Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 305

I tried to talk to The Great One, and then fell asleep, but he didn't answer, so the next day, while hunting, I was screaming like an idiot at the sky, telling them to talk to me. I had my hopes high, as the last time I did way less, and the being appeared in my dream.

After a day of hard work, I collected 1341 crystals from the graveyard and 1339 from the lizardfolk settlement. With that, I was halfway done. Contrary to yesterday, such information made me more worried.

I desperately needed a plan, but I didn't have one, and chances of me formulating something, considering the fact I had very limited knowledge about the topography of Xuvi's base, were pretty damn slim.

I washed, ate, and went to sleep hoping for a contact, but yet again, there was none. It was obvious that The Great One was done with me and my little problem. I was on my own.

The next day, after my usual routine, I went hunting again, and this time actually spend some time thinking of what to do. I could travel through the closed doors with my shadow walk skill, which was a gigantic advantage, I just needed to have an idea where to look. 'Eyes of the Void' could help a bit, but only a bit.

The best thing I came up with was to wreak havoc and threaten them with The Great One if they won't give me what I want. Not the best idea in the world, but what else I could do? Just keep providing those creatures with crystals? On the other hand, Ki'rai could really die...

I returned with 1745 lizard crystals and then again with 1753 undead ones. I ate, took a bath, and went to bed, thinking that there is also a slight possibility of exchanging the stones for her in a peaceful way. I had to keep this one in mind, to not ruin a peaceful possibility of resolving the issue if there was one, no matter how slim.

I thought that maybe The Great One will contact me that night, but he didn't appear.

The next day I went hunting as soon as possible, just after filling my stomach. I brought back 1300 lizard crystals and 1401 undead ones. With that, there were more stones that I needed, but I wasn't going to count them since there was a high possibility of me coming back with what I brought anyway.

I went to Hatta to talk shortly. He already had a cart prepared for me. I loaded the score with help of my shadows and the 'Telekinesis' skill, grabbed some food from the device, and just shadow walked straight to the anchor left in front of the elevator descending to Xuvi's base.

Then I sat on the cart and waited, waited and waited some more. Nothing was happening. Nobody showed up. Just the devastated land, bare rock, wind, and me. I observed the sun disappearing under the line of the horizon.

With the light gone I activated 'Eyes of the Void' to not allow anything to take me by surprise. The stars showed up. How did I notice? Well, because I started turning the skill on and off, to listen from time to time. 'Eyes of the Void' radius wasn't that big, and I wanted to be as best prepared as I could.

Throughout the whole night, nothing happened, but as the sun started showing up, I noticed a creature walking towards me from afar. I focused on my sight as hard as I could and was able to recognize the familiar silhouette. It looked like Ki'rai but definitely wasn't her. I knew the way she walked, this one was different. Probably another experiment of her kind.

I waited for almost an hour before the creature finally made it to me. Then I was presented with a note.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Leave the cart and go.

Shu'ah Oot Atso Yeingem"

- Tell your boss that I'm not going. I want to see Ki'rai.

The creature didn't respond. I started to wonder if they even could. I returned the note, but that didn't make any difference. They still wouldn't go away, so we started at each other for maybe an hour.

Only then a microphone hidden somewhere in the attire or equipment of the little soldier opened up, and I heard:

- Good morning Peter. This is Shu'ah Oot Atso Yeingem speaking. Please follow the instructions from the note.

- I hate to repeat myself. I'm not going before I see her.

- You won't be seeing her.

- Then you won't be getting your crystals.

- Do not force our hand, Peter.

- I changed my mind. You want the crystals, you need to set her free.

- That's not going to happen either.

- Then I guess I'll be staying here until The Great One shows up curious about what's going on here. I'll happily explain everything. I wonder who will they react to your underground little hideout.

- Do not force our hand, Peter - Shu'ah Oot Atso Yeingem repeated himself, although this time he emphasized every word.

- Go fuck yourself.

I was so angry, that It was really hard to just sit in place. I wanted to slap the life out of that indifferent creature.

- If you don't live now we are going to hurt your little friend. I'm sure you don't want that.

- If she gets hurt I swear, I'm gonna start digging. It will take me some time, but I'll get to you eventually, and then we will talk again about forcing hand.

- Leave, Peter - I heard a familiar voice in my head. - Leave for now. I have everything prepared.

- You know what? Fine. I'll live, but you are not getting any more crystals until she comes back to me - I said, and shadow walked back to the city.

I went to my room, and sat on the bed, with my weapon at the ready. I waited for a signal from The Great One, but minutes passed and turned into hours. Nothing happened.

The day came to an end with 9 148 080 points remaining on my account, and ninety-one class points.

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