After Wearing a Book, I Pampered Five Big Villains

Chapter 529: see off

  Chapter 529 Sending off

  He didn't want to go that far with Pei Yi.

  He would rather be a lowly little guard all his life than become a noble royal who is very likely to oppose Pei Yi.

   Qisha felt very sad.

  His hand that always held the long knife had put down the long knife at some point, and now he just held Pei Yi's hand with both hands, very careful but also very firm, for fear that he might not be able to hold it firmly.

   "Saburo, I don't have any ambitions."

   Qisha is the first time to say such soft words of self-confession.

  His voice was a little hoarse because of his low mood, as if he had a serious illness.

  He said slowly, almost pleadingly: "But if you push me to such a position, it is impossible for me to be unambitious."

   These words are implicit but also straightforward.

   Of course Pei Yi knew what it meant for this man to return to the royal family of Chu State.

  In terms of selfishness, she certainly doesn't want Seven Killers to return to Chu.

   Not only because she was reluctant to part with such a small guard, but also because she knew the ability of Seven Kills very well.

   She didn't want to create a powerful foreign enemy for herself.

  However, the reality is that she has no choice but to let the seven kills go.

   What's more, even if there were no seven kills in Chu, wouldn't there be other talented kings?

  Instead of letting Chu give birth to a hero who has nothing to do with her, it is better to have a Mingjun who can talk to her.

   She has always been aware of these.

  So, that day Qisha asked her swearingly, if she was willing to make him the emperor's husband if Chu State was a gift.

  She didn't take it to heart at the time.

  It's like she never took to heart what Huo Yuan cried and said that he would abdicate the throne to her in the future.

  What Qisha couldn't do, Huo Yuan couldn't do either.

  A person who has not yet obtained the throne, naturally, he will not feel pain in his back when he talks about transferring the country.

  She was even a little skeptical, Huo Yuan cried so sad that night, it was probably just a show to a large extent.

  The purpose is to soften her heart so that she can favor him in future conflicts.

  Thinking like this may be a bit of a villain.

  But no matter what Huo Yuan's real purpose was, after that night, she did show a little more tolerance towards Huo Yuan.

   But that's all.

  If there is any conflict in the future, it will not be something that a man can fool with a few tears.

  Pei Yi has always been sober about these key matters.

  So, even if she sees Qi Sha so sad now, she will never soften her heart and say: Then you stay by my side and don't leave.

   This is impossible.

   Seven kills must go.

   Moreover, thanks to Qisha for accepting her love.

  In the future, Qisha may be able to help the Pei family at a critical moment.

   In short, help others and help yourself.

  Pei Yi let the young man hold her hand.

  Compared to the teenager's sadness and entanglement, she seems a bit too cold and heartless.

  She persuaded softly: "It's a good thing for a man to have ambition."

   When Qisha heard this reply, his heart suddenly became cold.

   Saburo really didn't consider keeping him at all.

  Even if the two of them might become enemies after this farewell, Saburo doesn't plan to keep him anymore.

  Qi Sha thought of the dramas he had heard before, and felt hypocritical and speechless at the time, but now he feels very appropriate.

  He couldn't help feeling a bit resentful for a moment, and bitterly said the hypocritical words in the play: "Saburo is so cruel."

  Pei Yi heard that Qisha's words contained resentment, and immediately became vigilant.

  She wants to form an alliance, not a grudge.

  If the seven kills leave this time full of resentment, Zhou and Chu will face each other in the future, which will not benefit Da Zhou or the Pei family at all.

  She doesn't want to see a situation where a certain king wants to fight against the nobles of other countries because of his emotional injury.

  Pei Yi resolutely chose to give the big brother the favor, and explained very gently: "If I can save you from danger, so what if I'm a little bit harder?"

  Pei Yi has never talked much about love, but now these words are very nasty to her.

   However, it turns out that stinky words often work well, and the more stinky, the better the effect.

  Just like now, he was clearly a seven-killer boss who said "I'm about to be hated because of love" just now, but now his face is already full of happiness.

   Seven kills even gave birth to a little bit of guilt in turn.

  He introspected seriously, and said with shame: "I'm too shallow. I shouldn't have said that about Saburo."

  Pei Yi took advantage of the victory to pursue, and took advantage of the good atmosphere to quickly comfort her: "It's not that you are superficial, but that you only focus on one person all day long, so naturally you can't see others."

   "No blame, you are destined to be different."

   "You need to take a wider view—not only the one-acre-three-point land in front of you, but also the surrounding prefectures and counties, and even beyond the country."

   "Once the horizon is broadened, the mind will naturally be broadened, and some entangled things will naturally not be entangled."

   Qisha suddenly felt nectar sprinkled his heart.

  If just now there was only a little guilt for resenting Pei Yi, now he is really ashamed of his short-sightedness and shallowness.

  He held Pei Yi's hand tightly, and said earnestly, "Sanlang, I understand."

  Pei Yi was relieved to see that the boss had finally figured it out.

  She knew that Qisha must have a way to contact the generals of Chu, so she didn't ask too much, and just waited for Qisha to find out by herself.

   Qisha was very efficient in his work, and he came back a few days later to report to her and said, "Sanlang, I'm leaving tomorrow night."

  Although Pei Yi also hoped that Seven Kills would leave Dazhou as soon as possible, she was still a little surprised when she heard this at first, and even felt a bit reluctant in her heart.

   This bit of reluctance came suddenly, even a little inexplicably.

  Pei Yi could only hear herself asking in a tense voice: "So fast?"

   "Yes." Qisha nodded, and told her very calmly, "The time has been set."

  Pei Yi felt that she should say something, but for some reason, she didn't know what to say.

  After pursing her lips a few times, Pei Yi could only hear herself asking in a vacant voice, "Have you packed all your things?"

   Qisha nodded calmly and said, "It's all packed."

  It wasn't until this time that Pei Yi suddenly realized that when a man calmed down, he might be calm enough and even indifferent.

  Pei Yi was inexplicably sad.

   But she couldn't tell where this sadness came from.

She could only try her best to make herself appear calm and indifferent, slightly hooked the corners of her lips and showed a forced smile, and said very gently: "Then you go down and rest first. Tomorrow is night driving, you have to recharge your batteries tonight .”

  Qi Sha lowered his head and let out a soft "hmm", then backed out without looking back.

  Pei Yi watched the other party walk away in front of her and finally disappeared at the corner of the door.

  She stared at the empty door in a daze for a while, and then suddenly woke up.

  She smiled bitterly.

  What are you looking forward to?

  Could it be possible that Qi Sha could suddenly come back in delusional thinking, and say that she couldn't bear to part with her like before?

   After all, I push people out with my own hands, and I can't sigh with regret after others wake up.

  Since it is something that has already been done, there will be no regrets.

  Pei Yiqiang cheered up.

  Now what she has to do is how to do well the things that can be controlled, and she has to consider how to prevent those things that are not yet under control.

   Outside the study.

  At night, a bleak figure stood in the corner of the dark yard. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't know there was a person hiding there.

   This person is seven kills.

  He stood here reluctant to leave.

  He actually wanted to go in and see Saburo, but he didn't dare.

  Just now, when Saburo directly told him to go back to the room, he felt very sad.

  He thought that with the imminent parting, Saburo would leave him to talk about himself.

   As a result, Saburo dismissed him so cleanly.

  He still didn't give up at that time, and secretly fantasized about whether Saburo would suddenly call him to stop him when he turned around and left.

   It turns out that everything is his wishful thinking.

   Until he walked out of the study, until he secretly stood in this corner for so long, Saburo didn't chase him out to take a look.

  But he dared not blame Saburo for his heartlessness.

  He didn't dare to go back and cling to Saburo and say something reluctant.

  He clearly remembered how Saburo enlightened him a few days ago.

   Saburo told him to broaden his horizons and not focus on her all day long.

   Saburo told him to be broad-minded and not to be entangled in some people and things.

  He should be more mature and open-minded.

  So, even if he rushes into the study no matter how much he thinks in his heart, he can only hide here secretly, watching Saburo in the room quietly through the wide open window from a distance.

   At least on the surface, he wants to be a person who can afford and let go.

  He can't let Saburo see that he is such a reluctant and shallow person.

   This night, the lights in the study were on for a long time.

   Qisha saw that Saburo Pei had been dealing with things.

  She would call people into the house from time to time, and she didn't know what she was ordering to arrange.

  It is now late autumn, and it is bitingly cold outside the house at night.

  But Seven Kills suddenly didn't realize it.

  He stood in that inconspicuous little corner for a long time.

  Until the lights in the study room went out, and until the Pei family Saburo walked out of the study room, he remained standing there.

  He reluctantly watched Pei Sanlang walk away through the long corridor with lanterns, and finally disappeared at the end of the long corridor.

   He even tried to catch up.

   But he still didn't do it.

  He can't upset Saburo.

   Saburo has worked so hard to persuade him to let go, he should let go - at least on the surface.

   Qisha silently returned to his room.

  However, he couldn't fall asleep.

   After tossing and turning for a while, he finally got out of bed with an annoyed expression on his face, and then tiptoed out of the room.

  He is Saburo's personal bodyguard, so his residence is not far from Saburo's wing.

  He quietly slipped out of Sanlang's room, but he didn't dare to go in.

  He didn't intend to go in either.

  He was very satisfied to stand outside the house and watch for Saburo all night.

  He is Saburo's bodyguard, this is his duty, and this is the last time he will perform this duty.


   There is no chance again.

   Just as he was thinking of this, the window of the bedroom suddenly opened slightly from the inside.

   Qi Sha was very guilty, and quickly hid to the side.

  Inside the house.

  Pei Yi tossed and turned tonight, unable to sleep.

  She felt agitated for no reason, and finally couldn't lie down, so she simply got up and got out of bed.

  The room was inexplicably stuffy.

  Pei Yi pushed open the window.

  It was dark outside, and even the lanterns on the promenade had been extinguished.

  The autumn wind at night blew from nowhere, and the fan made some cool sounds on the window.

  Pei Yi tightened her clothes.

  She looked up at the pitch-black sky, only to see that the moon had gradually become a disk.

  It's almost fifteen.

  She suddenly remembered that her birthday was on September 15th.

  But Qi Sha will leave tomorrow night.

  Tomorrow night is September fourteenth.

   An unspeakable melancholy welled up in Pei Yi's heart for no reason.

  As long as Qisha leaves one day late, she can celebrate her birthday.

   But the seven kills did not.

  The day of this trip was chosen by coincidence.

   An inexplicable sourness pervaded Pei Yi's chest.

  She stood quietly by the window, quietly looking up at the nearly full moon in the sky, her thoughts drifted away suddenly.

  She thought, Qi Sha should sleep well tonight, so that she can recharge her energy and go on her way tomorrow.

  At this moment, the Qisha she was talking about was quietly hiding outside the house.

  The moment he saw Pei Jiasanlang push open the window, he was shocked.

  He couldn't help thinking: Could it be that Saburo couldn't fall asleep?

  He wouldn't be so confident that he thought Pei Yi was upset about his parting and couldn't sleep.

  He clearly remembered that Saburo has been dealing with affairs tonight, and now he is probably thinking about how to arrange things later.

  From now on, he will not be the one who stays with Saburo and advises Saburo.

  Qi Kill thought of this, and couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

  This night, he stood outside for a long time.

  He saw his family Saburo standing in front of the window for a long time.

   It was not until the moon was in the sky that Saburo finally returned to the bed.

  However, listening to the movement in the room, Saburo didn't seem to be sleeping very peacefully.

   Qisha has been silently guarding outside the house.

  He thought, the road that Saburo had to take was long and full of thorns, and it was really difficult.

  He didn't want to make it so difficult for Saburo.

  Even if he returns to Chu State in the future, even if he has other responsibilities on his shoulders in the future, Qi Sha feels that he will always think about Saburo.

  He can't lose to Saburo.

  Autumn night is over, and the sky is cold.

  When the sun shone on the corridor in the early morning of the next day, Qi Sha silently and quickly walked back to his wing.

  Everything he did was silent.

   There was no trace left on the promenade, as if no one had ever stayed here overnight.

  Pei Yi didn't sleep well all night.

  She couldn't explain why she was so restless.

  She simply washed up.

  Qi Sha did not come to accompany her for breakfast this day.

  To be precise, since the conversation on the roof that day, Qi Sha never came to have breakfast with her again.

  Pei Yi looked at the side dishes on the table, and suddenly couldn't help asking: "Has Mr. Qilang woke up?"

  Actually, she also knows that according to Qisha's work and rest habits, she has already woken up long ago.

   But she just wanted to ask more questions.

  Who would have thought, the little servant girl replied: "I have never seen Mr. Qilang leave the wing room, and I think I haven't got up yet."

  Pei Yi was very surprised.

  But after thinking about it, Seven Kills is going to set off tonight, presumably he is recharging his energy, and it makes sense that he is still sleeping now.

  Pei Yi silently finished her breakfast alone, and ordered: "If Lord Qilang wakes up, you can send him some food."

  Actually, these words are completely redundant.

   Seven kills has a very high status in Xiao Pei's mansion.

  If he wakes up, the servant girls below will take the initiative to prepare food and the like, and there is no need for Pei Yi's order at all.

  But for some reason, Pei Yi just wanted to give such an order.

   On this day, she was supposed to be on duty in the Ministry of Officials.

  But she asked for leave from the Ministry of Officials.

  The official department was also very talkative, and directly approved her personal leave without embarrassing her too much.

  Pei Yi felt at the time that the court's administration of officials was really messed up. To put it nicely, it could be called tenderness, but to put it bluntly, it would be that there are many relationships and no rules.

  The reason for asking for leave like her was written in a vague way, and the people above didn't even ask more, but with an ambiguous expression of "I understand you", they agreed to the personal leave quite readily.

  Thinking about it this way, there are quite a few officials who ask for personal leave like this on weekdays, and most of them ask for leave for the sake of having a romantic affair.

  How ridiculous.

  Pei Yi shook her head repeatedly.

  She took the carriage back to Xiao Pei's mansion, and went straight to the study.

  But she couldn't read any files, she just sat at the desk symbolically, holding a file in her hand and lost in thought.

   After a while, she couldn't help but glanced at the window.

  She didn't know what she was expecting.

  Maybe it was because Qisha wanted to come to the study to have a look at her before parting.

  Pei Yi closed the file in her hand irritably.

  But after thinking about it again and again, she still didn't choose to watch Seven Kills.

  Qi Sha was reluctant to leave before, but now she finally persuaded her to move her.

  But she showed a reluctant look at this time, wouldn't it make Qisha, the little man who was not very firm in his attitude, shaken again?

  Pei Yi was secretly struggling.

   Sitting in the study, it is from dawn to dusk.

  When it was time to light the lamp, a young servant hurried into the study and reported respectfully: "Third Master, Qilang-jun has gone out."

  Pei Yi somehow lost her mind.

  She stood up from the chair suddenly.

   This movement was so urgent and violent that it startled the servants in front of him.

  But Pei Yi couldn't care less.

  She felt that her brain must be a little crazy, and she couldn't control the movements of her feet, so she hurriedly walked out of the house.

   Qisha walked quietly, so tonight, instead of going out from the main entrance, he set off from the small corner gate.

   When Pei Yi rushed over, Qi Sha had just left the corner gate.

   A group of people had already been waiting outside the corner gate.

   The two men headed by him had a certain majesty, one of them looked very honest, the other was very thin, and they didn't look very friendly, but they looked at Qi Sha with extremely kind eyes.

  Pei Yi conjectured that these two people were probably the two generals of Chu State mentioned in Qisha's mouth—Sun Fei and Jia Tong.

  She walked over calmly.

  Qi Kill was unexpected, looked at her in surprise, and shouted happily: "Sanlang."

  Pei Yi accidentally said: "I'll see you off."

  Actually, she did intend to see her off, but it was only limited to seeing her off. But now for some reason, his mind suddenly turned a corner, and he wanted to personally send him a section of the road.

   Qi Sha was very happy in his heart, pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "Yes."

  Sun Fei and Jia Tong looked at each other, and then they both stepped forward to salute: "Lord Pei."

  Pei Yi also cupped her hands and saluted: "General Sun, General Jia."

  After the two parties exchanged courtesies, Pei Yi said meaningfully: "Wu Jiu is my great general."

   "He has made great achievements in suppressing the bandits this time, and he is also well-known in Kyoto."

   "If it wasn't for going back to Chu State with the two generals at this time, Wu Jiu would surely gain a great reputation in Dazhou in the future."

   "I, Da Zhou, cherish talents. If the reputation of innocent talent is damaged in the future, Da Zhou will definitely not sit idly by."

   "I am a big country, and if I protect a good general, I can still protect it."

  Hearing these words, Qisha couldn't help feeling a little astonished, and a warm current slowly flowed through his heart.

  It is already an accident that Saburo will come to see him off tonight.

  But he didn't expect that Saburo would come to support him specially.

  Sanlang's words meant that if he was in danger of his life in Chu State in the future, Da Zhou would not hesitate to send troops to seek revenge.

  Qi Sha suddenly felt terribly sweet in his heart, and the gloom of the past few days was swept away.

  He felt that he must look very proud now—although he tried his best to control himself, he could feel the corners of his mouth constantly rising.

  The two generals Sun Fei and Jia Tong naturally noticed his reactions.

  The feelings of the two Chu generals were very complicated.

  It wasn't until this time that Jia Tong suddenly understood why his highness said proudly that he was the personal bodyguard of Mr. Pei.

   Dare to love because this Lord Pei will vent his anger and support His Highness.

  Jia Tong's opinion of the third son of the Pei family couldn't help but get a little more complicated.

  Staying in the capital these days, he often heard rumors that the third son Pei was actually a woman.

  Jia Tong doesn't really believe in such pretentious things.

   But such rumors are so dense and frequent, I'm afraid there is a deep meaning behind them.

  Jia Tong felt that this third son Pei might have a big plan.

  He had a carefree face, but he had already thought about it in his heart, and said with a hearty smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Pei, I, Da Chu, will definitely not give Zhou Guo a reason to send troops."

   These words are a double meaning, which not only shows that they will definitely protect the Seven Kills, but also shows their position of Chu State.

  Pei Yi smiled lightly, noncommittal.

  At this time, someone walked to the corner door with large and small packages.

  Jia Tong and his party suddenly became vigilant.

Pei Yi turned her head to look at the group of parcels that came in a hurry, and introduced in a calm manner: "Here are some pockets and snacks that I prepared for others. Everyone is going to the mountains and rivers, and the journey is difficult. Pei is just trying to save some money. Power."

  Sun Fei's expression was so complicated, he frowned a pair of thick black eyebrows and looked towards his highness.

   Sure enough, as expected, His Royal Highness's face was about to smile like a flower.

  Really, he seriously doubts whether his Highness is having an affair with Mr. Pei.

  Sun Fei pursed his lower lip, his face full of inquiry.

  Pei Yi took a burden from a servant, then walked up to Qi Kill, and handed over the burden with her own hands.

   "Here is half a year's worth of medicine." Pei Yi lowered her eyes and said softly, "You must take your medicine on time. I will adjust the prescription according to your recovery."

  (end of this chapter)

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