Afterlife Department

Chapter 62 - Change

Chapter 62 - Change

"AAAAAH!" a woman screamed and fell on her knees, trembling violently as she raised her pale face to look at the zombie that appeared before her. "A-Ah Ye… f-forgive me… I didn't mean to forget you. I'm too lonely when you died!" she cried as she boldly hugged the zombie's knees. He was her boyfriend. "Ah Ye…" she cried, and her tear that fell touched the silver ring on her hand.

The zombie looked at it and saw it was their engagement ring. He gave it to her, but he died before they could get married. If the zombie could cry, he would. He stiffly patted the woman's back to console her. This is the best that he could do for his ex-fiancee. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell her his wishes for her.

One zombie and one woman are sticking together on the street. Some more timid people were scared witless and hurried away.. Some who are brave began to cry and started to look for their loved ones that died, hoping their loved ones also 'lived' again. The grief they felt cannot compare to the joy they will feel if they will meet them again. Perhaps, they could live together with them again. Thus, they began to go to the hospitals and cemeteries.

The government didn't expect this reaction from the people. There were still some who retained their sanity and didn't look for their family members that died. Dead is dead. Even if the dead 'lived' again, but their differences are bound to be seen in the future. But, for those whose hope was lit up, they will cherish this moment that they could still keep their loved ones again.

"They've started to brainwash the people!" a minister said and punched the table, only to sucked in his breath when he felt pain. His face turned pale from the pain and he immediately withdrew his hand and hid it behind him, feeling his knuckles still throbbing.

"We feel deep regret and grief when a family member dies. One would want to seize this chance to be with them again." Someone said.

"But, they already died!" someone objected.

"But still 'alive' again." Someone immediately said. "If your wife died, wouldn't you be in pain, too?" he asked.

"Shut up! You're cursing my wife to die!"

"This is just an example. Even I would lose my mind if one of my children would die. But, these people were given a hope and a chance to be with their loved ones again." Someone explained. "Rationality doesn't apply here now. Our world has changed ever since the undead appeared, including their abilities." He said.

A heavy silence fell upon them. "This cannot go on!" one of them said. "Mr. President. You cannot do it like this! We can't let them live with a corpse in their house! They've gone insane!" he told the president.

The president felt a headache again. "Then, what do you suggest I should do?" he asked. "No one wanted to die. Furthermore, one doesn't want their family to die. But, they unexpectedly died." He said. "Those who already lost hope and finally accepted their loved one's death may feel indifference towards this. However, what if their hope wasn't lost at all? And they're just actually waiting for their return? Who am I to separate them again? Death already separated them once." He sighed. "Now that they were given another chance to be with them, who knows what they will do if someone would steal this chance from them?" he told them.

They felt something heavy in their chest. Truthfully speaking, even them wanted their family who died to also live again. They may look like they've already accepted their death. However, who wouldn't want for their return? Especially if that person is very important to you. Their life was given an extension. Who wouldn't grab this chance?

Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Their eyes are speaking as their gazes met. "Mr. President…" a minister who doesn't want to admit defeat spoke. He's a smart person. Only a dumb one wouldn't notice the sudden change in the people's hearts. Actually, he also has someone he knew that died. However, contrary to the others, he killed them. Who knows when will that person be revived and look for him to kill him?

One's karma is inevitable. What matters is time – when will it come, when will it end? Will it end in one's death?

Yi Bing looked at Huo Ling who was happily playing with the fire in his hands. He doesn't know how, but Huo Ling's ability suddenly returned. Maybe it was because of Lei Shan? He thought when Qi Shan and Lei Shan appeared in front of them before. Huo Ling suddenly stood in attention and then his whole body was caught in fire. The curtains beside him was also burnt, but fortunately, Yi Bing reacted quickly and put out the fire.

Huo Ling's ability returning is one thing, but his mind is still stuck as being an infant's. Yi Bing sighed and looked at Huo Ling's hand smoking after his hand that was covered in fire grabbed his hand that is cold being covered in ice. Huo Ling giggled as he waved his hand, putting off the smoke around them two.

"Hey. When will you go back?" he asked as he poked Huo Ling's arm with a stick. Huo Ling turned to him and saw he was looking at him. He tilted his head, obviously he didn't understand what he said. Yi Bing sighed. "I hope you're just not acting to avoid the shame." He muttered and threw the stick. When he saw Huo Ling didn't react, he felt a headache. I already feel tired… I still do not know what is this guy's attachment in this life. He thought. If he doesn't know Huo Ling's attachment, then Huo Ling's soul can't leave this world if the attachment isn't resolved.

Huo Ling stared at Yi Bing before he looked away. He looked at the fire dancing on his palm. When he heard a loud explosion, he ran towards it. "Hey!" he heard Yi Bing called him but he didn't stop running. Yi Bing got no choice but to follow him.

The two stopped when they saw a car crashed on the wall. The driver's head was bleeding and the air bag was on his chest. The air bag must have malfunctioned. Next to him is a woman who was unconscious. As if something flashed on his mind, Huo Ling recognized the two. He raised his hand and pointed at them. Yi Bing saw he was pointing at them and thought Huo Ling was shocked of what he had seen. After all, his mentality right now is of a child's.

However, he was proven his though was wrong when he saw Huo Ling suddenly erupted in flames. Then, the flames on his body moved and shot towards the car! BOOM!!! It was too late for Yi Bing to react since he was caught off-guard. He doesn't know if the two people inside the car were already dead, or they died after Huo Ling exploded their car. "What the hell are you doing?!" he asked, mad, at Huo Ling and caught Huo Ling's arm.

Huo Ling heard Yi Bing's voice and he slowly turned to him. However, his eyes are glassy. Yi Bing was shocked to saw tears fell from his eyes. "… kill… ed… me – " he said in a hoarse voice. He learned how to speak, and his memories finally returned to him.

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