Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 520 True Conversion

The appearance of many hated enemies suddenly shocked everyone present.

Everyone saw the culprits, or at the very least, people related to these culprits finally appeared.

"These people...!" One of the Commanders that followed Nightwing saw them.

"Oh...? Brother?" Ikarod had a look of delight.

Many Featherf-folk had joined Nightwing's army, and all had murderous intentions for Ikarod. But as Ikarod followed the terrifying Nightwing, they could only look in hatred and could not touch him.

But now, the crown prince was before Ikarod!

"My lord truly values me! To think that he would grant me the joyous treat of vengeance!"

Several Antibodies of Crown power were pressing their hands on a Cardinal and stopping the Cardinal from moving.

The Cyclops Barakan Doragan was shocked as he saw the Cardinal.

"Well... if it isn't Cardinal Terrdon!" Barakan laughed.

The club behind him trembled, and the form of Grandite Doragan.

"Terrdon. Slayer of Giants. But I know you as the murderer of my wife." Grandite's booming voice was heard as Terrdon quivered in fear.

He couldn't understand what had happened and saw many others there with him.

The captured people began to shout and panic, but the sounds of the battle and the muffling powers that hid the sounds prevented their cries from working.

Even the powers of message talismans were not working in the underground.

"I believe it's time for you to settle old scores and grudges. While some here are not the ones you want to kill, you can still kill them and keep their heads to show to the one you really want to kill. But alas, we don't have time. And despite my succubus state, I hate if you disgrace their body. So kill them and settle the anger in your heart. You can make them suffer. But do not cross this line and abuse them. My women will not be happy. Are we clear?" Nightwing ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" The followers cheered.

"Good! Now. I shall use my powers to draw in their souls. Don't mind the darkness creeping around." Nightwing closed his eyes and spread out his power. But unlike what he said, the power he sent out was not to be used to draw the soul. Instead, it was the power of Oblivion that he was channeling from within the mind of Bomos.

The truth was, there was a covering of Oblivion around the cliff of the mountain, and it was as if everything within the region was cut off from the rest.

This was Nightwing's first experiment in how to alter Destiny.

Bomos was an inspiration to Nightwing. How did this stone manage to survive and remain undetected from Fate and Destiny throughout the years? Why did none from either side find him? And how do other True Neutrals exist without being threatened to join a side or forcibly dragged into the conflict between these two?

Nightwing believed Fate and Destiny would use a True Neutral as a shield or sacrifice, but they somehow could not!

And so, Nightwing used Oblivion and his Mysterion to perform a certain experiment.

What would happen if Destiny and Fate could not see certain events in the life of the people whose lives they controlled? Such magic was initially thought impossible, but Nightwing now had a faint power of Oblivion that was cursed in Bomos.

Destiny may have done it to spite Petra and ensure that the Gigantes would be forgotten and no altar to tell of its deeds would remain. But now, Nightwing was able to channel it. His other half, Kyros, has fought and even cultivated in Oblivion!

Nightwing concentrated the Oblivion toward the area around them to hide the events from the eyes of Fate and Destiny.

Mysterion appeared as well.

"This will be hidden so that it will soon be revealed to light. Mysterion can only conceal as long as it will be made known."

The miracle of concealing was made once more.

Nightwing's eyes were locked on the people who serve him. They killed and were satisfied, and their loyalty to Nightwing rose by numerous folds.

Ikarod laughed as he plucked the wings of his brother, who was screaming and pleading.

The Cardinal was being crushed by the massive weight of Grandanite Doragan, who wasted his energy actually to move to press his weight on the Cardinal.

"I never knew she was your wife! I'm sorry! Ahhhhh!" The Cardinal pleaded and pleaded.


The cries began as people were tortured and killed.

Nightwing walked around the group who slew their enemies. But in the midst of this, the powers of Destiny still remained among everyone.

"Seriously? Not even one of them changed?" Nightwing frowned as he glanced at Grandanite and Ikarod.

These two were exceptional Crowns with potential. But even when Nightwing was able to bring people who these two wanted to kill the most and would have undoubtedly increased the level of loyalty they had to him, the stain and stench of Destiny still covered them!

Nightwing sighed.

"So it's not like how I expected it to be? Huh... I'm not used to being wrong. I wonder..."

He could see that Destiny still had control over all of them.

"Hmp... I guess this experiment is a failure... But I guess it's not easy to turn those of Destiny into True Neutrals." Nightwing sighed.

But at that moment, Nightwing felt a strange change in the air. No one else could feel it. But Nightwing, who was so attuned to Fate and Destiny, could see a physical manifestation that no one else could.

A Mage Commander burned the person he hated the most in front of her. It was his own wife. The wife who sold him out to spare herself from pain. This woman also proved a harlot as she instantly ran to another lover when the Mage Commander was confirmed to be a traitor.

As he burned his wife and wept in hatred, Nightwing could tell that Destiny's grasp on him was slowly fading!

Nightwing smiled as he saw the changes.

"Ah... So it does work! Destiny sees the future of these people and arranges events to force them to fight for him. But this Mage Commander should be wavering because of what I did... Then this will be perfect! I can create spies of Destiny! Those who Destiny thinks are on his side but are actually on my own!" Nightwing laughed as he walked towards the Mage Commander.

The mage commander was on his knees as he wept and slew the woman he loathed and the only woman he ever loved.

"Such pain..." Nightwing approached as he raised his hand, and drew a large amount of blood from the woman.

The woman kept screaming and died the moment Nightwing took some of her blood.

"...Thank you, Master."

"Mage Commander Estus. I pity you. Betrayed by your wife and even sold herself to another. But is this the end of your vengeance? I think not. I know your hatred grows for that family. That royal lineage that your wife sold herself to was not just a convenient escape. That Ragion had been sleeping with your wife for a time. Hm... You have been away from your home numerous times, correct? Ragion had been having an affair with your wife and would even hire your wife as one of the scouts in his missions. It's very well hidden."

At that moment, Estus trembled even more.

"Your wife was only looking for an excuse to run to him. It was a perfect arrangement. The Ragion is a High Noble and a Cardinal. She made it look like she forced herself to reveal vital information to be a mistress of the Ragion. The Ragion, who was already married, would be forced by his father, the king, to take his wife. The arrangements were well hidden. But your wife has loved another for a long time. Do you wish to see her memories?" Nightwing asked.

Estus trembled all the more, and a sharp pain pierced through his chest.

"No... I do not wish to-"

"And be hindered by this trauma? No. You have to see it." With a tap of his finger, Nightwing passed on the woman's memories.

Estus saw it all. The meeting of the Ragion and the woman for the first time. Estus was just nearby the first time the two saw each other. It was clear that the Ragion prince found the woman attractive. And Estus could see that his wife locked eyes with the Ragion.

The horrifying memories continued in a blur. Estus saw the many meetings that his wife orchestrated to be with Ragion. After many meetings and the first night together, they began to arrange a plan to hide the secret. The Ragion Prince could not afford to reveal this secret as his wife was the heir and princess to the throne.

Layers and layers of cover-ups made others think that Ragion's companions in his missions and the quest were different.

And finally, the revelation of Estus's servitude to the Eldirch was made known!

Estus's wife rejoiced and arranged the plan to go over to the king and queen. She held important details as to the trades and contacts of Estus that would unravel even more atrocities to the throne.

The princess was not happy, but she had no choice. And so, Estus's wife, who was a scout by her class, became the Ragion Prince's companion since then.

The princess only thought that her husband was only fulfilling the oath that was charged to him.

Estus puked out as his anger could no longer tolerate the betrayal.

"You killed your wife. But I will tell you now. She was a useless and poor excuse of a woman. If there was a fault that you made, it was that you pursued a useless woman. If I were you... I'd go after a princess." Nightwing chuckled.

"A princess?" Estus was confused. But suddenly, a strange and powerful lust was building inside of him. In his own eyes, the Princess was far more beautiful than his wife. Moreover, the wife was elegant and held a great air of class.

Unknown to him, the lust of an Incubus was being sent into him.

"Follow me. And I can give you that woman! Death is far too good for that Ragion! Take the kingdom from him! Take his wife and strip him of all powers he has!" Nightwing chuckled.

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