Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Chapter 239 The Gathering of Exes

239 The Gathering of Exes

Veronica indeed doesn't have an ex. Tony was her first at everything and she will torture him soon enough when they get home or in the car. But wait, he promised to take her to the pleasure shop. Her arousal raises a little and she look at him like she's going to eat him. He gulp and look away.

Well, she shouldn't care about other's exes but what happened next was unexpected. She's wearing a black balloon dress and could still show her round stomach with three body guards tagging along with her. Why is she here? Did Gabriel know that she's in a Chinese Restaurant.

"Sabrina." She murmur. Then Sabrina's eyes falls on her and she smile cheerly and wave.

"V!" It caught others attention. Mostly Ignacio who became stiff and turn to Sabrina. His eyes dilated. Then there's Alanis who stop from his track on walking to the VIP table. He turn slowly and his heart palpitates. Then it look like he's in Japan when he saw her and the blooming Sakura flowers are showering as she walk toward Veronica's table.

"Sabrina…" Alanis and Ignacio mutter at the same time though they are few paces away from each other.

Sabrina smile and Tony greet her with hug and same with Veronica. Then Veronica peek around quickly and saw the stunned and shocking expression of two males. Well, they are so unlucky not to have her. She's pregnant now and Gabriel is the father and her husband.

"What are you doing here?" Veronica asked. Is it just a coincidence that two of her exes—well, just one ex and the other one was a suitor are here at the same restaurant? She roam around. Does someone want to kill them at the same venue?

"I crave for Chinese."

"Let's go out." Veronica said but Alanis approach them and Sabrina just glance at him.

"Sabrina." Alanis said and she stop and look back at him. She look straight a little quizzical.

"Sorry, who are you?" she asked.

"He's one of your exes." Veronica said. And Alanis smile at Sabrina like a damn in love teenager. Sabrina frowns. What else would Alanis be happy about but to see her and hear her voice.

"Stay away, Alanis." Veronica frowns. "And that smile is creepy, bad for the baby." Veronica said.

"I just want to say hi to my dear Sabrina." Alanis said and extend his hand. Sabrina hesitated for a while and he took it squeeze it gently and bend down to kiss it. Then a man smack Alanis from the back and pull away Sabrina's hand.

"Alanis. What the hell are you doing here in the Philippines?" Ignacio asked. Veronica rolled her eyes and look at Tony furiously. Tony shrugged off and pull Sabrina away from those males.

"It's classified, Magno. Why do you have to leave your date and your grandpa? I mean, Sabrina is fine. You don't have to worry." Alanis said sarcastically and wink at Sabrina. Sabrina frowns and for Alanis it was adorable. He see what Gabriel sees in Sabrina that's why he's head over heels in love with her. "Sabrina, why don't you join me for lunch—I am sure that Gabriel is busy and—"

"Oh shut up, Alanis." Veronica frowns.

"I can protect her." Alanis said ignoring Ignacio.

"Just go ahead with your meeting, Alanis." Ignacio said. Alanis smile at him.

"Why are you jealous? Sabrina dump you and she's married so—can I not talk to my old friend?"

Veronica rolled her eyes. Then she told Tony to take her things as she drag Sabrina away from them.

"What's wrong with them?" She asked. "Who are they?"

"They are your ex-boyfriends." She said and Gabriel was standing in front of the restaurant wearing a dangerous face. Sabrina smile at him lively but he still look dangerous.

"Didn't I told you not to leave the house?" His voice sounds deep and dangerous.

"But I want Chinese food." She pouted. Gabriel glance at two males who turn in their way. "Come on, lets eat! I am super hungry." And she throw herself to him, Gabriel hold her possessively. "Baby's super hungry." She baby talk and look at him with that kitty eyes. Veronica exhales and hold her head for a while. This is the first time, she saw her like that.

"Why don't we just eat back there?" Tony asked. "We haven't finish our food."


Her cuteness effect makes Gabriel's dark aura faded and turn into a spring season. Gabriel took her inside and sat down at Veronica and Tony's table. She ate from their food and Gabriel just sat there and order some more.

"What's with those males again?" Sabrina asked Veronica.

"Your exes." She said bluntly. Gabriel was quiet and he reach her round stomach.

Soon their food came up and she was happy at the sight of foods in front of her. Sabrina feed Gabriel and clung into him. Veronica cringe a little since she's away from Tony she's free from PDA but now that Sabrina and Gabriel are here—their PDA makes her cringe. Why not? They always do that and that. Making single people envy her. But she's not single at all. She glance at Tony who is laughing at her silently. She kick him again under the table.

"Ow…" He murmur.

Ignacio and Alanis felt like they had been stabbed a thousand times. Elder General Leandro cleared his throat and was embarrassed in front of Ignacio's girlfriend. So, Leandro kick his crane to Ignacio that caught his attention.

"Who's Sabrina?" Her girlfriend name Irish asked.

"She's an old friend." Leandro said.

Gabriel search his eyes around to track danger. Then there's Alanis and Ignacio who can probably attract danger so he said to pack the foods and soon he took his wife away from there and brought her to his office.

"I suddenly loose my appetite?" She complains.

"Then rest inside." He said. She pouted with grumpy face as she enter his lodging area. She then throw her bag and kick her shoes as she lay down on the bed and reach the pillow.

Gabriel can't stay mad at her. He doesn't want her to leave the house without him knowing. What if something happened while he was away? He exhales and went to the lodging. He sat down and reach her head.

"Sabrina—I was worried. So worried."

"I'm sorry." She sat up and snuggle on him. "I don't want to disturb you and there's no delivery of Chinese food. Then—I also want to eat some Japanese—I—I don't know what to eat… I just want to eat." She said with a little voice to make it cuter. Gabriel exhales and patted her head.

"Are you willing to wait for me here?"


"Okay, then." He had thought about Anastasia who promise to cook for her. Maybe she's craving for her mother's cooking. He bend down and kiss her head. "Rest, okay? I have to go back to work."

"Okay. Love you…" Gabriel bends down and kiss her lips. He tuck her in and left her. He then reach his phone and check Anastasia's message.

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