Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 308: Chapter 308: Amon's Ritual and Maisa's Evolution

Amon prepared a light and nutritious breakfast to be served in bed. There was a bowl of natural yogurt with honey and red fruits, rich in antioxidants. In addition, a fresh orange juice, full of vitamin C, and whole grain toast with avocado, providing a good dose of healthy fats and fibers. All designed to replish ergy and aid body recovery.

Upon seeing the care and atttion in the details, Maisa felt deeply touched and responded with a guine smile.

Although she was capable of feeding herself, noticing the atttion and affection with which he wanted to feed her, looking at her with a depth filled with love, Maisa felt ev more moved. "Thank you," she said, smiling in a way that made her dimples ev more pronounced.

Gtly, Amon touched her nose, and with a soft smile, replied, "No need to thank me."

If anyone should express gratitude, perhaps it was him, for she had giv him such a memorable night...

With a restrained laugh, Amon remarked, "You seem to have more ergy, don't you think?"

Reflecting on the commt, Maisa closed her eyes for a momt, and upon reoping them, expressed her surprise: "I'm noticing that I have op and clean ges... How did this happ?"

Amon, having already created a sound barrier in the room, replied with an igmatic smile, "Just know that this became possible after our first time together. I interved, and... it worked."

"So, you're telling me that you've discovered a way to strgth those who become intimately involved with you?" Maisa was clearly incredulous.

"Do you remember the aura that sured us after our first time?" Amon asked, evading a direct answer.

"Of course I remember! Now that you mtion it..." It was only at that momt that it clicked for her. During the heat of that momt, she had interpreted that aura as a manifestation of the love betwe them, without imagining that he had used some method to hance their abilities.

"Do you understand now?" Amon let out a soft laugh. "Don't worry, there are no adverse effects or anything like that. It's just important for you to know what I'm currtly capable of."

After being confined to Planet Fulgura, Amon acquired various knowledge. Loneliness gave him ample time for reflection... During this time, he mastered the use of the rune: [Boundless Heart].

This rune had the unique ability to instigate inspiration, ev leading someone to a state of lightmt, ev during intimate momts. It was not esstial to be in meditation; one just had to be completely immersed in an activity and oblivious to everything else for everything to flow naturally. And that's exactly what happed during the romantic counter betwe him and Maisa.

Her rapid developmt was also linked to Amon's currt potcy. Being stronger than Maisa, the vast getic ergy he attracted, but couldn't absorb because he was already at his maximum capacity, was mostly assimilated by Maisa before spreading into the vironmt, resulting in the aura that filled the room.

"That's absolutely amazing!" She exclaimed, a gleam of admiration in her hazel-gre eyes.

Noticing her thusiasm, Amon couldn't help but smile, "Now, you just need to complete the ges. Do you have ough water getic cores?"

"I have some with me," Maisa replied. "I got them at an auction."

She th shared with him about her visit, and the rest of the group's visit to the auction that took place while he was detained on Planet Fulgura. Bianca took them mainly to distract them and prevt them from being constantly downhearted about his situation confined to Planet Fulgura.

Amon helped her finish her meal. Soon after, he got up from the bed and proposed, "Let me wash this up. Th, if you wish, I can help you complete your ges."

"Alright, I already got an appropriate spellbook for that," said Maisa, with a satisfied smile.

She was about to evolve to Rank Innate Level 3...

The simple idea was already exhilarating. Over the past few months, ev with her continuous training, as she never lost hope that Amon would return to her... to them, Maisa noticed a decline in her pace of progress.

And it wasn't just her; the other girls also expericed the same slowdown.

Lost in thought, she let out a sigh.

'Amon is undoubtedly the miracle of my life~!' This thought filled her heart with tderness, and a wave of happiness washed over her. She hugged the pillow next to her and began to wriggle a in bed, releasing joyful sounds that resembled muffled giggles.

After returning, Amon observed Maisa rolling a in bed, a truly chanting sight. He couldn't resist and let out a soft laugh.

Maisa, realizing his observation, looked at Amon, and her cheeks turned a shade of pink. However, she did not attempt to hide her reaction, opting instead to compose herself and sit up in bed.

Another detail that caught her atttion was the change in the bed lin. Amon had changed everything, and she only realized it after her brief rolling session on the sheets.

"Do you want to start now, or would you prefer to dress differtly?" Amon inquired.

"What do you think is best?"

Amon replied, "You look stunning as you are."

It was true. Seeing his girlfrid wearing only his t-shirt, which on her looked more like a dress, especially with the V-neck revealing part of her bust, was a marvelous sight.

"Hehehe~ th I'll stay this way~" She replied, spiritedly.

"Great." Amon agreed. "I'll prepare a medicinal bath for you now."

Saying that, he headed to the bathroom, taking with him the getic cores she had giv him.

They might have gone to Bianca's restaurant, but Amon deemed it unnecessary, seeing as he would be beside her throughout the process.

With him meditating near her, using the rune [Boundless Heart], the vironmt became more conducive than if they used any advanced technology.

As soon as everything was ready, Amon adjusted the bathtub water to an ideal temperature for the medicinal bath and added some of the rare herbs he had collected.

He obtained most of these herbs after advancing to the special class, and he hadn't ev used a tth of what he possessed.

"Get in the tub now, Maisa," Amon instructed.

"Mm." Maisa nodded, and after a brief hesitation, she took off the t-shirt with determination.

However, she quickly blushed upon noticing the passion marks spread across her body, especially on her breasts.

'Oh my God, thinking about it, our night was really intse...' Her face turned beet red just recalling it.

Observing the marks on her body, a unique emotion overtook Amon, making his heart race. If he could describe it in one word, it would be 'captivating'.

Unbeknownst to her, Maisa alternated betwe embarrassmt, a touch of irritation towards him, and the tderness that veloped her. This mix of feelings was reflected in her face, which constantly changed expressions. Amon, watching her, felt fortunate to witness such nuances in his girlfrid, especially considering the vulnerable state she was in...

Snapping out of her thoughts, Maisa quickly tered the bathtub. It seemed to her that by submerging herself in the water and hiding those revealing marks, she would feel less exposed, ev though she was in front of the very eyes that caused them... Shyness and embarrassmt still overwhelmed her.

Already submerged, her mind began to organize and think more clearly.

Amon, on the other hand, did nothing to exacerbate her embarrassmt, respecting her momt.

"Begin your meditation. Close your eyes and free your mind. I'll be by your side meditating and also channeling the emotion of Calm." Amon instructed in a sere voice.

Hearing Amon's soothing voice, Maisa allowed her eyes to close. As his voice continued to resonate, she felt increasingly relaxed, delving deep into meditation. An aura emanated from her, drawing the nutrits a her, especially the getic elemt of water.

Amon, meanwhile, settled on the floor and began his own meditation.

He started subtly, but soon channeled all the power the rune allowed him.

The momt he did, Maisa let out a soft murmur, feeling veloped by an intse aura that amplified her growth. And it was during this profound meditation that something extraordinary occurred!

She achieved a state of lightmt.

An ergetic whirlwind formed above her head, attracting all the nutrits which were quickly absorbed by her skin and mind.

At that momt, she felt unprecedted wisdom. Her mind was clear, seeing everything with astonishing clarity. It was so wonderful that, almost without realizing it, she found herself completely fulfilled. But it didn't stop there: she reflected on her spellbook, "The Great Mystic of Waters," and began to adapt each spell to her new condition.

She realized she held something ev more pott than the spellbook originally planned for her next phase. One example was the evolution of her first spell.

Originally, it was "Strong Spirit": Wh the user is attacked by more than one person or suffers a negative effect, the damage tak is reduced and there's a brief increase in their damage. [Automatic Effect].

After her reflection, she ramed it "Titanic Spirit": Wh attacked by a group or facing intse adversities, the user not only reduces the damage tak but also reflects part of that damage back to the attacker. This reflection amplifies the user's strgth, making their subsequt attacks ev more devastating. [Automatic Effect].

And that wasn't the only transformation. The other spells were also hanced, becoming more robust.

After long minutes that felt like hours, she finalized the evolution of her spellbook and began to merge with the newly established getic factor at level .


A watery explosion resonated, causing water to splash everywhere.

The bathtub's water spread throughout the bathroom as Maisa emerged veloped in an intse and unique aura. The passion marks on her skin disappeared with her asct.

She had now officially reached Innate Rank Level 3.

"Congratulations, Maisa," Amon celebrated, with a guine smile of happiness for her.

Returning the smile, and momtarily forgetting her nakedness, Maisa thanked him: "Thank you so much, and I owe this to you~"


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