Assistant Architect

Chapter 195: Painting

Chapter 195: Painting


While Tao Fei’s idea was intriguing and could be utilize as a last resort, Zhang Siyi really didn’t want any contact with Bai Rui because the guy gave Zhang Siyi the creeps.

However, contrary to his wish, when the two went back to the office, they saw Bai Rui in the lobby of the building holding a rose. Narrowing his eyes into small slits, Zhang Siyi walked over to the elevator with a cold expression.

Originally, Bai Rui’s back was facing them. When he heard people approaching, he glanced behind him. Startled, he widens his eyes in surprise as he saw Zhang Siyi walk towards him with another person. Bai Rui turned to face them and smiled in greeting then asked: “Back from lunch?”

Astute as always, with an outstretched arm, Tao Fei grinned and hooked it around Zhang Siyi’s neck, letting his arm drape over his shoulder. Half hanging on Zhang Siyi, Tao Fei leaned on him provocatively then said: “Hey handsome, who’s this rose for?”

Bai Rui looked down at the rose in his hand then extended his arm to Tai Fei. He smiled and asked: “Would you like it?”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

In contrast to how Tai Fei dealt with Bai Rui, with his hair standing on end, Zhang Siyi felt like a threatened hedgehog. Shit! This man is really dangerous! Fortunately, he wasn’t here alone !!!

Glancing at Zhang Siyi’s reaction, Tao Fei nearly broke his act. He waved his hand in rejection: “No Thanks.”

Unconcerned, Bai Rui retracted his arm and walked into the open elevator.

Feeling even more anxious, Zhang Siyi worried whether or not Bai Rui realized Gu Yu was his boyfriend and not Tao Fei. Was he bringing the flower to Gu Yu instead?

“Hey, what are....” Zhang Siyi didn’t even get three words out before he saw Bai Rui reach over and press the button for floor 17; one floor higher than Borderless’s offices.

After watching Tao Fei press the button for floor 16, Bai Rui quietly asked Zhang Siyi: “Did you say something?”

Zhang Siyi: “Oh, nothing...” ....Strange, wasn’t Bai Rui looking for him? Does he have other acquaintances in the building?

Soon, the elevator opened at the floor where the offices of Borderless were located. Tao Fei first stepped out of the elevator and as Zhang Siyi followed closely behind, Bai Rui smiled and waved at them.

Feeling confused, Zhang Siyi looked at Tao Fei in a daze. With even less understanding of the situation, Tao Fei just shrugged. As they walked back to their department, they passed the front desk and saw a box and a large covered rectangular object leaning against the receptionist’s desk.

“Ah, wait a minute...” The young girl at the front desk called the two of them over. She pointed at the box and explained: “The new company upstairs gave us these chocolates liquors. Take some if you want.”

Zhang Siyi’s jaw dropped in surprise. Thinking Bai Rui was simply at the building to meet himself, Zhang Siyi felt very embarrassed.

Tao Fei was also very surprised. When he came over and looked closer, he noticed a stack of business cards next to the box of chocolates. The name of the company was printed on the top: Feng Qi Modern Art Curator and Auction Consultants.

Zhang Siyi was shocked. Bai Rui had moved his company to the office above Borderless!

“What is this? A painting?” Tao Fei glanced at the rectangular object with bubble-wrap wrapped around it protectively.

Smiling, the girl nodded affirmatively and said: “Yes, but this painting is for Director Gu.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

“What is for me?” a voice asked. Gu Yu coincidentally was passing by when he heard his name. Since Zhang Siyi was with Tao Fei, he came straight over to see what’s going on.

The receptionist quickly explained the situation to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu glanced at the company’s business card and asked: “Why give this to me?”

Since he didn’t run into Bai Rui, he might not realize it was Bai Rui’s company upstairs. Zhang Siyi pointed to ‘Feng Qi’ on the business card. Translating from Chinese to English, it can be translated as Vini.

Narrowing his brow slightly, Gu Yu frowned. He bent down to pick up the picture frame and asked: “What did the representative say exactly?”

The girl replied: “He said: ‘For your director’.”

Gu Yu carefully opened the work. As the wrap fell to the ground, the painting’s image became clearer. When unveiled, the solid-color geometric watercolor image jumped out and shined brightly.

Zhang Siyi couldn’t see what the painting was, however, the mystery was answered when Tao Fei spoke: “Isn’t this a watercolor painting by Steven Holl?”

Gu Yu looked at the signature at the bottom carefully and said: “Yes.”

Zhang Siyi had never heard of the name. He eagerly asked: “Who’s that?” “

Tao Fei explained: “An American architect. He designed the Sifang Art Museum in Jiangsu province. His watercolors are very famous. I remember seeing this painting from a collection on the internet. Hmm, what’s it called....”

Gu Yu answered: “Edge of the City.”

“That’s it!” Looking at the painting, Tao Fei touched his chin in thought. He sighed: “Wow, if that’s the original... I thought Steven Holl’s paintings where still on display at the Walker Center for the arts in Minneapolis.”

As Gu Yu spoke with Tao Fei about the artist, he rewrapped the painting.

Even though Tao Fei and Gu Yu know Bai Rui through Zhang Siyi, he immediately felt angry and wanted to prevent Gu Yu from accepting the painting. Knowing how much the painting caused him to feel completely jealous, Zhang Siyi felt even more like a child throwing a tantrum. As a result, instead of speaking up, he retrained himself and remained quiet.

As Zhang Siyi feelings of inferiority grew, his sour mood also grew. It reminded him of the time when Tao Fei first came to the company and that feeling was terrible!

Gu Yu looked at Zhang Siyi and handed the painting back to the receptionist. “I’ll have to trouble you to help with giving the painting back. I won’t accept it.”

Surprised, Tao Fei loudly and excitedly exclaimed: “What? It was given to the company so give it to me!”

Gu Yu chuckled and ignored him. Before returning to his office, Gu Yu casually grabbed two chocolates from the box and turned to speak to Zhang Siyi: “Zhang Siyi, follow me.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

Now that they were inside Gu Yu’s office, like Tao Fei mentioned, Zhang Siyi also asked: “Since he sent it in the name of his company, why didn’t you accept it?”

“What would be the point? He might have sent the painting in the name of his company today, but tomorrow I will have to find something of the same value to give back.” Gu Yu poured himself a glass of water then asked: “Are you sure that company upstairs is Bai Rui’s?”

“Well, I met him at noon while I was with Tao Fei.” Zhang Siyi looked downwards as he spoke. He could tell, Gu Yu liked the painting a lot.

Before, when Gu Yu had glanced at him, did Zhang Siyi’s expression give away his feelings? If Gu Yu hadn’t walked by at that moment and instead, spoke with the receptionist at a time when Zhang Siyi wasn’t present, would he have accepted the painting?

With Zhang Siyi’s grave thoughts, he suddenly felt depressed. He isn’t rich like Bai Rui and isn’t clever like Tao Fei. ...... What could he possibly do for Gu Yu?

Silently watching Zhang Siyi intently, Gu Yu peeled both chocolates. He put one into his own mouth then placed the other into Zhang Siyi’s mouth.

Lost in his own thoughts, he was caught off guard as Gu Yu placed the chocolate in his mouth then quickly followed it with his lips.

Holding the back of his head firmly, Gu Yu kissed Zhang Siyi deeply.

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