Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 115: Twenty Fourth Level, Boss

Chapter 115: Twenty Fourth Level, Boss

[Special Quest Start]

[Special Quest Start]

[In one week, you all will return to the abandoned lands. Survive there and come back. Rewards will be decided based on your achievements.]

[This quest cannot be refused.]

This was the second return quest. The ghost realized it belatedly.

[We're going back again?]


[It feels like it hasn't been long, but they are calling us back quickly.]

He didn’t know before, but now he knew that the gods were intervening.

This call was also theirs. The gods kept returning them, the players, to Earth.

“I wonder why.”

[How would we know the intentions of those madmen?]

This was something that couldn’t be known immediately. Taesan opened the community.

[Bang Ja Yeon[Easy]: Ah… It's driving me crazy.]

[Choi Geum In[Normal]: Where do they want us to go this time? Do they want us to destroy the monsters' nests?]

The community was in utter chaos. Unlike the first return, there was no hope or anticipation, only despair and fear.

They all knew very well the state of the Earth now. That it was occupied by monsters, and they couldn’t cope with their power yet.

To them, returning was not a blessing but a curse.

[Kim Na Yeon[Easy]: No! I don't want to! I like it here! I don't want to go back!]

Especially the Easy Mode players felt this strongly.

Easy Mode was very easy. If you were careful and didn’t embark on vain adventures, most could clear it.

Hence, the labyrinth wasn’t a despairing place for them, rather, it might feel like a cradle.

So, for Easy players, Earth would feel like hell.

Taesan knew it well. He also came from there.

‘But it’s still manageable for now.’

It was manageable up to the second return. If the Easy players were careful and stayed beside others, the chances of survival were high.

The problem was after clearing it, but there was no significant impediment to surviving for now.

Taesan posted a message.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: How do you feel?]

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: Ah, Mr. Taesan.]

[Kang Junhyuk[Solo]: Bro.]

Even the Solo Mode players were in despair. They were already having a tough time, and now they had to return to Earth again. However, Lee Taeyeon and Kang Junhyuk were calmly comforting the others.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: You seem calmer than I thought.]

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: Well, we expected this wasn't the end, but we didn't think it would come this soon.]

[Kang Junhyuk[Solo]: Still… We are somewhat better off.]

Both were striving desperately. They had cleared the labyrinth and gained power superior to those in Hard Mode.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: You said you were breaking through the 7th floor, right?]

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: Yes. It's embarrassing to compare to Mr. Taesan, but we think we've come down well.]

The 7th floor. Where Lizardman Swordsmen appeared. He thought it would be a tough one as they used proper sword skills, but it seemed manageable for these two.

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: We have become stronger. We can't just let others die.]

[Kang Junhyuk[Solo]: Ugh. I'm nervous. It's driving me crazy.]

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: We still have a week. Try to get down to the 8th floor at least. There's a trial there worth receiving. It's by the God of Trials, Oman. It'd be better to receive that too before coming.]

God of Trials. Oman. In this trial, you didn’t need to risk your life. It was a test where one could realize their own limits and give up, a trial where one could become stronger without great risk.

[Lee Taeyeon[Solo]: Really?]

[Kang Junhyuk[Solo]: So there is such a thing… Thanks, bro. It will be tough, but we have to go down.]

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: But don't overdo it and die. See you in a week.]

There shouldn’t be any major problem if it was the two of them.

Taesan, after leaving his last message, shifted his attention towards those in Hard Mode.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: How about you guys?]

[Geum Junggeun[Hard]: I'm fine… but noona is having some problems.]

[Kim Hwiyeon[Hard]: …I feel like vomiting.]

Taesan could feel the pressure from beyond those words, causing him to chuckle.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: Think lightly about it. Isn't it better to make decisions yourself than entrusting your life to others?]

[Kim Hwiyeon[Hard]: How can I think lightly when the lives of thirty thousand people are in my hands…]

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: Really?]

Taesan remembered that Kim Hwiyeon managed over a hundred thousand people.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: You know you have to do it, right?]

[Kim Hwiyeon[Hard]: … I'll do it. I know. It's just a complaint.]

Ignoring her grumbles, Taesan asked,

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: How's Hard Mode these days?]

[Kim Hwiyeon[Hard]: It's okay. There are still deaths, but the number has decreased, and we are slowly getting better.]

This wasn’t bad news. Hard Mode had the topmost players outside of Solo Mode. Each one of them was valuable.

After confirming, Taesan exchanged a few words before saying goodbye.

[Kang Taesan[Solo]: Then, see you in a week.]

[Kim Hwiyeon[Hard]: Ah. I hate it… I wish I knew what to do when we go back.]

[Geum Junggeun[Hard]: Unless you can foresee the future, you won't know.]

[Kim Hwiyeon[Hard]: I know. Just venting.]

Taesan closed the community window.

He already experienced it once, so he knew what to do during the second return.

But there was no certainty that it would be the same as before.

“I wonder how it will be this time.”

Something would definitely change.

Anyway, it was not for another week. He planned to get stronger by then.

Taesan continued to descend the labyrinth. He defeated the boss of the 24th floor and checked the reward.

[Staff of Baal]

[Black Magic + 10]

[A staff made by the demon Baal out of boredom. Lesser beings will go mad just by touching it.]

“This can be dedicated to the Demon God.”

[??? was used.]

[Ring of Spring Water]

[Attack + 5]

[Defense + 5]

[Strength + 5]

[Agility + 5]

[A ring containing the essence of a natural spring. Although small in quantity, it can summon clean water.]


The increase in stats was quite high. Plus, it had a special ability to summon water.

He decided to try it as a test, and about three bottles of water flowed out.

This amount wasn’t too bad. Considering what was to be done on Earth, clean water was absolutely necessary.

“Well then.”

He now thought of learning a new black magic. Taesan held the Staff of Baal with a doubtful expression.

“But how should I do this?”

Even if he wanted to dedicate it so he could learn new black magic, he didn’t know the method. The Demon God also didn’t give any explanation, so he had no choice but to try different things.

First, like Lillis did, he kneeled and began to pray. As he kept wishing, dedicating offerings to the Demon God, a force began to descend.

The dimension of the labyrinth was distorted, and a great power could be felt from the other side. Darkness began to expand, and the Demon God appeared.


She was standing with her arms crossed, an annoyed expression on her face. Taesan was taken aback by her openly displayed displeasure.

“Why are you like this?”

[...No, it's nothing. I can't blame you for something I didn't tell you about.]

The Demon God squinted her eyes.

[But next time, offer things originating from me to me. Understand?]

“Ah, yes.”

He didn’t know why, but if she wished so, there was no reason to refuse. As Taesan immediately answered, the Demon God, seemingly in a better mood, spoke in a higher tone.

[I know why you called me. You are preparing to leave, aren't you?]

“You know.”

[I cannot not know about my own matters. They are really bothersome and low creatures. To go to all this troublesome length.]

Mirth and mockery were visible on the Demon God’s face, understanding why Taesan would return to Earth.


[You know. I cannot tell you.]

“I need to go down more.”

[If you can… reach at least the 50th floor, I might explain. Strive hard to come down.]

The Demon God waved her hand. The staff floating in Taesan’s hand flew to her.

[This should suffice for basic Black Magic. I also want to annoy those creatures, so consider it a service. I'll give you what you need now.]

[You have learned the Basic Black Magic [Prayer to the Demon God].]

“What is this?”

[Something you will definitely need when you leave.]

The Demon God smirked.

[You'll probably find the Black Magic useful. You will be grateful to me, won't you?]

“Thank you.”

He expressed his thanks as it seemed like she took some care to provide it. The Demon God clenched her fist in delight. The darkness began to fade.

[Don't forget. The god who cares the most about you is me. Understood?]

“I understand.”

[Then, come back without dying. It's going to be tough since those creatures won't stay still… …Leave.]

As she turned around, the Demon God scowled.

[Now, those who weren't interested might interfere. I'll have to declare beforehand.]

With incomprehensible words as her last, the Demon God left. The ghost, who had been silent until now, mumbled as if he found it fascinating.

[This is… really strange.]

“What is?”

[Nothing. I shouldn't have said it. It might look bad. What did you get?]

“A kind of rechargeable skill.”

[Basic Black Magic: Prayer to the Demon God]

[Proficiency: 1%]

[You can draw the power bestowed by the Demon God through prayer to her. Upon using the skill, you enter a meditative state, accelerating the recovery of magic power. In meditation, all stats and action speed are halved.]

“It’s a recovery skill.”

Unlike mana, magic power had no specific means of recovery, so it seemed like a considerate gift. Actually, once he returns to Earth, leveling up would be impossible, making the recovery of magic power itself challenging.

All things considered, the skill was indeed useful, just as the Demon God had said. He expressed his gratitude to her and was sure.

‘The Demon God knows.’

About Earth, about his return, and his past as well.

Then, it was highly probable that the High Gods also knew.

Taesan moved to the next floor, the 25th floor.

[Starting Quest of the 25th Floor.]

[Defeat the boss of the 25th floor and pass through.]

[Reward: Robe of Darkness]

[Secret Reward: ???]

“Have you arrived?”

At the beginning of the floor, the shopkeeper was waiting. Instead of passing by as usual, Taesan asked.

“Can you show me the equipment available for purchase now?”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“I’m going to be away for a while.”


The shopkeeper also realized.

“Leaving again? That’s strange. Wait a moment.”

The shopkeeper brought out several pieces of equipment. One by one, they were clearly of a higher grade than the ones Taesan had seen on the 11th floor.

[Treasure Gauntlet]

[A gauntlet adorned with treasures. Despite its appearance, it's good for practical use. Created by a blacksmith tired of the nobles' fussiness.]

[Attack + 45]


[Silence Summoning Flute]

[A flute favored by a bard who loved silence.]

[On use prohibits the use of all magic within range for 10 minutes. This item can only be used once a day.]


The grade had increased incomparably. Surely, if he had bought other equipment instead of the ring that increased his stats by a few percentage points at that time, he would have regretted it.

Taesan had 40,000 gold now. He had earned quite a lot of money by hunting guides.

While looking around, a wrist guard caught Taesan’s eye.


The wrist guard covered in whips seemed to be alive, snapping the tips of its whips as he held it.

[Wrist Guard of Killing Intent]

[A wrist guard trying to kill everything except its owner. Created by the whim of a witch. There still exist hidden elements.]

[Attack + 25]

[Defense + 1]


“Why is this so cheap?”


Seeing Taesan speak, the shopkeeper spoke as if it was obvious.

“Would you want to buy it?”


It gave an attack of 25 for a wrist guard. It compensated and even surpassed the lack of defense. The shopkeeper also realized that fact belatedly.

“…Now that I think about it, you have the Airak Weapon Technique. It’s not common, you know. Think about it: the attack only applies when you hit with that equipment. There are various attack buff equipment, but most are accessories and are expensive. At least, that isn’t it.”

From a regular adventurer’s standpoint, there was no reason to use equipment that only ambiguously increased attack with no defense at all. He understood when it was explained that way.

But it was different for Taesan.

“I’ll take this.”

“Well, it seems perfect for you. Do you have the money?”


Taesan paid the price and wore the wristguard. The whips wrapped around it shook here and there and tapped on Taesan’s arm.

“It seems to like it too. Use it well.”

“Does it have intelligence?”

“Somehow, yes. It’s quirky, but the grade itself is high. If it had been proper equipment, you couldn’t have bought it at this point.”


The whip gently wrapped around Taesan’s arm.

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