Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 83 Another Job Offer[2]

Another Job Offer[2]

[Ace POV],

Looking at Chris beside me, who kept groaning in a low voice as thick beads of sweat began to form on his forehead and body, I noticed the change in his body that started to appear when I sensed the mana in the air began to gather around Chris.

The situation was similar to how the mana in the air was behaving when Anna was contracting her summon, but unlike then, when the mana in the air appeared to be a little violet, the mana in Chris' case was more gentle and rather calm, though given the expression of slight pain on his face, this was probably not the case.

As the mana in the air continued to gather around Chris, the pain on his face became more visible before the mana in the air abruptly vanished. Everything seemed to be a lie because it happened so quickly.

'Did he fail to awaken an element?' I thought as I looked at Chris, who was panting beside me, his expression of pain gradually fading from his face.

He only spoke again after a few seconds.

'Brother Ace,' he said after a brief pause, "Did It Fail?" He inquired.

I was about to respond when I noticed the texts on Chris' primordial panel in front of me begin to change.

Seeing this, I ignored Chris and concentrated on the panel as new text appeared.


[Your records is being evaluated],

[Records evaluated. Available jobs to choose],

[Common Job],


[Rare Job],

*Wind Mage

*Sword Bearer

[Epic Job],

* Magic Swordsman


A new job did appear, just as I had assumed.

Though it was not the legendary job Chris was looking for, I was able to confirm my suspicions.

The job that appeared was one that I was familiar with, but what confused me was that this mage job was different from the one that had been offered to Anna and me.

We were offered a mage job, but Chris was offered a wind mage job.

While this allows me to identify the element that Chris awakened, it also raises a question.

Is there a distinction between the mage offered to Anna and me and the wind mage offered to Chris? And what is the difference?

When I saw the outcome of my experiment on Chris's primordial chronicle panel, I turned to Chris and spoke.

"We were both successful and unsuccessful. While we did get you a job offer, it was not the one you were hoping for ", I said, to which Chris's disappointed expression deepened.

Chris might not realize it, but he is lucky.

Though it appeared to be simple to make the primordial chronicle offer another job, it wasn't.

After all, not everyone has a rank two treasure to experiment with.

Though I know a rank two treasure is very precious, I don't know how precious it is because I don't have anything to compare it to, but I still know it's precious.

Although the only ranked thing I've encountered is a rank 1 specie, which is also the weakest in rank 1, I can still visualize the damage they could do.

Consider what the strongest rank 1 specie or even the strongest rank 2 specie can do, and an awakening fruit is something that even a strong rank two specie would want, according to my basic alchemy knowledge.

So it's not a lie to say Chris is lucky.

And he was lucky once more since I decided to give him another awakening fruit. It may appear to be a waste, but I'm trying to use the time he's still feeling the effects of awakening an element to increase his chances of awakening another. Perhaps there will be more surprises this time, and if he fails to awaken an element, I suppose it's just our bad luck.

Naturally, the best outcome is for him to awaken another element. This way, I'll know if there's a chance of conflict if two elements are forcefully awakened with an awakening fruit before I take one myself.

I already have the fire element, so to have two elements, I only need to successfully awaken another element once. Though the basic alchemy knowledge in my head mentioned that, while rare, there were people with multiple elements, I still want to see if there will be conflicts with elements that were forcefully awakened with awakening fruits.

As I was thinking about this, I took another awakening fruit from my storage ring and handed it to Chris, telling him to take it, which he did hesitantly at first.

This guy's zeal for strength is even stronger than Anna's, even though his goal is to become stronger for someone else.

I guess this is a close bond, huh? It makes me wonder about Mom and Big Sis. I hope they're all right.

As I considered these things, my thoughts were still on Chris.

Just like before, it took a few seconds for the awakening fruit to take effect.

As Chris's clothes became wetter from sweat and his expression of pain deepened, I noticed the air around me becoming hot.

Though it took a while because the process was slow, I was still able to notice it as seconds passed.

Due to Chris's proximity, the air felt hotter, which helped me identify its origin.

This was not something I expected, but looking at Chris, I noticed that, aside from the expression of pain on his face, nothing else appeared to be wrong, as he had never called for help.

Seeing this, I decided to keep watching.

It didn't take long for me to figure out why the strange events were taking place.

Even without checking, I knew Chris was awakening the fire element based on the current scene, and the reason the strange scene was happening in the first place was that Chris happened to have a strong affinity for the fire element.

Because of the strange color of my flames, which were blue whenever I released it, I checked the basic alchemy knowledge for relative knowledge in my head for the reason and discovered that usually for people who have a high affinity with their element, an unusual trait appears in their element.

Though I'm not sure if this is the case for Chris, I believe it likely is as I can't think of any other explanation for this strange occurrence.

As I pondered the situation, the mana in the air vanished, just as it had before as the hot air in the atmosphere faded.

Just as Chris was about to speak, another change appeared on his primordial chronicle panel, and when I looked at the new texts that appeared, I could see that there were indeed surprises.

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