Assistant Architect

Chapter 189: Break Up

Chapter 189: Break Up


After returning home, Gu Yu went to his Sister’s room and knocked on her door. For over an hour, the two siblings were in discussion. When Gu Yu came back to his own room, Zhang Siyi was waiting for him. Since he was in a good mood, he assumed Gu Yu had resolved the misunderstanding he had with his sister.

Before Zhang Siyi had time to ask, Gu Yu moved him to the bed and pressed him down affectionately. Their lovemaking was slow and tender. Afterwards he held Zhang Siyi cherished face and gently kissed him. The devotion that was reflected in Gu Yu’s eyes would make anyone’s heart melt.

Zhang Siyi muffled a laugh: “What are you doing? You are being weird today...”

Gu Yu buried his face in Zhang Siyi’s shoulders and gently sucked and kissed his neck.

“Uh...” Zhang Siyi shrunk his neck to ward him off: “Don’t. It tickles.”

Pressing his body close, Gu Yu wrapped Zhang Siyi in his arms in a tight embrace. For a while, he gave Zhang Siyi gentle kisses and caressed him tenderly before whispering in his ear: “I spoke with my friend today regarding Su Yuan’s matter. You can inform her of the open position.”

In Gu Yu’s arms, with the sudden change of topic, it took a moment for Zhang Siyi to register what Gu Yu said. Finally, he reacted and propped himself up on his elbow and said: “Really!? What company?”

Gu Yu reached out to knead his ear and replied: “Well, you already know who the man is.”

Zhang Siyi raised his voice in surprised: “I have? Who is it?”

Gu Yu: “Last year at the annual meeting, he is from the company that was hosting their party next door.”

Since they went to KTV together, Zhang Siyi memory of him was clearer: “Liang from GB-Firm?”

Gu Yu: “Yes, his name is Liang Xueying. We worked together in the X-Firm.”

Zhang Siyi wondered: “Does GB-Firm specialize in small-scale architectural design? If my memory serves me right, I thought GB-Firm was similar to Borderless?”

Gu Yu: “In the past two years, the market has steadily declined and the once copious amounts of large-scale land development projects have significantly decreased. With his own resources, he left GB this past May to start his own company that specializes in small scale building and design. The type of work his company does and the type of clients who seek his help, don’t conflict with GB’s interests.

Zhang Siyi: “Ah! That’s how it turned out.”

Gu Yu: “You’ll have to explain to her ahead of time that her salary won’t be as high as Borderless. Your classmate would be treated with the same standard as a new student. Monthly wages are six thousand with additional bonuses based on the projects she worked on. Every day, the office closes at 5:30 and thus there is no overtime work. Since the firm is very small with a total of ten employees, the overall atmosphere in the workplace is relatively relaxed and there are often organized activities.”

Zhang Siyi didn’t think the lower wage would be a problem. The last time he spoke with Su Yuan, she told him that her salary contract was seven thousand, but the actual amount paid was less then five thousand. At least, a consistent six thousand a month salary was a little better. Without overtime, Su Yuan could utilize the time to write architectural reviews per Gu Yu’s suggestion for additional income.

Most importantly, Zhang Siyi’s impression of Liang Xueying was very good. At KTV, he was very social and easy to get along with. Certainly, working for a boss like that was better than Su Yuan’s current situation.

The next day at lunch, Zhang Siyi called Su Yuan and informed her of the great news. She was very grateful and exclaimed: “I don’t know how to thank you!”

Zhang Siyi smiled and said: “You’re welcome! It is the least I can do for my friend, but to be honest, I didn’t find the job for you. The director helped me and recommended it.”

Su Yuan: “Your director? The same harsh and strict boss you mentioned before?”

Zhang Siyi: “Well, that’s him......” Not having said more about Gu Yu recently, of course her impression of him will be stuck at the time when he just started working and complained! (=_=)

Zhang Siyi was eager to overwrite the old impression she had of Gu Yu and quickly said: “In fact, he is actually a good boss to work for. Also, it turned out he is my High School alumni. Now we are close, that is, he is a good friend.”

Su Yuan: “I will have to thank him as well. When you have time, I’ll take you both out to eat.”

Zhang Siyi politely refused: “No. It’s alright and not needed.”

Su Yuan smiled: “Why not? Your director went out of his way on your behalf to help. What kind of person would I be If I don’t give thanks where a thanks is due? I also don’t want to make things difficult for you. In any case, my gratitude must be expressed so, if you don’t have time to come out for dinner, I will prepare a thank you gift instead.”

Zhang Siyi was in a tough situation, but he had to answer her: “Well, gifts aren’t necessary. I will let him know and we can go out for a simple meal.”

Su Yuan: “Even though it’s best to express gratitude in person, I won’t be available this week. I’m not sure when because Ren Mengyu broke up with her boyfriend and I expect I’ll have to lend a shoulder for her to cry on for a little while.”

This new information shocked Zhang Siyi: “What? She broke up? When?”

Su Yuan sighed: “Just last night.”

Zhang Siyi: “She didn’t say anything in the group chat did she?”

Su Yuan: “It is hard for her to admit she got dumped. After all, it wasn’t so long ago that she wanted to show off her relationship to Bai Rui with you and our friends.”

Zhang Siyi broke into a cold sweat. How can this be! Bai Rui can’t really believe his sexual orientation was discovered so he broke up out of guilt, can he?

“You know, I thought this was going to happen. From the beginning, I didn’t think their relationship would last, but at the time I didn’t say anything to her because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. She was enamored with him and the attention.” Su Yuan sighed deeply. “I don’t want her to get mad at me for telling you.”

On impulse, Zhang Siyi almost blurted out the truth about Bai Rui’s recent behavior, but upon listening to Su Yuan finish her narrative, he clamped his mouth shut. He didn’t want to add any more reasons for Ren Mengyu to feel bad. As they say, a person in love can become irrational and he didn’t want to be the recipient of misplaced feelings.

After a few exchanges of pleasantries with Su Yuan, Zhang Siyi hung up phone in a panic. He quickly revisited the chat record with Bai Rui and Gu Yu and noticed it had been a few days since contact. He was inwardly relieved. Regardless, whatever is going on with Bai Rui, he had nothing to do with it.

Right as he was reviewing the chat log, unexpectedly, a new message popped up in the dialog box: “Are you free tonight? I’ll take you out to dinner.”

“...... ” Zhang Siyi’s eye’s widened in surprised. The shock almost caused him to drop his phone!

He stared at the screen. Unbelievable! Bai Rui texted right when he finished talking to Su Yuan. Was he telepathic? Fuck, this is too much of a coincidence!

Freaked out, Zhang Siyi forgot about Gu Yu’s instructions and asked him directly: “Did you break up with Ren Mengyu?”

Bai Rui: “Yeah.”

Zhang Siyi: “Why?”

Bai Rui: “Can’t you guess? [Smiles]”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shit! Guess? Can he pretend not to know?

Unable to think of something witty to reply with, Zhang Siyi finally thought of Gu Yu. Taking advantage of his lunch break, he immediately went to Gu Yu’s office, gave the phone to him and quickly explained the circumstances.

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows: “He broke up with her? That guy had a little bit of conscience after all.”

Zhang Siyi felt troubled: “Why do you think he broke up with my friend? Is it because of me?”

Gu Yu calmly said: “If he is really gay, it is a good thing he broke it off with your friend early. You don’t need to feel guilty.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” That said, he just broke up with Ren Mengyu and has already contact me. In the end, doesn’t it really have everything to do with me? o(╯□╰)o

Gu Yu looked down and scrolled through the chat record. While talking to Zhang Siyi, Bai Rui had sent another message: “The fact is, when I met you, I wanted to becomes friends. I wanted to make you happy by giving you a cake, but unfortunately, you didn’t like it. Please, can I just take you out to dinner so we can talk?”

From behind, Zhang Siyi was looking over Gu Yu’s shoulder while he was reading the message. He said: “Quickly, reject him!”

Perhaps, because of the delay in a text response, Bai Rui had sent another message: “You know, I felt that the you in WeChat and the you in the real world are different.

Gu Yu typed in a question on Zhang Siyi’s phone: “Oh? What’s the difference?”

Bai Rui: “Well, I can’t say for sure, but the feeling you give in WeChat isn’t the same in reality. You feel like a different person.”

Hair standing on end, Zhang Siyi got goosebumps. Oh God, could Bai Rui really see through us?

Gu Yu didn’t care. He smiled mischievously and replied: “You are not wrong.”

Bai Rui: “What do you mean?”

Gu Yu: “Indeed, we are two people.” [Smiles]

Bai Rui: “...”

Not wanting to hurt Gu Yu’s ear, Zhang Siyi turned his face away and laughed out loud. From anxiety, to fear, to laughter; it only took a few seconds. He tried to suppress his laughter, pointed at Gu Yu and said: “You really told him! I bet his soul is shattered hahahahahaha!”

Noticing the time on the clock on the wall, Gu Yu looked at Zhang Siyi and became serious: “Ok now. Lunch is over.”

Zhang Siyi was reluctant to leave because he wanted to see how Gu Yu was going to bully Bai Rui. Why are things so different when Bai Rui is left in Gu Yu’s hands?

Watching Zhang Siyi’s eyes full of love and adoration, Gu Yu laughed: “It won’t be solved so quickly and I don’t have free time to play with him. I’ll show you the chat records later. Now, get back to work.”

Zhang Siyi wrinkled his nose in protest before turning around and leaving Gu Yu’s office.

Less than three minutes later, Bai Rui messaged again: “You aren’t Zhang Siyi?””

Gu Yu: “[smiles]”

Bai Rui: “...”

This time, the phone remained silent for longer than three minutes. Busy with work, Gu Yu set Zhang Siyi’s phone aside. He he had no reason to continue talking with Bai Rui.

In the late afternoon, Bi Lele and Yuan Zhicheng went to Gu Yu’s office to report on a new project. Making them wait, Gu Yu left his office momentarily to get information about it.

After Gu Yu left, they heard the buzzing of a phone on silent mode that was covered by some documents.

Bi Lele and Yuan Zhicheng looked at each other: “Did Boss forgot to bring his phone?”

Moving the folder aside to reveal the phone, Bi Lele questioned: “Isn’t this Zhang Siyi’s phone?”

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