Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 229

The morning was kinda all over the place. Some of us felt excited and did everything like any other day, but others were on edge, and the nervousness showed in their moves and words. The hectic rummaging through their own food rations. Moodiness. Annoyance when some small things happen.

Especially Alice was like that. I wasn't the only one who saw it. Hailwic also did, and immediately reacted, calming down her friend, just being there for her. It reminded me why I liked to be among those people. I could count on them.

- You ready? - asked Will, as he came closer with a handful of peanuts.

- I was born ready.

He smiled.

- That's something I like to hear. So... we are doing our thing, and you will be doing yours?

- Yep. Just do whatever you used to do without me, and I'll just run around and destroy everything on my way.

He nodded.

p - Sounds like fun.

- Everybody ready?! - shouted Boris. - We need to clear the perimeter.

- We will take care of that Boris-san - said Nobuo.

He and his disciples were ready to go. They departed immediately, giving us a little bit more time before the main battle would start.

- I remember when I had to do that, so you guys could preserve your energy - I said to Will.

- Time changed. We are ready for this place.

- Yeah, you are right, time changed.

- You know... It would be nice to show what we achieved someday, to all of those who treated us like trash, back on earth.

I nodded.

- Yeah, that would be really nice. We, the thrash of earth, are the gold of this world.

He laughed.

- Yes. Gold, and diamonds. Heroes.

- I'm not so sure about the last part.

- Why not?

- I never felt like a hero. I'm more of a... I killed people Will. How can I be a hero?

He patted me on the shoulder.

- You did what you had to do. Real-world is different from a comic book. Good doesn't always win, but that doesn't mean we should settle with evil. We should fight for what we believe, and spread our ideals. Sometimes we will end up doing bad things too, but that doesn't mean it's game over. As long as you live, you have another chance. Chance to fix yourself, and become a better person.

- Wow, and I'm the messiah. Maybe we should switch mister preacher?

- If you include that three fine ladies, then I'm in.

- Fuck you - and I left, hearing his cackle behind me.

After around an hour, Nobuo returned, and we could finally head out.

Everybody seemed ready. The most eye-catching was Martin, not only because of his impressive frame but also because of the full plate armor, painted in black and red, that he was wearing. With gigantic morgenstern, resting on his shoulder.

Boris had an ax, a big gound shield, and a chest plate with some bracers, shin, and shoulder guards. Nobuo and his students had the usual attire, but the swords fixed to their belts were definitely new.

Hailwic had a chest plate, great ax, braces, and high boots reinforced with some metal pieces. Alice put on heavy leather armor, also reinforced with metal. Similar to Will. Nil had way lighter leather armor on himself, probably to not limit his movement, with familiar weapons hanging from the belt. Those also looked like Rishi's work.

Our departure from afar must have looked like from a movie.

We quickly got closer to the orc camp. The places where stones from destroyed barricades used to lie, were mostly cleaned up now, so there was enough space to have a proper fight. That's how it was gonna be, a proper battle without any tricks. We against them.

- Get them out, Peter - said Boris. - And bring them here.

- Yeah! The welcoming party is ready! - shouted Sanders.

I looked at all of them. Everybody seemed to be ready.

- Ok. I'll bring the guests.

Then I ran off. In the beginning, rather slowly compared to the speed I was capable of, but then I used shadow fusion, and empowered my body. I ended up just running into the middle of the camp, and cutting down few surprised orcs on the way.

The alarm rose immediately and through ruckus groups of armed orcs emerged. As soon as I noticed, I shadow walked closer, to kill them. That's how the massacre started. I didn't even have to use any dirty tricks I did previously. I could easily stand and fight where I was.

Soon the noise toned down and everything got blurred by this red fog. I started to give in to the same rage, that made me stop coming to this place. I was supposed to lure the orcs out, but I ended up stuck here, taking all the fun to myself. It was not easy to snap out of it. Before I managed to do it, several dozens of orcs got cut down.

By cut down I really mean it. Rishi's creation combined with my strength was enough to slice them like they were made of warm butter. Even their bones couldn't stop my blade. If they tried to block, they got cut alongside their weapons. They just couldn't stop me.

After snapping back I needed a second to realize what happened. Then I retreated with shadow walk, since they managed to surround me, and I threw few fire bolts, to make sure they know where I am. With that, I ran off. Not too fast, so the horde would be able to keep up.

Looking over my shoulder I lured them out of camp, and a moment after I saw my friends in a formation, ready to intercept the incoming, heavily thinned army.

Boris and Will stood at the center, with Alice, and Nil on both sides. Nobuo and his disciples stood on the right flank and Hailwic with Martin on the left. I jogged to them like there was not a raging horde right behind me.

- What the hell took you so long?! - shouted Will.

I just smiled, and shadow walked behind the lines, so they could have some fun for themselves.

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