All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 261: A New Identity

Chapter 261: A New Identity

Soon after, the two arrived at the underground arena. It was very large and lively. Ordinary people couldn’t enter, but Old Bug was clearly a familiar face. The two burly guards at the door nodded to him and let him and Zhanyue in.

Upon entering, Zhanyue immediately smelled sweat and heard screaming. Inside, it wasn’t a small room but a space the size of a normal stadium. However, it was clearly divided into two halves: opposite were many stands and boxes, while on their side were densely packed seats.

“We first-level people can only watch from this side. Those seats and boxes are reserved for the upper-level people,” Old Bug explained.

“Well, if it isn’t Old Bug? Still not satisfied? Who’s the poor fool you’ve tricked over this time?” Just then, a bald man walked over. He was an acquaintance of Old Bug, and also a competitor, doing the same work.

But unlike Old Bug, the person the bald man brought had already won ten consecutive matches and was the absolute star of the underground arena recently. He not only won but brutally killed his opponents, each dying horribly. That person was standing behind the bald man now, with long hair and a bare upper body, like a wild man. His blood-red eyes were staring at the two, even licking his lips as if with murderous intent.

“Bald Egg, what are you saying? You’re just lucky, you won’t be so arrogant for long,” Old Bug said, looking warily at the wild man behind the bald man.

“You dare call me Bald Egg? Your guy looks tall, is that what you’re relying on? I hope he’s not all show and no substance. Just wait and see, we’ll settle this in the arena,” Bald Egg left with his man. Many bosses had offered high prices to buy his ‘wild man’, but he thought the prices were too low and didn’t agree. He believed the wild man could fetch an even higher price after winning more matches. It would be best if he was bought by one of the top-level powers, then he could also establish a connection and walk tall in the first-level world.

“You saw that, right? That wild man behind Bald Egg is his trump card. Well, are you confident?” Old Bug asked.

“That guy looks like a berserker, a Berserker, but I’m not afraid of him.”

“Berserker? What’s that? Anyway, I don’t even know what to call you yet,” Old Bug asked.

“Call me… Moon Cutter.”

“Moon Cutter? Doesn’t sound like a real name, but whatever. Many fighters in the underground arena use code names anyway,” Old Bug said.

Soon, Old Bug registered Zhanyue as an underground fighter. He was professional and efficient.

“Your first fight is scheduled for the third match tonight. Good luck,” Old Bug encouraged. The better Zhanyue performed, the better price he could ‘sell’ him for. Of course, it wasn’t really selling, as both parties knew about it. The profit-sharing ratio was agreed upon in advance: 30-70, with Old Bug getting 30 and Zhanyue 70. Zhanyue didn’t know if this ratio was good, as every ‘agent’ was different. It was an industry secret. Yes, agent – Zhanyue felt that people like Old Bug were similar to agents.

As participants, they got free tickets and even front-row seats. They quickly took their seats, wanting to watch their opponents’ matches.

“See those boxes over there?” Old Bug pointed to the boxes on the other side of the arena.

“Those are for the high-level people. There might even be people from the ninth and tenth levels watching. People of that level have their little pleasures too. If you can catch their eye and get their reward, we’ll have made it. Or if they directly take a liking to you and buy you, then you’ll have made it, and I’ll make a big profit too,” Old Bug said.

Selling oneself was very common in this star ship world. Beautiful women and strong men were excellent commodities. No one thought this was wrong because it was the basic rule of the star ship. Moreover, becoming the property of those high-level people meant enjoying a completely different life. No one could imagine how luxurious the lives of those high-level people were.

The match began. The host was an expert who had cultivated something similar to the Lion’s Roar technique. His voice could perfectly reach every corner of the arena.

“Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, tonight’s matches are about to begin. The first match is our ten-consecutive-win rising star ‘Wild Man’ versus the veteran champion ‘Mad Shark’. Will Wild Man advance further, or will Mad Shark defend the honor of the veteran fighters? Let’s wait and see!”

“This host is also an upper-level person, working here purely out of interest. I don’t know what these people are thinking, not enjoying their good life but mixing with us, taking our jobs, and being so enthusiastic about it. I heard he doesn’t even take a salary. He must be crazy,” Old Bug was full of resentment when talking about this host. Not content with being an upper-level person, he came to compete for their jobs and didn’t even take a salary? He didn’t need a salary indeed.

In one of the boxes, a pair of eyes watched the arena, then focused on Zhanyue. A smile appeared at the corner of the mouth, “Looks like a rat has sneaked in.”

Of course, Zhanyue didn’t know someone had noticed him. He was currently interested in seeing how these underground fights were conducted.

On the arena, the wild man-like fighter codenamed ‘Wild Man’ entered. His opponent was a blond man in full armor, wielding a steel knife.

“Oh, so weapons are allowed in these fist fights?” Zhanyue said, surprised.

“Of course they are. You can use your fists too. By the way, what’s your weapon?” Old Bug asked, “Don’t tell me you didn’t prepare one.”

“Uh, just my fists,” Zhanyue said. Bringing a weapon to fish in a pond would be too embarrassing.

The match quickly began. Wild Man’s eyes were blood-red as he charged at Mad Shark like a madman, directly sending Mad Shark flying.

“You’re dead!” Mad Shark swung his knife at Wild Man’s neck, not caring about Wild Man’s life at all. However, when the steel knife hit Wild Man’s skin, it didn’t cause even a bit of damage.

Wild Man looked at Mad Shark mockingly, then reached out his right hand, gripping Mad Shark’s knife-wielding right hand, and suddenly exerted force. A scream of agony echoed across the arena as Mad Shark’s arm was awkwardly broken.

But it wasn’t over. Wild Man pulled him over and literally tore off both his arms before twisting his neck, despite Mad Shark being fully armored.

The arena was silent for a moment, then erupted in terrifying cheers.

“Too strong! Wild Man is too strong! Just like before, his opponent was like paper, completely crushed, torn apart – literally torn apart. Who can stop Wild Man?” the host exclaimed excitedly.

“This ‘Wild Man’s strength seems too much for this underground fight. Is he also here to fish in a pond?” Zhanyue wondered.

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