Afterlife Department

Chapter 145 - Magicians And Hunters

Chapter 145 - Magicians And Hunters

"Yi Bing… do you know of a monster who can erase one's memories?" Huo Ling asked.

Yi Bing. "…" how to answer…

"Huh?" Di San turned when he heard Huo Ling's question. "Erasing memories? I don't know any monsters that can do that if you're referring to their innate ability." He said as he faced Huo Ling.

"'innate ability'?" Huo Ling said. "So, you mean, the skill of erasing memories is learned?" he asked.

Di San nodded. "You see, the monsters of the foreign land were born from a curse." He started. "They were originally humans.. However, they became monsters after being cursed – by their fellow humans." He said.

Huo Ling was shocked. "How vile!" he said.

"You don't know how vicious one's heart is because of anger or envy." Di San sarcastically smiled. "So, after the humans turned to monsters, there became two classifications of beings in the foreign land." He said. "Then, from the originally humans that became a monster, since they were turned to a monster, their offspring were born monsters. They were the first generation of monsters." He explained. "As for the humans, the ones who can curse someone to become a monster were called spell casters. Of course, there were also who has a kind heart that can cast spells. Both good and bad were called magicians." He said. "However, these magicians can only cast magic. Their body is weak. Thus, the hunters came."

"'hunters'?" Huo Ling said.

"They are humans who have stronger body to protect themselves from the monsters." Feng Er said. She went to Paris, so she of course has heard about the monster world of theirs. "Anyone who can kill a monster – whether by their fists or with weapons, are called 'hunters'." She explained.

Huo Ling felt enlightened. "They're strong." He said.

Feng Er nodded. "Yeah. The most well-known hunters are the Walter family." She said.

"'Walter family'?" Huo Ling said.

"I've heard of them." Liu Lin said. As he investigated about the places where the Soul Fragment could probably appear, he also came upon the gossips about the Walter family. "They are the progenitor of the hunters." He said. "After the humans became divided between humans and monsters, the magicians – both good and bad, were persecuted. The humans almost became extinct and the monsters became rampant until the hunters came. They saved the humanity by eradicating the monsters – albeit they were originally humans." He explained.

Huo Ling frowned. "They are so cold-blooded." He said. "It wasn't those monsters' fault why they became monsters. It's the humans. They only reaped what they sown." He indignantly said.

"But, the truth is based on the general masses." Feng Er said as she lowered her eyelids. "Whether you're in the right, but if the many deemed you are wrong, then you are wrong." She said.

Silence fell upon them. Huo Ling's chest burned from this injustice. Si Shui jut shrank on his seat while Di San just drank beer with Liu Lin. Yi Bing just sat silently beside Huo Ling.

"Right or wrong, it doesn't matter as long as you bear a clear conscience." Yi Bing said. "Sins will be collected in your lifetimes that followed. Life is unfair, so your debts will be paid after your death." He said.

Huo Ling turned to Yi Bing and stared at the handsome man. He doesn't know why, but he felt his heartbeat – which is ironic since he doesn't have a heart now, quicken after he heard those words.

"What's wrong?" Yi Bing asked when he saw Huo Ling was staring at him in a daze.

Huo Ling blinked his eyes and he felt as if he had just woken up. "No… nothing." He said as he moved his gaze. "I feel these hunters are cruel." He said. "If they'd kill the monsters… there are also monsters who were inherently good." He remembered the mermaid.

Liu Lin snickered. "This world has long become a jungle ever since the borderline between the right and wrong was broken." He said. He meant, ever since the right and wrong cannot be distinguished.

Huo Ling helplessly sighed. He remembered, Yi Bing, Di San, Feng Er, Liu Lin and Si Shui were also a yao who will be sacrificed. Who wanted to be sacrificed? This is also one of the injustices. "Oh. Right." he said when he remembered something. "Do you know how to erase memories?" he asked them.

The grim reapers who are the literal Men In Black that can erase, or even alter, one's memories to their convenience. "Yes." they answered.

Huo Ling looked at Liu Lin. "Isn't your surname 'Liu'?" he said.

"Yeah." Liu Lin carelessly answered.

Huo Ling's eyes lit up while Yi Bing, on the side, suddenly have a bad feeling. "Then, do you know someone named 'Liu Lingling'?" he asked.

"'Liu Lingling'?" Liu Lin said as he think. He didn't notice Yi Bing's gaze. "Oh. There is." He answered. "Why?" he asked.

"Do you know where he is now?" Huo Ling excitedly asked.

Liu Lin, though puzzled by Huo Ling's enthusiasm, still answered. "Yeah. She's in – " he said and stopped when he finally saw Yi Bing's gaze. He felt chills ran down his spine. What's wrong with Yi Bing? How did I offend him? He thought. "She's… dead." He answered when he saw a message popped out from his communicator that's incognito.

Huo Ling froze. "… 'dead'?" he said.

Liu Lin, who had read Yi Bing's long message about Huo Ling's misunderstanding, read the answer Yi Bing prepared for him. "Yeah." He answered. "A woman sacrifice is naturally weaker than men." He said. "It's rare for a woman who has a weak constitution to live longer than their set lifespan." He explained and pointed Feng Er who was calmly looking at her nails. "She's one of those rare sacrificial yao women." He said.

However, Huo Ling wasn't listening. "You said... Liu Lingling is a woman?" he asked. "And, she's dead?" he added.

"Yes." Liu Lin nodded. Liu Lingling is one of the senior grim reapers. Technically, she's dead. "What's wrong?" he asked when he saw Huo Ling's pale complexion.

No matter what, the Liu Lingling I know is male! Huo Ling thought. "N-nothing. I must be mistaken…" he said. How can a tall and muscular person I met with a deep male voice be a woman?!

Yi Bing who was watching Huo Ling's face change expressions sighed in relief when he saw Huo Ling finally calmed down. Whew… he almost blew his cover off – his gaze met Di San's gaze that's filled with ridicule.

Di San found out he is duping Huo Ling.

On the other side of the globe, Walterland.

The sky is dark and the lightning struck. The clouds wept as the winds howled.

A handsome and tall man walked on the mud, ignoring his expensive shoes and pants becoming wet and dirty. Behind him are his guard carrying a heavy and big coffin. After a few minutes of walking and they reached the big doors of the castle.

If someone from the entertainment world was here, they would be shocked. The handsome man is Thomas Wilson. They would ask themselves, why would he be in a secluded mountain in Pennsylvania. However, only Thomas Wilson could answer that question.

Thomas Wilson is here with only one goal.

The doors opened after he knocked. "Please come in." a man in a swallowtail coat said and he respectfully bowed as he motioned for them to go inside.

Thomas Wilson nodded and he went inside, dirtying the carpet. However, the butler acted as if he didn't see it and he had the maids give Thomas Wilson and his guards towels for their guests to dry themselves.

"Mr. Walter has arranged a room for you." The butler said.

"Take us there." Thomas said.

The butler nodded as he led Thomas Wilson to the stairs. Thomas' bodyguards followed behind while carrying the coffin again. Even if the coffin is very inconspicuous, but the butler and the maids acted as if they didn't see it. Instead, the maids dutifully cleaned the stains on the carpet after Thomas' guards left. They didn't speak to gossip. They just acted blind and deaf. Since if they'd ask, they would wish it'd be better to be blind and deaf than lose their life after asking because of their curiosity.

The butler stopped in front one of the countless doors that looked similar to each other. "Please go inside. We have already prepared the bath and clothes for you." The butler said and opened the door for them.

Thomas nodded and went inside. His guards followed with the coffin. After the guards carefully placed the coffin on the floor, they left Thomas' room and were guided by the butler to their own room arranged for them.

Thomas didn't immediately take a bath. Instead, he walked towards the coffin and opened it. There, inside, a person lied and was dressed beautifully. "I won't let you wait too long." He said as he caressed the person's cheek. His gaze on the person's face could drown someone. "I won't let you separate from my side." He whispered to his lover.

Then, he leaned down for a kiss.

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