
Chapter 88 - Hunt Or Being Hunted? - Part 7

Chapter 88 - Hunt Or Being Hunted? - Part 7

Kang Xue's eyes went wide when she heard the man tell her to take care of the crowd of zombies. She could not believe that 'Is it because I rejected him before?' The girl thought to herself.

'Because I rejected him now he wants to kill me…' this was the only explanation she could think of, 'but he said I was his, so why does he want to kill me now?', the girl could not understand the man's train of thought.

"Why? Why do you want to kill me?" She could not hold back anymore and ask the man directly. Tears started to gather in her eyes as she asked that.

"Huh!?" Tang Shaoyang was flabbergasted by the girl. Then he noticed tears in her eyes were about to fall.

'What the… Why is she crying? Why does she think I am going to kill her?' A series of questions started to pop up in his mind as he tried to understand the girl.

"Who's trying to kill you? I don't and why would I?" Tears started to fall as she heard the man questioned her. She could not believe the man was playing ignorant like this. He asked her to fight against the zombies that filled the cafeteria, it was the same as an attempt to kill her.

"Because I rejected you? And now you want to kill me because of that! You try to throw me these zombies so they will eat me!" When Kang Xue replied to him, Tang Shaoyang finally understood why the girl thought he wanted to kill her.

Tang Shaoyang's lips cracked into a grin and locked his arms to the girl's waist, "You rejected me? I don't recall you rejecting me, but I do recall you accepted it silently when I said you are mine," with his deepened voice, he whispered to her ear.


He released her and flicked her forehead once again, "Stupid girl, I haven't tasted you, at all. Do you think I will let you die?" He then held her hand, the one that was holding the scythe, "What you need to do is just slash the zombie's neck with this!" He moved her hand to make a slash motion.

Kang Xue covered her forehead with her other hand. She looked at Tang Shaoyang resentfully as she still could not believe him despite his vulgar confession.

"You may be my woman but I don't keep a useless woman by my side! You have to kill them and get…" Tang Shaoyang dropped his voice as a thought came to his mind. The girl in front of him was a doctor, she had an essential role in creating the Medical Division for his empire.

Feeling the unusual silence from the man, the girl peered at the man, 'What now? What is he scheming now?'

"Alright then, I will take care of half of them, you go kill the remaining half!" He then noticed the girl still glared at him, "This is for your own good, girl! You can't hope for me or others to protect you forever!"

He thought the girl should realize that attributes were important at this moment. She could only get attributes by leveling up which meant she had to kill zombies.

Of course, the girl was not that stupid to not realize the man's intention after that explanation, but still, 'Half of them? There are too many of them here, I may die before I can kill them all,' the girl thought to herself as she still did not believe she could do it.

The man was not giving her a chance to get prepared. He jumped off the stairs, attracting the zombies' attention. She then noticed the man was heading toward the big zombies near the counter.

Kang Xue was about to curse the man but her voice did not come out as she noticed the whole situation. All the zombies' attention was on the man so they chased after him.

'This is my chance…' not wasting any chance, she ran down off the stairs. She also tried to make noise as little as possible, not wanting to attract the zombies toward her. Facing one or two zombies might not be a problem for her but not dozens of them at the same time.

With a light step, she approached the closest zombie. Looking at the zombie's neck, she swung the scythe by using her both hands.


The scythe was so sharp, cutting through the zombie's neck as it was tofu.


The noise of the head hitting the floor rang, 'Oh, sh*t!' Thought the girl as she realized it might attract the closest zombie. She looked around, trying to find a hiding spot so the zombies around her did not notice her presence. At the same time, she saw five zombies halt their steps.


But then, a louder noise created from the distance. Even Kang Xue was startled by the shattering noise. She subconsciously looked toward the direction and found one big zombie was getting smashed on the counter by the man.

Thanks to this, the five zombies continued their steps toward Tang Shaoyang. Kang Xue was delighted by this, she then continued with her action. There was no technique or whatsoever, she was walking around as she beheaded the zombies while the man was making more loud noises.

As this went on, she lowered her guard down. Since the zombies were walking in one direction, she was sneaking around, claiming one head after that. Since she easily killed the zombies, she lowered her guard down. She rushed to the closest zombie and swung the scythe, it was a success and easy kill.

But right after she chopped this zombie's head, a shadow hovered on her top suddenly. Kang Xue subconsciously looked up and her eyes widened at what she was seeing. It was a zombie with long limbs, the zombie walked on the ceiling, and it jumped toward her from the top with its pointy finger aimed at her head.

She was stunned and failed to react in time. As someone who was never going on the battlefield, her reaction was slow.

'I am really going to die now! F*ck that man!' That was what she thought when the zombie jumped toward her. She did not forget to curse Tang Shaoyang who pulled her into this situation.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Just as she thought she was going to die, a big battle-ax that was spinning in the air struck the zombie down. She was saved once again, and it was the same man who saved her before.

Then the man arrived in front of her, she saw the made an annoyed face and flicked her forehead for the third time, "Stupid Swan! Don't daze around on the battlefield unless you want to get yourself killed!"

The flick was harder than before, but Kang Xue was not angry. She was smiling, yes, her lips formed a smile as she turned around with her scythe.

*** ***

Fourth floor, SH Hospital

Cao Jingyi was squatting next to Yan Sheng, bandaging his injury which was swelling up. Yes, she saw five holes around his right ankle and it started getting blue as he forced himself to walk.

"Are you okay? Can you still fight?" Cao Jingyi was concerned about Yan Sheng, she did not want to lose more people than they already lost.

"I am fine and I can still fight! I don't want to miss this chance…" Yan Sheng replied vaguely.

She did not know what chance it was, but since the guy still wanted to continue, she did not force him to go back.

"Get up then! We will meet Zhao Zhong and Qin Shoushan on the fifth floor!" She instructed while scanning the hallway. Except for a few Stage-1 Zombies, and the already killed Death Scythe, they did not find anything on the fourth floor.

Yan Sheng stood up but his eyes locked on Mo Wen who armed himself with the gear he took off from Yang Peng's dead body. Since Yang Peng died, Cao Jingyi ordered him to get the equipment from the body since Tarrior's gear was much better than the one that was handed to the slave group.

Mo Wen avoided the gaze as he followed Dai Wenqian closely. He was too afraid to stay near Yan Sheng so he hid behind the girls. Fu Dandan and Dai Wenqian walked in the front, Mo Wen and Li Ma in the middle, and Cao Jingyi and Yan Sheng in the back. That was the order of the party as they headed to the fifth floor.

To everyone's surprise, the party met up with Zhao Zhong and Qin Shoushan right after they came out of the emergency stairs. The two groups just finished a fight against 8 Death Scythes.

Zhao Zhong was the first one to notice Cao Jingyi. He walked toward the party with a wave of his hand, "What's up?" This was not the plan and since Cao Jingyi came to their floor, there must be something.

The others immediately noticed the new party, and they walked toward Cao Jingyi's party as well.

Cao Jingyi quickly scanned the people, she noticed there were only eight people which meant they also lost two people.

Starting with a sigh, she told them what happened to Yan Sheng's team. Not missing a single part. When she finished her story, everyone had their gaze locked on one person, Mo Wen.

With a wide grin on his face, Zhao Zhong approached the guy. He wrapped his right arm around Mo Wen's neck, "I wonder what Boss will do to you later, I can't wait for that!"

When the word "Boss" came out of Zhao Zhong's mouth, Mo Wen's body shuddered voluntarily. The Boss was scarier than these people.

'I have to run away from them… I have to split up…' Mo Wen planned out something. He did not want to fall into Tang Shaoyang's hand.

"So, what are going to do now?" Qin Shoushan did not care about the guy called Mo Wen. In his eyes, the guy was a dead man. From what he knew about Tang Shaoyang, he was sure the guy was going to have a miserable fate as the guy indirectly killed one of the Tarrior.

"Let's join up, the Death Scythe is tricky to kill, with more people we could suppress the casualty," Cao Jingyi shared her plan, that was the best thing they could do now.

"It seems that's the best option we have, for now. Or we can meet up with the Boss if you want to?" Tang Shaoyang was the most reliable person they had. If he was here with them, the casualty was not a thing they should worry about.

"Let's not!" Cao Jingyi shook her head, "Since you and I encountered the Death Scythe, it means he's not in the hospital building. We will do as we planned and let him search the other building!"

"Huhuhu, it seems we are the one being hunted instead of hunting them," Zhao Zhong let out a chuckle as he led the group to the sixth floor.

The four teams grouped and went to the sixth floor.

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