Assistant Architect

Chapter 137: Condition

Chapter 137: Condition


Even Tao Fei didn’t know Zhang Siyi held an ace up his sleeve. Tao Fei began to listen to him attentively. Zhang Siyi’s ideas to incorporate Buddhist culture and related programs into the project was the most thought-provoking aspect to their plan.

When the presentation was finished, Zhang Siyi left the glowing picture of a Bodhi Beacon on the screen making it seem like the warm light from the Beacon illuminated the conference room.

The honeycomb mosaic of the sun-film that was used for the lampshades had a reflective effect under sunlight making them purely white. At night, when the light source of the lamp was turned on, the vague interlaced veins showed through, making the lamp look like iridescent leaves.

On the lookout tower, a series of Bodhi Bells were hanging from the edge of the platform. Although they were the same shape as the beacon, they had a different function. As the wind blows, they would emit a gentle chime and thus, making the tower and surrounding area a timeless place where one could seek refuge from modern life.

With their professionalism and beautiful drawings, coupled with the thought provoking culturally significant landmark, Tao Fei and Zhang Siyi have delivered a nearly perfect solution for the luxury resort project in the tourism development zone.

Even though they ended the presentation, the meeting wasn’t over. The silence was broken by the multiple voices talking at the same time in the room. One of the members of the group was particularly vocal after the presentation was finished. At first glance, other than wearing a string of beads, he didn’t stand out as he was very plainly dressed and low-key. In the beginning, he was quietly observing and listening to the report, but when he spoke at the end, the rest of the group immediately quieted and respectfully listened to all he had to say. This indicates that he must hold part, if not all, of the real decision-making power in Party A.

He happens to be a Buddhist and although his faction is different then those in the Southern region, he knows that Buddhist teachings are unbound. Being interested in Zhang Siyi’s plan considerably, he was eager to further discuss the significance of religious architecture with everyone present.

In this way, Zhang Siyi’s plan was exactly what he wanted! In the excitement, time passed quickly and lunchtime fast approached. At President Li’s suggestion, they took a break. Although they haven’t signed a contract yet, their intentions are obvious at this time.

Overjoyed, President Li invited the Manager of the public relations department to bring her people to a nearby hotel in the afternoon to further discuss the details of the contract over dinner. As such, Gu Yu as the creative director and Tong Heyi as the deputy design director need to attend the party as well as the person in charge of the project, Tao Fei. Given the status of the people required to attend, it was natural that they were expected to go. Beyond expectations, when Zhang Siyi heard Gu Yu, he was surprised: “Zhang Siyi, after packing up and stowing away the materials from the presentation you also come to the hotel.”

Zhang Siyi: “......”

When exiting the conference room, Bi Lele and the other colleagues gathered around him excitedly: “Wow Four! You pulled that one out of the bag!”

Ji Feiyu was also curious: “Did you really go to those hotels?”

Tao Fei came over and put his arm around Ji Feiyu’s shoulder: “Jealous?”

Afraid of being hated, Zhang Siyi chuckled and said: “It’s all of Tao Fei’s money.”

Everyone immediately turned to stare wide eyed at Tao Fei with expressions of worship. Tao Fei grinned widely and threw a wink in Zhang Siyi’s direction in appreciation for his quick-witted remark.

Since the hotel was a ten-minute drive from the company to the hotel, the people in Party A took a business car to the facility while the designers from Borderless took a taxi.

For the other designers in Borderless, the banquet was actually rather boring as they were there specifically to create a good atmosphere by offering an ear to listen to Parry A’s bragging nonsense and chat politely.

With Zhang Siyi humble attitude, he was able to keep his head down and eat some food peacefully, but some of the others weren’t as fortunate. In particular, as a result of Gu Yu young fame, he bears more pressure than average to maintain positive relationships with peers in the industry.

Many people in the banquet approached him and discussed various topics. Not only did he have to politely listen, but he also had to have the knowledge and quick wit to reply to the person adequately in order to make them feel content. Witnessing the process made Zhang Siyi feel troubled and he can only imagine how bothersome it must have felt like for Gu Yu.

Noticing the lack of food that Gu Yu ate and the frequent use of a small towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead during dinner, Zhang Siyi worried about him.

President Li always came to Gu Yu for a drink, but Gu Yu clearly refused and stated he wasn’t feeling well and thus used tea instead of alcohol, but after three rounds of drinks, the President wouldn’t take any excuse seriously: “Don’t be a stick in the mud. When I was sick, I would drink warm rice-wine and let my body sweat to help get over a cold. If not for this project we wouldn’t have been able to meet. It’s been six months since we’ve had the opportunity to chat. Come, come – without a toast, the project won’t have meaning!”

One of Zhang Siyi’s pet-peeves is when a person forces alcohol on someone in the name of a blessing. Getting even more angry then he already was, Zhang Siyi really wanted to blurt out something, especially since Gu Yu really was ill.

Next to him, Zhang Siyi impulsively went to block the wine from Gu Yu, but he reached for the glass and winked at Zhang Siyi. He stood up with everyone, moved the glass in a circle to acknowledge the people present then faced President Li for a toast.

Since the banquet was coming to a close, the people attending were starting to gather their belongings and getting ready to leave. The group of people sitting with Gu Yu also got up to gather their things and walk out of the dining area. As Gu Yu stood up with the others, he said: “Go ahead first. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Not noticing any problems, the others left without a word. Zhang Siyi felt relieved then turned to Gu Yu and asked: “Are you alright?”

Gu Yu was silent for a few seconds then suddenly said: “Help me get to the bathroom.”

...... Help? Zhang Siyi was shocked! Gu Yu can’t go by himself?

Zhang Siyi quickly maneuvered him into the bathroom stall and not a moment later did Gu Yu let go of his stomach. Even after emptying it, his abdomen continued to spasm and dry-heave. Standing outside the stall, Zhang Siyi was distressed over Gu Yu’s condition. He asked: “How’s it going? Are you feeling better?”

Normally, Gu Yu could hold his liquor, but with only one glass of wine, he was brought to his knees at the toilet and thus indicating how serious his condition was. After coming out of the stall, Gu Yu’s face was as white as a sheet of paper. Because he was trembling from fatigue, he was holding onto the door to help him stand upright. He had masked his condition throughout the presentation all morning and banquet in the afternoon, but now, he couldn’t take it anymore and was on the verge of collapse.

Feeling the vibration in his pocket, he looked at his phone and saw Tao Fei calling. He answered it, and Tao Fei had asked him when they will be coming down. Over the phone, Zhang Siyi replied: “Gu Yu is drunk and his physical condition is very bad. You will have to go back without us.”

Furrowing his brow, Gu Yu was eager to grab Zhang Siyi phone, but he simply hung up and pocketed it. Glaring at Gu Yu: “Do you still want to go back? Do you have any idea how worried I am about you?!”

Gu Yu: “The members of Party A...”

Zhang Siyi interrupted him: “The project is progressing very smoothly now. Even if you were absent for a long time, there are so many other people in the company including the President, Child Labor, and Tao Fei that will represent Borderless faithfully!”

The moment of male dominance was fierce and Zhang Siyi made the decision for him: “I won’t let you go. You are coming to the hospital with me right now!”

Slowly relaxing, Gu Yu moved his lips and hoarsely uttered: “Fool.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Who the hell is the stupid one!

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