Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 301

- So you tell everything about Peter what's related to the crystal gathering to your masters? - Hatta continued his interrogation.

- Everything that's important to the mission - she answered and looked at me.

I smiled at her. She clearly was starting to feel uneasy.

- How about now Ki'rai for exchange ask you a question? I'm sure she has many - I stepped in.

He looked at me, confused for a second, but quickly caught on to what I was implying.

- Yes. Of course. It's only fair. Ask us anything.

She looked at her feet for a second, clearly thinking. I noticed as her mood changed, and she was becoming more and more excited.

- Your favorite hunting ground? - She suddenly said while raising her head.

She was genuinely curious, I could tell by her expression. The eyes opened wide, and mouth. She even put her hands on the table, just fingers though.

- Bears - Will quickly responded.

- Definitely bears - Boris agreed.

- Orcs. I prefer enemies with weapons - said Nobuo.

He was dead serious.

- Goblins - said Aisha. - They are the easiest.

- I agree - Hatta joined her. - What about you, Peter?

- Whichever I'm with my cute little Ki'rai.

Boris snorted at my words, the rest just looked at me.

- I'm not cute! I'm a deadly warrior! - Ki'rai pouted.

Even Nobuo couldn't hold his smile at her words. I also noticed Aisha getting more excited with every word spoken by my little lizard. It was a refreshing view, as I actually never saw her like that.

- I even have a deadly weapon! - Ki'rai continued and pulled out the dagger.

- Wow, wow, wow! Put that down - said Boris, backing up a bit.

She looked at him, pouted again, and put the dagger back to its sheet.

- How about food? What do you like the most? Do you like our food? - asked Aisha.

- Fruits! I like fruits the most! Peter told me about candy, cookies, ice cream, and cake. I want to try those too - she licked her lips slightly and looked again at the prepared snacks.

Aisha went out of her way, to push one of the plates closer to her.

- Here. You can try all of those. Although I doubt we can get you ice cream here, we for sure can get you some cookies and chocolate. I'll bring some to Peter later, so you can try.

Ki'rey looked at her with those sparkly eyes and a slightly opened mouth. Like she was admiring an idol.

- What else would you like to try here? - Boris asked suddenly.

It was a surprise to me, as I would never suspect him to be interested in what she does or doesn't like.

- I want to try fighting goblins, and use your sapling - she said, and jumped on the couch, then turned and jumped behind it, to run out with the knife in her hand. She did some shadow fighting and tumbling. The same stuff you would expect from an excited puppy.

Everybody smiled saying this. Aisha was biting her lip in awe of the displayed cuteness. Then Ki'rai sprinted to me, and hugged my leg, looking at the rest expecting prises of the showcased skills.

Nobuo started clapping. The rest followed immediately.

- Peter, can I take you for a second? - Will asked me.

- Sure.

We left the rest in the office and stopped in the middle of the corridor.

- She is so fucking cute! - he whispered. - I can't believe you hid her from us, you bastard!

"Now you see why I doubted she is trying to play us. She is genuine", I wrote in the air.

- Keeping it a secret was part of the deal with her masters. It's not my fault.

- I want to adopt her.

- Looks like you will have to fight with Aisha on that one.

- We can share.

He clearly wanted to answer to what I wrote, but he couldn't.

- Too bad we have to keep her a secret. I would love to go hunting goblins with her - he continued.

- Maybe one day.

- I wonder who Blue would react to her... Too bad he is still in the canyon.

- I'm actually glad he is not here - I disagreed. - I doubt he would see her as we do.

- You need to give the guy more credit. He has a heart.

- I don't give credit to murderers. And he doesn't have a heart. He has a blood pump. Just because we don't know what game he is playing doesn't mean he isn't playing one. We have to be careful about that guy.

- I think he changed - said Will, and shrugged his shoulders. - He is smart enough to identify when he can not win. If you cant win with somebody, join them.

- Maybe temporarily, but people like him play only for themselves. Sooner or later he will reveal himself and I will be ready to beat his ass.

- You youngsters... Why there is so much anger in you? Come on, let's go back.

And he smacked me on the chase with the back of his hand.

We returned to witness Aisha holding Ki'rai on her lap, and talking with her about food. The whole thing continued for several more minutes before they came up with an idea to go to Velvet Lotus, so Aisha could cook for her.

Hatta gave up on his interrogation, and the rest had some things to attend to, so I ended up going with them. Ki'rai obviously transformed into a chicken to not grab any unnecessary attention.

We sneaked her into Aisha's office. Where she had a funny confrontation with Tam, who was very curious about her in his form. They fought a bit before Ki'rai transformed and tried to stab him with her knife. I had to actually stop both of them.

In the meantime, Aisha wants to cook, and eventually brought some freshly baked cookies and a cake with some homemade chocolate. My little lizard was delighted by the new sweet flavors. She ate a lot, but eventually, we had to go, as there were people knocking on the door. Zoë in particular was demanding to get inside.

So it ended up with me shadow walking with Ki'rai back to my room, where we spend the rest of our time until nightfall.

The day came to an end with 4 500 700 points remaining on my account, and thirty-one class points.

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