Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1191: 1173 Chaos Mountain Road

Chapter 1191 1173. Chaotic mountain road

Sakia jumped off his horse and drew the knight's sword from his waist.

Nowadays, the crowded mountain roads are full of ignited tarpaulins and vehicle frames. Although ordinary horses that have not undergone war horse training still have an advantage in mobility, their controllability is no longer trustworthy.

Maybe these frightened horses would become confused and rush out into the mountain stream carrying people on their backs.

The Scoia'tael were rushing down from the high ground on the side of the mountain road.

Among them were dwarves, elves, and a few halflings wielding short swords and daggers.

A dwarf wielded an axe, trying to take advantage of his low position to swing the ax directly, cutting off the female warrior's ankles, or smashing them through the armor.

If Lan En were here, he would most likely lift his front foot just in time when the ax blade approached, and let the ax blade pass by the sole of his foot.

However, although Saskia is considered excellent in terms of eyesight and skills, he still cannot reach Lan En's level.

But there is one thing. Compared with normal people, her physical fitness is not generally better.

The female warrior wearing a suit of armor took off directly at this moment!

There is no skill at all, but because of the strong strength of the legs, it does not look cumbersome at all.

The armor all over her body made a "clatter" sound due to her sudden exertion of force.

The leather straps between the armor parts were stretched straight.

The dwarves who struck out with the ax were shocked.

But just as he opened his mouth in shock, a knight's sword was chopped off on his head!

With the crisp sound of metal hitting each other, the helmet on the dwarf's head was smashed into a five centimeter-deep dent by the sword blade.

It wasn't cut through, but the blood was already flowing down from the dwarf's head like earthworms, and the pupils of his eyes turned up uncontrollably.

He immediately fell to the ground and became motionless.

Although the dwarves in this world look similar to the dwarves in the world of Arda, there is no doubt that most of them do not have the ability to resist the Shutter Hammer with their heads like Thorin Oakenshield.

There was fire and smoke all around, mixed with roars and shouts that were loud but indistinct in the chaos.

Sakia didn't stop.

Although her battlefield experience is not sufficient, the combative and dangerous nature in her heart has already driven her to take action.

In this nature, she was not hot-headed, but calmed down.

There was a sound of wood falling apart behind him. Sakia jumped higher this time, avoiding the burning and shattering frame behind him, and jumped onto the broken car board.

Yarpan was swinging his ax vigorously next to him to deal with the long knives of the two elves.

On the road next to them, Paulie Dahlberg of the dwarf team was also dealing with a halfling, while his brother Regan Dahlberg leaned back and pressed his legs against the board, trying to control the horse pulling the cart.

The horses roared wildly, their hooves flapping, dragging the frame, all they wanted to do was escape from the flames that were devouring the canvas behind them.

"Let the horse hit the mountain wall! Reagan! Let the carriage hit the mountain wall they rushed down!"

Yarpan roared loudly while dealing with the two elves.

"Better just fall apart there! Block them!"

Reagan Dahlberg didn't know if he heard it in the chaos, but he was having a hard time controlling the frantic carriage.

At this time, a short-haired dwarf with a cockscomb head jumped onto the burning frame from the side.

The movement almost made people think that he wanted to set himself on fire!

But Zoltan did not fail. He successfully ran to Reagan in a suicidal manner and worked with him to reverse the direction of the carriage.

Several horses rushed towards the mountain wall, and at the last moment instinctively ran away to the left and right.

The scattered forces pulled each other and the car slowed down.

Zoltan and Regan took advantage of the situation and ran onto the carriage shaft, and quickly cut off the reins of the horses with their axes, letting the horses run away, leaving only the burning carriage blocking the mountain wall where the Scoia'tael rushed down.

Among the Clinfield Marauders, Buchter was hit by an arrow in his right arm. The arrow seemed to be extremely painful, making this bull-like man unable to hold the machete in his hand.

Paulie Dahlberg quickly pulled him aside under the cover of other predators, who was so painful that he was unconscious.

But no place is safe now.

A Scoia'tael came out from behind the broken carriages piled up on the ground. Paulie immediately put down Buchter and picked up the ax to face him. But Paulie's movements suddenly slowed down.

In front of him stood a dwarf, wearing a **** hat decorated with squirrel tail and a large black beard braided on his chin.

Paulie hesitated.

But the black-bearded dwarf opposite didn't hesitate for a moment.

He raised the mace in his hand and smashed it towards the opposite side. It was about to sink into Paulie's collarbone!

But Buchter was the leader of the marauders after all. Although the arrow in his right hand was extremely painful, he still gritted his teeth and swept across the ground, knocking the black-bearded dwarf with his hands up in the air and tripping him.

Finally, it was Paulie's ax that cut into the opponent's back with a suffocating sound of bone shattering. The ax blade was embedded inside and could not be pulled out.

The core muscles of the dwarf on the ground suddenly weakened. His hands slapped the ground feebly, and his feet kicked the soil randomly.

Paulie felt his eyes were dizzy.

In the end, Buchter cursed in pain and put the mace in the black-bearded dwarf's hand into his hand, and then he had a weapon again.

The forward team, which only sent a few people to attack, was in such chaos. Not to mention those at the rear of the team who were taken care of by the Scoia'tael.

Everyone is too busy looking after themselves now. Saskia is struggling with an elf and a halfling.

The two people went up and down, attacking in a series of ways with complementary height differences.

This made Saskia's already not very rich combat experience even more difficult to deal with.

It is true that her physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but her physical strength cannot allow him to ignore iron weapons. These things are still lethal to her.

On the mountain wall halfway up the slope, a male elf was holding a bow and arrow, and the triangular arrow was aimed at the entangled Sakia.

The elf's eyes were very strange. He had the focus of a shooter, but he looked at Sakia with a bit of aloofness.

It was as if he recognized her as someone else.

With the accuracy of an elf archer, he was able to pierce the weak point of Saskia's protection with the arrow in the chaos.

"For... love Lirian!"

The male elf shouted, as if he wanted to use this war cry to dispel his hesitation and confusion.

But he was a step late.

A crossbow arrow shot from the direction of the human hit his left rib first. The crooked arrow passed by Saskia's side, causing her to turn her head and see the male elf finally fall down.

"Love Lirian!"

He was still shouting.

Soon after, the battle was over.

The Scoia'tael retreated as suddenly as they had launched the attack, taking many casualties and leaving more than twenty corpses behind.

In humans, twice as much.

But inexplicably, the rear convoy, which should have been in chaos and suffered more serious damage, miraculously maintained stability for some unknown reason.

It was as if a strong core team suddenly appeared among a group of rabble.

When Lan En and Triss returned to Siward's team, what they saw was the burned wreckage all over the place, the canvas and wood still smoking with choking black smoke, the blood stains on the ground, and the wailing wounds. who.

The two of them were already feeling anxious and shocked by the various discoveries they made in the deep mountains and forests, and they rushed back in a hurry to make the team turn around and escape and withdraw from the Pontal Valley.

But they didn't expect that they had only been out for more than three hours and less than four hours in total, and it was just past noon now.

As a result, when I came back, I saw that the team was already in this situation.

Even with the psychological qualities of the sorceress and the demon hunter, both of them couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"What's happening here?"

Triss asked the forward scout team first.

"Scia'tael attack! What else could it be? You have nothing to do now. Wait! Are you the sorceress?"

In the midst of the mess, Nischuka, who was originally wearing a magic cloak but was now burned, first growled impatiently, turned around and saw the person clearly, and then said in surprise.

"Dear lady, please use magic to help him! He is in so much pain that he can't bear it anymore!"

Looking at Buchter, who was leaning on the side of the broken wheel, his disheveled mohawk hair stuck to his scalp with cold sweat, and he was already half-dead, Triss could only squat down first, with a magic light coming out of his hand.

Use magic to temporarily stop the pain.

Lan En frowned and looked around at the chaotic scene after the battle.

He nodded to Triss who was squatting down, indicating to her to save people first.

He continued to walk into the dispersed team.

Closer to the inside, the dwarves were packing up the shafts, axles, and other things, hoping to see if they could be reinstalled later.

They were lucky enough to survive the surprise battle without any attrition.

But as the leader, Yarpan also knew that this was indeed just good luck. Otherwise, two of them might die directly.

"You want to be ruthless! You won't hesitate to be ruthless! Do you know that?"

Yalpen held Paulie Dahlberg's still confused head in his arms.

It was unclear whether the tone was comforting or reprimanding.

"They are enemies! They have been enemies since they chose this path! Just think of them as highwaymen suffering from dwarfism and just smash their heads! Don't think about anything else!"

"You were lucky this time, otherwise the hammer would have been embedded in your collarbone now! How do you want me to explain it to your mother? What do you want me to tell your mother after you ask Reagan to go home?"

After that, Yarpan let go of Pauli, whose tears, beard, and snot were all mixed together, turned around, hugged Zoltan again, and let out a deep breath.

"Thank you, Zoltan. Without you, Reagan would probably be here too. Oh, this really scares me."

Yalpen sighed.

On the contrary, Zoltan, who had a blackened face, smiled and patted his shoulder.

"You know me, Yarpin. There's no way I was just watching at that time!"

(End of chapter)

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