After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 525: stranger

  Chapter 525 Like a Stranger

  However, Pei Yi does not need to conceal her identity.

  Princess Zhen Guo's kindness, she appreciates it, but she won't accept it.

  Pei Yi looked at the girl sitting opposite her gently, smiled and politely refused: "I have been a romantic all my life, and I don't like restraint, so I'd better not harm other girls."

   Yan Luoyu was not surprised by this rejection.

  She never thought that Pei Yi would agree to the marriage from the very beginning.

  However, if she wants to marry Pei Yi, she also needs to marry Pei Yi.

  Her imperial father has already sharpened his sword against Pei Yi.

  The King of Huainan may also use Pei Yi's gender as a weapon at any time.

  Once the identity of Pei Yi's daughter is exposed, disaster will follow.

  She didn't want to see Pei Yi go on the road of extermination like this.

  She wanted to give Pei Yi a hand.

  Under the current crisis, the best way to get Pei Yi out of the gender dilemma is to get married to Pei Yi.

  If Pei Yi becomes her son-in-law, then as husband and wife, they will share weal and woe.

  From now on, Pei Yi's problems are her problems.

  Her difficulties are naturally also Pei Yi's difficulties.

  Before other people touch Pei Yi, they must weigh her weight as the princess of Zhen Guo.

  She will naturally protect Pei Yi with all her strength.

  Under her pressure, father will definitely not think about pursuing the mystery of Pei Yi's gender anymore.

  As for an ambitious person like King Huainan, if he insists on going his own way and insists on making trouble for Pei Yi, then she will join hands with Pei Yi to destroy such rebellious people.

  However, all of this is based on the fact that Pei Yi is willing to be her consort.

   If Pei Yi is unwilling to marry her, then she cannot protect Pei Yi.

   To be more precise, I am afraid that Pei Yi will stand on the opposite side of her from now on.

  The Pei family's ambitions are clear, and the Huo family's royal family is almost unable to suppress such a big family. And the girl from the Pei family refused to marry her, the royal princess, which meant cutting off the close connection with the Huo family.

  Under such circumstances, how could she not side with the royal family and attack Pei Yi?

  But after all, she still wanted to let Pei Yi live.

  Therefore, Pei Yi must agree to marry her today.

  Yan Luoyu felt very heavy in his heart.

  She stared at Pei Yi carefully, as if she wanted to see the depth of the other's soul.

  She said solemnly: "Pei Yi, you are not a scourge. You are a very nice person, and all the girls in the capital want to marry you."

  When Yan Luoyu said this, Yan Luoyu's voice was very soft, as light as a flashy and illusory dream, as if it fell apart and broke at the slightest touch.

  Pei Yi was a little moved.

  She has never been stingy about praising herself, and she refused with a cheeky smile: "Although I am a good person, I will not be a good husband."

  Yan Luoyu smiled unconsciously, and said softly: "You have never been someone else's husband, so why not do it well?"

  When Yan Luoyu said this, although his expression and tone were very calm, his heart was heavy and anxious.

  She desperately hoped that Pei Yi would agree to marry her.

  If someone else fell into the trap, she would naturally hang on to it as nothing to do with herself.

  But this person is Pei Yi.

   In her life, she may have only moved her heart once, and only thought about one person so hard.

  She has already made up her mind that Pei Yi will be her only husband.

   In the future when she becomes emperor, Pei Yi will be her husband.

  She knew that Pei Yi was a woman like her, so naturally it was impossible to conceive an heir with her.

   In other words, as long as Pei Yi is her legal wife, or her legal husband, then she is destined not to have her own heir.

  It's not like she doesn't know how important it is to have an heir.

  But for Pei Yi, she is willing to make such a concession.

   But the premise of all the concessions is that Pei Yi is willing to "marry" her, or that Pei Yi is willing to "marry" her.

  If Pei Yi still refuses to marry her, then the two of them are doomed to be strangers in the end, or even face each other with swords.

   It's not that Yan Luoyu cannot accept such a tragic result, but it will be extremely sad.

  She couldn't directly say to Pei Yi: If you don't "marry" me, then I won't protect you when my father does something to you; and I won't protect you when King Huainan does something to you. The day your daughter's body is exposed is the day when your reputation will be ruined, and the Pei family will also walk into a place of eternal doom with you.

  Yan Luoyu was really anxious, so anxious that he even felt a little sad, but these emotions could only be deeply suppressed in his heart.

  Pei Yi couldn't understand what Yan Luoyu was thinking, she just instinctively noticed something unusual.

   But no matter what, Pei Yi knew very well that she didn't want to marry Princess Zhen Guo at all, and she didn't need to marry Princess Zhen Guo either.

  If they get married, then she will bear the title of consort, and from then on, she will continue to fight with the royal family, and the reason will still be chaotic.

   Not to mention that she herself is a woman, and she will definitely not stay with Princess Zhenguo for the rest of her life in the future. In other words, she is destined to reconcile with Princess Zhenguo.

   This will owe Princess Zhen Guo a great favor.

  And she didn't want to just owe a favor that she had to owe.

  Pei Yi picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, the fragrant tea spread in her mouth, making her more peaceful.

She slowly said: "Princess, Pei has no intention of marrying a wife. It is impossible for a half-hearted person like Pei to grow old with anyone. Pei does not dare to delay the lifelong affairs of other girls. What's more What's more, Pei really doesn't care about women, and he really doesn't dare to harm a girl from a good family."

  How clever Yan Luoyu is, how could she not know what such words mean?

  If others reject her like this, maybe she will become angry from embarrassment.

  But when facing Pei Yi, she was much more tolerant and understanding.

  She suddenly realized that she might be too impatient.

  She can accept women, but it doesn't mean that Pei Yi can accept women like her.

  Perhaps, Pei Yi was frightened by her eagerness to propose marriage.

  Yan Luoyu thought about it, and immediately changed his strategy temporarily.

  As for Pei Yi, she needs to figure it out slowly, and she must not act too hastily.

  Although the ambition is to stay together forever, you might as well approach slowly as a close friend in a boudoir at the beginning.

   As time goes by, even if Pei Yi has no interest in women at first, she may not be able to gradually fall in love with them during the long time together.

  Yan Luoyu is very confident that as long as Pei Yi is willing to marry her, regardless of Pei Yi's attitude towards her at the beginning, he will definitely fall in love with her in the future.

  So the crux of all problems is—now we must find ways to coax Pei Yi into marrying her.

   Thoughts turned tens of thousands of times, but the face remained motionless.

  Yan Luoyu smiled coincidentally, and half-truthed, seemingly indifferently, said: "Sanlang's words are not bad."

   "No girl in this world is willing to marry a man who is uncertain."

   "Saburo said he doesn't like women, but it's a coincidence that I don't like women either."

   "However, I can't see a girl in trouble, especially a girl who has both ability and political integrity."

   "So, in order to make the girls suffer less, I'm willing to do some expedient measures."

   Speaking of this, Yan Luoyu didn't intend to continue to be subtle and euphemistic.

  She took Pei Yi's bare hand caressing the teacup lightly, and continued in a very earnest and gentle tone: "Sanlang, no matter what the road ahead is, I am willing to walk with you."

   "However, whether to go for a distance or to go all the way, it depends entirely on your own will."

   "I don't expect to grow old with anyone. After all, as a woman, I also hope to have a genuine husband to have children with me."

   These words are sincere and heartfelt.

  Pei Yi's face was indeed moved.

  Yan Luoyu is telling her that the so-called marriage is just a stopgap measure, as long as she wants to reconcile in the future, it can be reconciled.

   And Yan Luoyu himself didn't plan to spend the rest of his life with her as a fake Phoenix, she also wanted to find a real man to have children.

   But the problem is—

   "I really have no plans to marry a wife." Pei Yi said earnestly and sincerely, "I don't want to delay the princess."

   "If we reconcile in the future, I, a 'man', will have nothing to lose, but the princess and a girl's family will definitely lose their reputation."

   "There is no need for the princess to bear such a stain on her back just to help me."

  Although Yan Luoyu asked herself her heart was cold and hard, but when the other party asked her about her plans, she couldn't help but feel a little softer.

  Her hand holding Pei Yi couldn't help but gently close it.

  She chuckled lightly and said, "Just what I said to Saburo, what does it matter if I have a stain on my back? I don't mind getting divorced."

  Pei Yi said seriously: "But I don't mind."

  Yan Luoyu was stunned for a moment, feeling a warm current in his heart.

  She gently squeezed Pei Yi's hand, and said softly but firmly: "Sanlang marry me. I will protect you. You will protect me too."

   Although these words are short, they are as heavy as a thousand pounds.

  Pei Yi felt that she couldn't afford it.

  She suddenly realized that she couldn't talk about this anymore today.

  The other party obviously had the heart to "marry" her, but she had no intention of "marrying" him.

   Not at all.

  She didn't want to have a so-called "son-in-law" status at all.

  Pei Yi suddenly withdrew the held hand.

   Immediately afterwards, she stood up abruptly, and saluted politely but alienated: "Princess Hui has a heart, Pei is an unworthy match."

   "Pei knows that she is unrestrained, and dare not destroy the princess's reputation, so I leave here."

  After saying that, Pei Yi turned around and walked out of the house.

   These changes, Yan Luoyu really did not expect.

  She changed color in surprise, stood up immediately, and knocked down the teacup on the table with her wide sleeves.

  The warm tea in the teacup flowed out, soaking her sleeves, but she didn't notice it at all.

  All her attention was on Pei Yi.

  She stared firmly at Pei Yi's figure, anxiously but aggrievedly shouted: "Pei Yi!"

  Pei Yi couldn't help but stop when she heard the shout.

  But she understands too well that if she stays at this moment, this topic must be endless.

   Such a result was not what she wanted.

  Pei Yi became ruthless and continued walking without looking back.

  Yan Luoyu saw that the other party stopped suddenly, and he still had a little hope in his heart.

   But seeing Pei Yi continue to walk out, her heart sank.

  Yan Luoyu took a step forward anxiously, but stopped immediately.

  Although she has a crush on Pei Yi, she is not to the point of begging for nothing.

  Even if she wanted to keep Pei Yi, it was by no means forcing her to turn around by clamoring.

  She is just sad right now.

  She wanted to tell Pei Yi: If you walk out of this door today, we will be on our own from now on.

  If you refuse to form a husband and wife ally with me, then you are standing on the opposite side of me with the Pei family.

  When others attack you, although I feel distressed, I will never be soft.

  Why do you want to be my enemy?

   Is it not good for the two of us to conspire together in this world?

   But she couldn't say a single word of these words, and she couldn't.

  Yan Luoyu suddenly felt sour.

  She stared at Pei Yi's back, she didn't know how to put a thousand words to her lips, and finally she could only shout in despair: "Pei Yi!"

  Pei Yi couldn't help but stop when she heard this voice that was obviously not in the right mood.

   But this pause didn't last long, and the next moment, she continued walking out without looking back.

  She knows exactly what she wants.

  She has big plans and great schemes, and it is impossible to temporarily reach a husband and wife relationship with a royal princess.

   What's more, this royal princess is obviously ambitious, which conflicts with what she has in mind.

  The two of them are clearly aiming at the same thing. How can they work together in such a conflict?

  Pei Yi's heart was like a mirror, and her feet couldn't help being firmer and faster.

  Yan Luoyu stood motionless, staring at Pei Yi's back with some hope.

But until seeing Pei Yi's figure getting farther and farther away from her, and finally disappearing at the corner of the stairs, the brilliance in Yan Luoyu's eyes couldn't help dimming bit by bit, and then replaced by an indescribable... sad.

  Pei Yi completely gave up standing with her.

  Yan Luoyu's heart suddenly surged with emotions, all kinds of sourness welled up in his heart, and his eye sockets seemed a little moist.

  She slowly closed her eyes, raised her head slightly and took a deep breath.

   Don't force it.

  Some people are destined to be different from themselves, and they will be separated when they get separated.

  If they match up in the future, each of them will be blessed.

  Another compartment.

  Pei Yi walked out of the attic quickly.

  The little servant girl Zhichan was waiting at the gate of the attic, and when she saw her come out, she immediately knelt down and saluted slightly: "I will send you off to Mr. Pei."

  Pei Yi nodded slightly in return.

  She walked quickly through the corridor and walked out of the Moon Cave Gate.

  Qi Sha and Xiao Junji were blocked outside the Moon Cave Gate.

   The two men have been waiting here impatiently for a long time.

  Especially Xiao Junji, holding the Shih Tzu dog in both hands, stretched his neck and looked into the Moon Cave door several times, feeling indescribably irritated.

  Qi Sha, who was waiting here with him, couldn't help being affected by it, and he was also extremely irritable.

  In the end, Qi Sha couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Don't look around here."

  Xiao Junji glanced at him coldly, and said sarcastically, "You don't worry about Saburo, I worry! You don't worry, I worry."

   As soon as the voice fell, the sound of hurried footsteps sounded in my ears.

  Xiao Junji's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly searched for his reputation, and he really saw the person he was thinking of.

  He immediately shouted happily: "Sanlang~"

  Pei Yi walked over quickly, lifted the hem of her clothes, and stepped out of the moon cave door in one step.

  She looked solemn and said nothing, just hurried on her way.

  Seeing her abnormality, Xiao Junji couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

   Qisha was also stunned.

  The two men looked at each other in blank dismay, then set off to catch up at the same time.

   A group of people got into the carriage quietly, and no one said much.

   Along the way, the sound of wheels rolling over the road was mixed with the sound of horseshoes, which was very clear.

  The two young men sat on both sides of Pei Yi, both of them were quiet and didn't say a word, unexpectedly they were not as jealous as usual.

  Of course, it doesn't mean that the two of them suddenly stopped being jealous because of the sublimation of their realm.

   But everyone is a very discerning person.

  The purpose of jealousy is to attract the attention of the sweetheart.

  But now, the sweetheart is obviously not in the right mood.

  If they were jealous at this moment, wouldn't they just annoy their sweetheart?

  So, jealousy depends on the timing, and sticking to one's duty is the right way now.

   After a while, the carriage stopped outside the gate of Xiao Pei's mansion.

Pei Yi didn't say much, she just opened the door curtain of the carriage and stepped on the horse stool to get out of the carriage. Then, she quickly walked up the steps, stepped into the high threshold at the gate, and walked to the study in a hurry up.

  Xiao Junji hugged the Shih Tzu dog and quickly got out of the car.

  The seven kills were also extremely fast, lifting the door curtain and jumping out of the car, not even bothering to step on the stool.

  Xiao Junji looked worried, turned his face to look at his rival, and said in a low voice: "What happened to Sanlang today? He walked so fast, he didn't even wait for us."

  Qi Sha was also very confused, but he pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, he didn't feel that he had anything to say.

  Xiao Junji originally complained with his love rival, but who would have thought that this love rival would not say a word.

  If the person beside him today was Xun Huan, I'm afraid he would have chatted with him long ago.

  Xiao Junji was unavoidably depressed.

  He glared at his rival in love, and mockingly complained: "You are such a piece of wood."

  Qi Sha's eyes turned cold, and he glared at Xiao Langren threateningly.

  Xiao Junji didn't hesitate at all, and ran after his sweetheart without looking back.

   Seeing his rival's arrogance, Qi Sha couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

  Although he quickened his pace and chased after him, he couldn't help thinking: Am I really a log? Am I so uninterested? Will Saburo dislike me? How should I change it?

   After a while, the two men finally arrived outside the study together.

  However, the two walked into the door and saw that there was no one in the study.

   "Where is Sanlang?" Xiao Junji asked in confusion.

  Qisha quickly backed out, and asked the doorman: "Did you see that the third master is back?"

  The boy shook his head and said respectfully, "No."

   "This is weird." Xiao Junji frowned and said, "I clearly saw Sanlang walking towards the study."

   Qisha frowned, thinking that he also saw Saburo walking in this direction.

   Logically speaking, Saburo would not be much faster than them, so he shouldn't have completely separated from them like this.

   Qisha turned his mind around, but still couldn't figure out where Saburo would go.

  He retreated from the corridor at the dripping eaves, walked directly to the corridor at the patio, and then looked around.

   There is no one.

   Then, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly raised his head and looked up at the roof.

   Sure enough...

  Qi Sha lightly tapped his foot, and using his lightness kung fu, he stepped on the pillar and flew up to the eaves with his strength.

   On the other side of the eaves, his family Saburo was sitting on the ridge,

  She rested her chin on one hand, staring into the distance in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

   While Xiao Junji, who was under the eaves, saw his rival in love suddenly run up to the roof, he immediately felt confident.

  He also planned to use Qinggong to go up to the roof.

  Who would have thought that after borrowing strength from the pillars, he would not be able to go directly to the eaves—he stopped an inch away from the eaves, and then fell back to the ground.

  Xiao Junji's face became stiff.

  He felt that his dignity had been greatly challenged.

  He even suspected that the two gatekeepers standing on the corridor were laughing at him.

  He has nothing to love in his life!

   Ah, bah, he was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to hit the wall!

  How could he not be able to fly to the roof?

  He used to be, but he shuttled on the eaves at night and chased Saburo for several streets.

  But why can’t you fly up today?

  Xiao Junji looked at the eaves, and then looked down at the Shih Tzu dog in his arms.

  Unknown why, the Shih Tzu looked up at him, with a pair of round dog eyes that were bright and full of doubts.

   One person and one dog meet each other like this.

  Xiao Junji suddenly felt that he had found a reason.

  He bitterly said: "I understand, it is you who dragged me down!"

  The Shih Tzu was confused: What the **** is this stupid human talking about?

  Xiao Junji put the Shih Tzu dog in his arms on the stone table beside him, then geared up his fists, and once again used his lightness skills to fly to the eaves.

   This time, he really is as light as a swallow, and his overall height has also become taller!


  He still stopped a short distance from the eaves.

   Then, it fell back to the ground.

  Xiao Junji's expression became completely stiff.

   This is not normal!

This is impossible!

  He is clearly top-notch in lightness kung fu, how could he be like this?


   I don't know where there was a snigger.

   This is nothing more than a fuse.

  Xiao Junji's handsome face immediately flushed red.

  He was extremely ashamed and angry, and shouted at the boy on the corridor: "Go get the ladder!"

  The boys didn't dare to make fun of this gentleman, so they could only press their lips together to suppress a smile, bowed their heads and ran away quickly.

   After a while, they moved back a ladder, and leaned the ladder against the edge of the eaves with great insight.

  Xiao Junji walked over with his head held high, as if he was the best in the world, and then he held the ladder with both hands, and climbed up the ladder step by step gracefully, and finally reached the eaves of the roof.

   Under the eaves, the servants secretly watched Lang Jun climb the stairs, and all of them could not help but smile with their lips tightly pressed together.

  Really, they don't know why they want to laugh so much.

   But this Prince Xiao is really funny.

  Xiao Junji is not unaware that someone is laughing at him.

   But he really can't help it.

  He really hates him now.

   I really hate it to death.

   The instigator of all this is Pei Yi!

   It's all because of his family, Saburo, who made him fat, otherwise why wouldn't he even be able to fly up the roof? If this goes on like this, his qinggong will be useless. Woohoo, I'm so mad at him, why did he become a fat man from a handsome man? A fat man who can't even use light work well! Saburo, you are so sorry for me!

  (end of this chapter)

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