How can a princess who has not made a great contribution to her family and country deserve the word 'Zheng Guo'?"

  A group of civil servants spoke impassionedly.

  The prime minister, Pei Shu, was an old **** standing aside, not expressing any opinion on this matter at all.

  At the corner of the side door of the main hall, Yan Luoyu stood quietly in a very hidden place, silently watching everything that happened above the court hall.

  Hearing so many ministers objecting to her being named "Zhen Guo Princess", Yan Luoyu's face darkened, and he whispered sarcastically: "A group of men are chattering, like a group of ducks squawking, it's annoying!"

  The maid who was following her lowered her head, not daring to say a word.

  On the high platform of the main hall, the old emperor looked at the ministers opposing him with bleak eyes, pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

  After a group of ministers finished expressing their objections, the old emperor slowly looked at the prime minister Pei Shu who had not spoken from the beginning to the end.

  He asked with some appreciation and encouragement: "Pei Qing, what do you think of this matter?"

  When the old emperor asked such a question, he directly focused all the eyes of the whole hall on Pei Shu.

  How can the prime minister answer?

  If he supports the old emperor, the prime minister will definitely make his colleagues look down on him.

   But if he supports his colleagues, the prime minister will definitely offend the old emperor.

  So, it is too obvious which is more important.

  Pei Shu came out, holding the wat board and lowering his head slightly, said: "This is His Majesty's family business, I dare not say more."

   Everyone was full of indignation, and they were so blocked that they couldn't speak.

  According to Pei Shu's meaning, dare you all have just made a generous statement for a long time, but in fact, shouldn't you say a single word?


  How could Pei Shu say such shameless words?

  Even if the matter of sealing the princess is His Majesty's family matter, the emperor's family matter is everyone's matter, and it is by no means a family matter like ordinary people, okay?

   Everyone complained about Pei Shu in their hearts, but they didn't dare to oppose the old emperor.

  On the high platform, the old emperor was very satisfied with Pei Shu's answer.

  With full warning, he scanned the ministers who expressed their objections one by one, and said with a stern face: "The fourth princess can be named 'Princess Zhenguo'. This matter is settled here and cannot be discussed again."

  When Yan Luoyu heard this, his heart sank to the ground, and he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

  The people in the court hall were not at all happy, and most of them felt as uncomfortable as eating flies.

  Everyone secretly scolded Pei Shu as a sycophant who catered to the emperor's preferences.

  Pei Shu didn't take these opinions to heart at all, walked out of the hall leisurely, and went home slowly.

  Pei Yi is now only a sixth-rank official, and is not qualified to go to the palace to listen to the court, so she was not able to witness the disputes that occurred in the court hall early.

  However, fortunately, she has quite a wide eye now, and usually sends news in a timely manner.

   Just like now, although Pei Yi is not in the court today, she already knows very well that the old emperor directly named Yan Luoyu the "Princess of Zhen Guo" based on her personal feelings.

   Thinking of the old emperor saying that Yan Luoyu had been living outside all year round, Pei Yi couldn't help asking the system for proof: "Could it be that Yan Luoyu is actually the old emperor's daughter?"

  The system replied embarrassingly: "No. Yan Luoyu's biological father is the late general Yan Chongdao."

  Then how did the old emperor say that Yan Luoyu was his daughter?

  Pei Yi suddenly woke up, and complained to her own small system in amazement: "Your Majesty is confusing the royal blood!"

  The system spread its hands together and said, "The old emperor wants to play like this, who can stop him?"

  Pei Yi remained silent.

  She was thinking about another thing the spies had told her.

  She had a pretty bad feeling.

  After being on duty that day, Pei Yi got into the carriage and ordered: "Uncle Zhong, go to Pei's residence."

  The groom Li Zhong was very happy when he heard that the young master was going back to the main house of the Pei family, and happily ran away with the horse on his back.

   Not long after, the carriage stopped outside Pei's residence.

  Originally, Pei Yi's black sandalwood carriage was definitely considered luxurious among the young masters, but compared with the other carriages parked at the gate of Pei's house, this carriage suddenly appeared very low-key and connotative.

  No one else, it's because her brothers' carriages are too expensive, that's what you call attention.

   "Third Master."

  The guard saluted respectfully and opened the way for Pei Yi very respectfully.

  Pei Yi nodded slightly to accept the gift, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is my father now?"

  Actually, when she asked this question, Pei Yi already had the most likely answer in her heart, but everything had to be confirmed.

   "Study." The doorman explained in detail.

  Pei Yixin said sure enough.

  Every time she goes back to Pei's mansion, almost her father is practicing calligraphy and self-cultivation.

   "Third Master, please." Soon someone came over and led Pei Yi out of the study.

  The doorman guarding outside the study saw Pei Yi coming from a distance, and immediately turned around and entered the study to report the situation.

  Pei Shu, who was practicing calligraphy, heard this and said with a light smile, "Let her in."

  So, Pei Yi entered the study easily as usual, and then she saluted her father as usual.

  Pei Shu was not surprised that his daughter would come to him at this time.

  He continued to practice calligraphy, but he asked, "What do you think of His Majesty's appointment of Yan Luoyu as a princess?"

  Pei Yi stood beside her father, and said solemnly: "There is nothing wrong with His Majesty wanting to make a girl a princess. After all, it is normal for an emperor to make another girl a righteous daughter."

  Pei Shu raised his head and glanced at his daughter, and said with a meaningful smile: "However, His Majesty did not enshrine Yan Luoyu as a righteous daughter."

  Pei Yi said: "So, this matter, Your Majesty, is really ridiculous."

  Pei Shu was noncommittal, and snorted mockingly.

  Pei Yi looked down at the words written by her father, and said unhurriedly: "Father, I heard people say today that His Majesty is choosing a date, and it is said that it will be used for the canonization ceremony."

  Pei Shu was noncommittal.

  At this time, the eldest brother Pei Xuanzong and the second brother Pei Xuanting both returned to the mansion.

  The two brothers, like their own sister, came to the study to find their father for the first time.

As soon as he entered the study, Pei Xuanting said directly in a loud voice: "Our Majesty is so stupid that he named that 'Fourth Princess' as Princess Zhenguo. It's really funny. Where did the Fourth Princess come from? Whether or not the identity of those who came out has to be said separately.”

Pei Xuanzong sneered contemptuously: "Needless to say. The fourth princess is Yan Luoyu. Yan Luoyu is the daughter of General Yan Chongdao. Don't we all know about this? Your Majesty is really confused. This kind of confusing the royal family You can do anything with your blood."


  Pei Yi also felt that what the emperor did was really absurd.

  That's why she felt that the old emperor might do something even more absurd.

  This matter was so absurd that Pei Yi felt that no one would believe what she said.

  Just as she was thinking so wildly, her father suddenly said: "Just now, Sanskrit said, His Majesty is asking Qin Tianjian about the date."

  Boss Pei Xuanzong immediately asked very vigilantly: "What date is Your Majesty asking?"

  Pei Shu glanced at the girl next to him, and said with a half-smile: "Fanyin said that His Majesty may be looking for a suitable day for canonization."

   "Canonization?" Pei Xuanzong was lost in thought and asked in confusion, "Who is your Majesty planning to preside over the canonization hall?"

The second child, Pei Xuan, sat down on the chair next to him with a big grin, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are confused. Didn't the old emperor just canonize Yan Luoyu as 'Princess Zhenguo'? He just has the canonized title, but not Canonization ceremony. How could the old emperor be willing to let Yan Luoyu suffer such a loss?"

  Pei Xuanzong thought about it for the same reason, and couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion: "It's too absurd."

  Since ancient times, only when the emperor ascended the throne, or when the prince of the country was newly established, or when the queen was conferred, would there be a canonization hall.

  In the mainland of Kyushu, I have never heard of a canonization ceremony specially held for a princess.

"It's not unusual." Pei Xuan raised Erlang's leg, but when he thought that his father was still on the side, he immediately put the raised leg back, and said with a sneer, "Yan Luoyu is the princess of Zhenguo." '. Zhen Guo Princess can have a canonization ceremony."

   Pei Yi, who had been standing silently by the side, finally said, "What if it's not the grand ceremony for conferring the princess of Zhen Guo?"

  Everyone in the room couldn't help looking at her, and the eyes of the men were filled with confusion: If they weren't canonized as Princess Zhenguo, why could they be canonized? Isn't this grand ceremony just to give Princess Zhen Guo a canonization ceremony?

Pei Yi was actually just guessing, but she always felt that the possibility of this guess was extremely high, so she said it out: "Your Majesty has now canonized Yan Luoyu as 'Princess Zhenguo'. There is no need to hold another canonization ceremony just for this matter. I think His Majesty probably wants to canonize Yan Luoyu..."

  She stopped abruptly, with a look that was not suitable for further talking.

  However, although she didn't finish speaking, the people in the room gradually realized what she wanted to say.

  Pei Xuanting was the first person to explode.

He stared at his sister with wide eyes, and said in a very unacceptable way: "You mean that His Majesty wants to canonize Yan Luoyu as a 'Prince'? Isn't that so? This is ridiculous! Don't their royal family still have a prince? Why? Maybe go beyond the prince and canonize a princess as a 'Prince'?"

  The reason why the empress of the previous dynasty was able to inherit the lineage was because there were no males in the direct bloodline of the royal family, so the Daxing emperor confusedly conferred his daughter as empress in a daze.

  Who would have thought that a group of offspring of the royal family were extremely dissatisfied with this, and every man in the royal family felt that he was orthodox, and every one of them rebelled and wanted to be emperor.

  The lessons of the previous dynasty are still in sight, and the old emperor just turned a blind eye?

   What's more, the orthodox bloodline of Empress Xia has been so strongly resisted, and a woman like Yan Luoyu whose bloodlines are obviously doubtful is even more boycotted by the royal family?

  Everyone present understands such a simple and easy-to-understand truth.

  So, everyone felt that if the old emperor wanted to confer Yan Luoyu the crown prince, he must have been kicked in the head by a donkey, or even fell into a cesspit.

   In a word, absolutely abnormal.

  Pei Xuan said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is not so ridiculous."

Pei Xuanting deeply agreed, and immediately supported his elder brother's point of view: "I also think that your majesty can't be so absurd. He has already made the courtiers very dissatisfied with his canonization of Yan Luoyu as 'Princess Zhenguo' today. If your majesty canonize Yan Luo again Yu is the 'Prince', that is definitely a slap in the face of the ministers. At that time, not to mention the direct descendants of the royal family will rise up against him, even a group of ministers will rise up against him."

  Although Pei Shu was noncommittal, in terms of that attitude, he was also inclined to the point of view of the two sons.

  Pei Yi couldn't say anything more.

   This kind of thing was just her personal intuition.

  Which is right and which is wrong can only be verified by time, and there is no benefit in arguing.

  Although her father and brothers still had illusions about the "reason" of the old emperor, Pei Yi really didn't dare to have any more illusions about the old emperor.

  An emperor can easily confuse the blood of the royal family, and easily canonize this fake princess as a detached "Princess Zhenguo".

  The old emperor has already done such absurd things.

  Then what absurd things the old emperor couldn't do?

  Pei Yi felt that the old emperor had acted completely irrationally.

  She thought about it for a while, and asked with complicated emotions: "Father, is our Majesty particularly obsessed with General Yan Chongdao?"

  Pei Shu's hand that was practicing calligraphy paused slightly, and he couldn't hide his disgust and said: "Your Majesty is not worthy at all!"

   Not worthy?

   Not worthy of what?

  Pei Yi had this question in her heart.

  But under the circumstances, this question does not seem to be so easy to solve.

   Judging by her father's attitude, presumably father thinks that the old emperor is not good enough for General Yan Chongdao?

  Pei Yi took a step forward, approached her father, and asked in a low voice: "Father, can you talk to me about how much your Majesty likes General Yan Chongdao?"

  Pei Shu suddenly lost the mood to practice calligraphy.

  He flicked the writing brush in his hand to the desk, turned his head to look at his daughter very depressed, and said in a complicated mood: "You like to listen to some romantic affairs so much?"

  Pei Yi blinked her eyes, deliberately dragging a soft tone and coquettishly said: "I like it~"

  Second brother Pei Xuanting immediately stood up from the chair, very supportive of his sister and said, "I like it too!"

  Boss Pei Xuanzong is actually not interested in this topic, but since his sister seems to be very interested, he expressed his support insincerely: "I like it too."

   Pei Shu looked at a group of children who seemed to be in high spirits, and suddenly felt really bad.

  My sons are a group of young people who are keen on **** and gossip, what should I do?

   Does this have a future?

  Pei Shu frowned.

But Pei Yi immediately said: "Father, I don't really want to know the details of the relationship between the old emperor and General Yan Chongdao. I just want to know how deep the relationship between the two of them is, and how can the old emperor do it for General Yan Chongdao?" Which step do you take?"

  Pei Shu thought for a while, looked at his daughter with complicated emotions, and said solemnly and depressedly: "I suddenly feel that your view is right."

  These words were nonsensical, Pei Yi didn't realize it for a while, and gave an "hmm" in confusion.

  Pei Shu said in a deep voice: "Our Majesty is crazy, he is someone who can even hand over the throne to Chongdao."

  (end of this chapter)

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