Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1222: 1204 Sacrifice the Dragon Slayer Saint

Chapter 1222 Chapter 1204. Sacrifice the Dragon Slayer Saint

And this so-called ‘trade-off’ is actually the key to how Lan En and Iorveth want to tell Saskia how to solve the racial conflict problem.

That is - the so-called [sacrifice].

‘Sacrifice’ is the most noble act that an intelligent being can perform.

If you want to build a racially equitable city, then people must make sacrifices for that vision.

The non-human race must face the cruel reality. They must sacrifice their hatred and start to stand with the farmers among humans.

Perhaps humans destroyed their civilization and massacred them first.

But today’s social situation is one where human beings are absolutely powerful. To fight for survival and racial equality, one must ‘forget’ one’s hurt past.

Otherwise, if they blindly pursue revenge, humans will have absolutely no reason to stand with them.

Although they are victims, in the cruel and complicated reality, they must make 'sacrifice' for the future.

At least the hatred should be directed at the nobles among humans, and it must not spread indefinitely.

Nor can we use this as an excuse to take back what human farmers have received.

And humans also need ‘sacrifice’.

They must sacrifice their original social status above that of the inhuman race.

Originally, even a human farmer digging for food in the fields would feel a little superior when facing an inhuman race.

But by the same token, if they want to gain support from non-human races in peasant uprisings, human farmers must abandon their ridiculous sense of superiority.

After all, everyone has to sacrifice some of their own persistence before they can unite as a whole and start moving towards the future.

In Lan En's home world, this is called "tolerance for the sake of the country" and "putting aside disputes".

But the non-human races in this world have a deep hatred for humans, and the farmers in this world are short-sighted, timid and repetitive.

They have no so-called feelings of family and country and great righteousness.

In the process of uniting to do things, they are bound to be capricious and even turn against one another.

They cannot be expected to have a strong and courageous will.

So there is only human intervention and strong interference from the top.

Force them to maintain the results they have united and achieved through their 'sacrifice'.

This process is bound to be difficult and even filled with injustices, such as the past injustices of non-human races.

But in order to cut off the chain of hatred, this was Lan En's 'method' of keeping silent to Saskia on the barge.

"If you can all help me and believe in me, then I am willing to give it a try for our common ideals."

After thinking deeply, Sachia spoke seriously.

Iorveth held his hands together and rubbed each other non-stop, his chest heaved violently, and he nodded heavily.

But after Sakia responded solemnly, a teasing smile appeared on the face that Iorveth praised highly.

She turned to look at the witcher, who was the most important person in this conversation.

"Let me be the leader on the stage, and you give advice and help from behind. It sounds like I have been ignored and become a puppet."

"If we do reach cooperation based on power and interests, then there is no doubt." Lan En nodded calmly, "This does sound like supporting a puppet."

Lan En spoke without changing his expression, words that would make anyone's blood turn cold in any power structure.

"But are we?"

The amber cat eyes of the witcher looked at each other with the eyes of the green dragon female warrior, neither of them shifting in any direction.

"We have no interests involved, no compromise or struggle for rights. Even the fact that we are sitting together now is just because our ideas are generally similar. And we are also ready to start working hard for this idea."

As he spoke, the witcher stretched out his right hand towards the female warrior across the fire.

"Now, we are gay."

Sakia looked at Lan En's face caressed by the flickering firelight in a daze, then smiled and reached out to hold it.

In the subsequent exchanges, Sakia, with the help of Iorveth and Lan En, managed to clarify his thoughts and had a simple idea for the future.

Aedirn's high-pressure environment for farmers was a perfect setting for organized riots.

But why should the rioting farmers listen to the leadership and advice of someone they don’t know? Although according to Iorveth's theory, Saskia does look like the ideal idol in the riot.

But if people cannot be convinced and awed, then when this beautiful female warrior appears in the riot team, it is more likely that the rioters will regard her as a 'trophy'.

No matter what, she needs to make a name for herself first.

A name that is loud enough, awe-inspiring, and convincing.

Then use this name to participate in the peasant riots that will inevitably break out in Aden.

"[Dragon Slayer]!" Iorveth declared excitedly and confidently. "[Dragon Slayer Saint]!"

"Use your true appearance to attract hunters to hunt you down. Then hide in a cave and come out as a human, claiming to have killed the dragon!" "Just like what the Clynnfield predators said, not many people dare to do so. Go into the cave and look at the corpse of the evil dragon. As long as you bring out a small box of gold and silver treasures and claim that this is the evil dragon's collection, who can say otherwise? "

Lan En said that this proposal was an option, but unexpectedly, Saskia seemed to be very interested in having a real dragon of his bear the title of [Dragon Slayer], and immediately nodded frequently.

Although it is said that a free city-state with racial equality is to be established, it is best not to reveal the identity of the True Dragon of Sakia.

Because although true dragons are classified as intelligent races among demon hunters and warlocks, they are no different from elves and humans.

However, the level of knowledge of demon hunters and warlocks is truly high-level intellectuals in this magical medieval age.

Can anyone else compare? Can it be compared to the social average?

Because of its appearance and long-term reputation, most people still regard real dragons as a kind of 'monster'.

Elves and humans may obey the command of a dwarf, but they will never listen to the command of a water ghost or evil ghost.

It is impossible to unite around a 'monster' and talk about equality.

Later, Lan En did not participate deeply in the more detailed discussion of this plan.

As he said, he helps behind the scenes but doesn't appear too much in front of the stage.

He told Sakia that he had some assets in Novigrad. If he needed help, it would be no problem whether it was to find the Ember Knights or Dudu in Novigrad.

He would say hello to all these characters under him.

"Then we must act immediately, time waits for no one!"

The one-eyed elf said confidently.

Seeing that his ideal of saving the race was finally starting to get on the right track, he now only felt full of energy.

The night is dark, and the petals of the wild roses that bloom freely under the influence of the magic of chaos are stained with dew and emit a delicate fragrance.

But these beautiful scenery and fragrances cannot affect Iorveth's increasingly strong will at all.

He immediately pulled Saskia from the campfire and left to talk to his remaining Scoia'tael men.

Saskia complained that she was still a wounded person, but Iorveth said that her injuries had improved a lot with the help of the witcher, and the doctors in his army were enough to deal with it.

Among non-human races, herbalism is quite popular because they have lived in this world for longer. The overall medical level is better than that of humans.

At least the barber is not mistaken for a doctor.

After telling Sakia how to contact them, Lan En and Margarita calmly watched the other two people leave and move towards their upcoming career.

"You'll definitely be busy when you come back."

The sorceress leaned against Lan En and spoke resentfully.

"Perhaps, when your free city really makes progress, you will move there directly? You won't even wait for Aretuza."

"Then build a normal portal on both sides of the future Free City and Aretusa."

Lan En shrugged and said quite nonchalantly.

"How much can it cost? Twenty to thirty thousand orens? I can make a customized order for the college."

"Hey!" Margarita patted the demon hunter beside her with her palm in dissatisfaction.

Except for some cases where Lan is guilty of machismo and insists on paying for himself out of pride, such as space expansion packs and making witcher equipment.

The rest of the time, Margarita enjoyed covering all his expenses.

Sometimes, Lan En insists on paying out of her own pocket, which she thinks is ‘depriving herself of the pleasure of spending money’.

Although the asset gap between the two people is rapidly decreasing with the Valyrian Steel business and the conquering of the steel market, Margarita just likes to spend money on him.

The witcher took off the leather gloves on his hands and casually tucked the loose hair on the sorceress's face behind her ears.

The direct contact of skin and the stimulation of chaotic magic caused the sorceress to tremble slightly with pleasure.

And he took out a breath and let out a gentle sigh that made people think.

"Maybe I will indeed become a little busier in the future." Lan En said calmly, "But like I said, I mainly do behind-the-scenes support and planning."

"And this matter cannot be achieved without the support of the academy. Even one of my major roles is to build a bridge between the future Free City and Aretusa."

The witcher looked down at the dean who was thinking a little in happiness.

"There are risks for Aretuza and the warlocks to get involved in the cause of racial equality, but there are also opportunities."

"A free city-state. Just like Novigrad, how many forces are now occupying the base of the Pearl of the North? Big and small, overt and covert, aren't they all trying to make waves of gold coins surge in the city? Eat the next one and expand your influence?”

"A considerable number of warlocks agree with the concept of racial equality. After all, there are quite a few of you with mixed elven blood, right? I remember that Yennefer has a quarter."

"Huh?" Margarita seemed to be alert for a moment, "Why do you remember her so clearly?"

Lan En, who was originally prepared to analyze the interest relationship thoroughly, was paused when he heard this, and then looked at Margarita speechlessly.

(End of chapter)

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