Afterlife Department

Chapter 380 - Library

Chapter 380 - Library

Stable World, Middle Heaven.

"Your Highness." Gu Shi and Sha Jiu greeted and knelt after Xiao Hun left and closed the doors.

Shen Sheng is lying sideways on the couch. His long, golden hair cascaded down to the floor, along with his long clothes. His elbow was resting on the couch while his head rested on his hand. His other hand is playing with a small cloud the size of a fist.

"Rise." He spoke. He looked bored.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu immediately rose.. Gu Shi coughed and stepped forward. "Shen Taizi." He called. "We came here to…" he said.

Shen Sheng cut him off. "The change of the world energy, right?" he asked.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu nodded. They already know that Shen Sheng was the first to know about it. Them coming here is just a formality.

"Shen Taizi… are you alright?" Sha Jiu asked, concerned.

"I feel sleepy." Shen Sheng yawned.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu didn't speak and just waited. They know that Shen Sheng didn't mean for them to dismiss them by what he said. He is telling them what he is feeling at the moment. After all, Shen Sheng is the most affected of the world energy.

"Other than that, there's none." Shen Sheng continued. "You've already sent people to go to these worlds, right?" he asked.

Gu Shi nodded. "Yes." He answered.

"Which world is it?" Shen Sheng asked. He can only feel the shift of the world energy, but he can't point the exact location. After all, there are thousands of worlds.

"Normal World 9999… but now, it should be changed to Special World 9999." Gu Shi answered.

Shen Sheng nodded, his expression looking pensive. "Who went to this world?" he asked.

"It's Yi Bing, with Huo Ling." Gu Shi answered.

"Ah." Shen Sheng yawned.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu. "…" they don't know whether Shen Sheng really feels sleepy at the moment, or that he is just feigning his reaction with his yawn. Anyway, they don't dare to ask him that.

"Iris, ah…" Shen Sheng spoke, changing the topic.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu. "…" so, he really has some thought about Yi Bing and Huo Ling happened to going to this world? Is it a good or a bad thing?

Shen Sheng acted as if he didn't see their inquisitive gazes. "It seems Iris has been too lax about his children…" he said. "Children… if you'd leave them even just for a second, who knows what hell they will raise… ah, wait. We don't have hell now." He muttered, looking absent-minded.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu remained silent. They didn't interrupt him.

"Children should be constantly monitored." Shen Sheng continued. "More so when they already grown up. Even though children can now think for themselves, but who knows what they think of others, right?" he looked at Gu Shi and Sha Jiu. "Especially towards their parents." He smiled.

Gu Shi and Sha Jiu shivered in fear when they saw Shen Sheng's seemingly beautiful smile, but hides a cruel meaning. Gu Shi was coldly sweating even if there's no air in the Middle Heaven. But, Sha Jiu is internally crying.

Why did I go here?! It would've been better if I stayed in R&D and drink Hai Ba's coffee! Sha Jiu thought as he keeps his stiff expression. Next time… there won't be next time! He won't come here again to face this terrible being – Shen Sheng!

Normal World, Fughlia High School, library.

Huo Ling is on tenterhooks while keeping his stupid smile on his face that became stiff as he reached for a book on the shelf. Because the ghost, which they thought would follow Luren when Luren left, actually followed them! And is watching them!

Fortunately, the ghost, unlike the other ghosts, didn't play tricks on them like hiding a book or dropping it beside them to scare them. So, Huo Ling's nerves relaxed and continue to act like he can't see the ghost.

"Found something?" Yi Bing asked. His voice contained a smile and is full of doting and helplessness that could tug one's heart.

Unfortunately, Huo Ling and the ghost who are the ones that have heard Yi Bing spoke don't have a heart, and so they weren't moved of Yi Bing's voice. To the ghost and Luren, if he is was here, they would think that Yi Bing is asking Huo Ling if Huo Ling found a book he is interested in reading. But, Huo Ling knows that what Yi Bing meant of what he asked is that if Huo Ling has found a clue of the book they were looking for.

Now that Luren was also here in the library, they don't have to hurry to go to the gymnasium to be interrogated by the police. But, even if so, they still want to hurry up and leave because of the ghost. Even though they are grim reapers and are powerful, but a strong dragon can't suppress the local snake. Furthermore, this world that is originally a Normal World changed to a Special World. They don't know whether it is because of this ghost, or it is just a product of the change, and how strong it affects the ghost.

Based on the heavy aura they felt earlier when they reached the fourth floor, this ghost is very powerful. So, they can only remain as cautious as they can be right now.

"No." Huo Ling pouted, acting his character that is spoiled. But, secretly, he is gnashing his teeth. He can only bite the bullet. "I have finished reading all the books that are in here. I've read them before." He can only act shameless. He never read even a word in these books!

But, the show must go on.

Yi Bing nodded. "That's true." He said and smiled at Huo Ling. He patted his head. "My little Howee is very smart." He praised.

Huo Ling 'blushed' and pouted to hide him being 'shy'.

"Teacher Evan. Schoolmate Howee." Luren called from behind them.

Yi Bing and Huo Ling have almost jumped in another fright! Damn it! If not for their quick reaction and corpse body which the nerves aren't functioning anymore, they would've already exposed themselves! Not to mention with the ghost staring at them watching them put on a show… why is Luren giving them a scare, too?! Is it fun?!

Huo Ling stiffly turned to Luren who is standing at the mouth of the passageway. If they just didn't see Luren leaving earlier to the deeper area of the library, and is closely guarding their surroundings because of the ghost sticking to them, they would think that Luren has been standing at the mouth of the passageway since earlier and is silently watching them two.

What's scarier is that, they know that they didn't know when did Luren arrive, nor they have heard his footsteps! What is happening?

Huo Ling forced a smile. "School senior. What is it?" he asked.

"I just remembered." Luren spoke. Fortunately, he remained where he is standing. "You two have been engaged, but I didn't see you two are wearing rings." He said.

Huo Ling froze. Crap. What to do? He thought. Will we be exposed? It's all because of Yi Bing's crappy mouth! Why did he have to say that we are engaged? He could've said that we're brothers or cousins! He complained in his mind, but he continued to smile. "That's…" he said.

"That's because I haven't saved enough money to buy us rings." Yi Bing spoke. "I'm sorry, little Howee. I have wronged you." He said and planted a kiss in Huo Ling's forehead, which scared Huo Ling more than the ghost and Luren's ghostly appearance.

All of his hairs rose and goosebumps formed on his skin. But, he have to cooperate with Yi Bing's act. Damn it!

"T – that's fine." Huo Ling spoke and blushed. "I understand… we've been on relying each other since forever… I am already satisfied with everything I have." He said, which he made him wanted to vomit in disgust. 'sappy' words? They are 'crappy' words! Hmph! He'll definitely wash his mouth clean later for spouting these words!

"But – " Yi Bing spoke, ignoring the storm in Huo Ling's eyes. As well as ignoring Luren and the ghost. " – I have prepared something for you." He said.

"Huh?" Huo Ling was taken aback. 'prepared'? What did he 'prepare'?

"I've been preparing this for your birthday yesterday. But, unfortunately and unexpectedly you've gotten into an accident." Yi Bing sighed.

… birthday? Huo Ling thought as he blankly stared at Yi Bing. He, Luren and the ghost watched Yi Bing take out a necklace from his breast pocket and leaned down to Huo Ling. He raised his hands, then wrapped them around Huo Ling, looking like he was hugging him.

Huo Ling felt something softly bumped against his chest. It is almost imperceptible because it was so small. He lowered his head and saw a round, orange pendant, making a vivid contrast against his black uniform on his chest, so it is very eye-catching.

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